(1) Successit eī Ulpius Crīnītus Trāiānus nātus Ītalicae in Hispāniā, familiā antīquā magis quam clārā. Nam pater eius prīmum cōnsul fuit. Imperātōr autem apud Agrippīnam in Galliīs factus est. Rem pūblicam ita adminstrāvit, ut omnibus prīncipibus meritō praeferātur, inūsitātae cīvīlitātis et fortitūdinis.

(2) Rōmānī imperiī, quod post Augustum dēfēnsum magis fuerat quam nōbiliter ampliātum, fīnēs longē lātēque diffūdit. Urbēs trāns Rhēnum in Germāniā reparāvit. Dāciam Decibalō victō subēgit, prōvinciā trāns Dānubium factā in hīs agrīs, quōs nunc Taifalī, Victoalī et Tervingī habent. Ea prōvincia deciēs centēna mīlia passuum in circuitū tenuit.

    Trajan Emperor, 98117 CE

    Dio Cassius 68.8-69.3

    (1) : dative object of successit refering to Nerva

    Ulpius Crīnītus Trāiānus: Marcus Ulpius Trajan was born at Italica near Seville in Spain, September 18, 52 CE. He was trained to arms, and rose through the various offices to the rank of praetor. He was adopted by Nerva in 97. After Nerva's death he became emperor, being the first Roman emperor who was born out of Italy. He was a great soldier and a good administrator. Good sense, a knowledge of the world, and sound judgment characterized him. Just and sincere in his desire for the happiness of the people, he was one of the best emperors that governed Rome. He crushed the Dacians, successfully waged war against the Parthians, and brought peace and prosperity to the whole Roman world (Hazzard).

    Nam pater eius prīmum consul fuit: Trajan's father was the first one in his family to attain the consulship

    apud Agrippīnam: understand Coloniam, in full Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium, the modern Cologne.

    ita...ut: "in such a way that," introducing a result clause (AG 537)

    omnibus prīncipibus: dative object of praeferātur

    inūsitātae cīvīlitātis et fortitūdinis: "(a man) of extraordinary lack of pretension and bravery." The genitive of quality (AG 345) without a signaling noun like vir is unusual.

    (2) trāns Rhēnum: the Rhine River

    Dāciam: Trajan conducted two campaigns against the Dacians, 101103 and 104106 CE. On his return from the second campaign he celebrated a triumph and entertained the people with games lasting 123 days. "It is said that 11,000 animals were slaughtered during these amusements, and that 10,000 gladiators fought in the arena" (Hazzard, quoting Smith, s.v. M. Ulpius Traianus).

    Decibalō victō: ablative absolute with a perfect passive participle (AG 419). Decebalus was king of Dacia.

    trāns Dānubium: modern name Danube

    Taifalī, Victoalī et Tervingī: the Taifali, Victohali, and Thervingi were all Germanic peoples who were forced out of their homes in what is now Eastern Europe by the nomadic Huns. They attempted to migrate into Roman territory and were initially opposed by the Romans, but later took control in the area around the Danube.

    in circuitū: "in circumference." Eutropius' knowledge of the circumference of Dacia probably derived from his administrative duties. (Bird)

    tenuit: = habuit (Hazzard)

    Core Vocabulary | Numbers | Dates


    succēdō, ere, cessī, cessus

    to come up, advance; succeed, follow

    Ulpius, ī, m.

    family name of (M.) Ulpius Crīnītus Trāiānus, Roman emperor 98–117 A.D.

    Crīnītus, ī, m.

    "long-haired," a cognomen of the emperor Trajan

    Trāiānus, ī, m.

    cognomen of (M.) Ulpius Crīnītus Trāiānus, Roman emperor 98–117 A.D.

    Ītalica, ae, f.

    a city in Spain

    Hispānia, ae, f.

    Spain (including Portugal). It was divided into two provinces, Hispania Citerior and Ulterior; hence the pl. Hispaniae.

    Agrippīna, ae, f.

    a city in Belgic Gaul

    Gallia, ae, f.

    the country of the Gauls; modern France and the territories on the west bank of the Rhine. The northern part of Italy was settled by Gauls, and was called Gallia Cisalpina; hence the pl. Galliae.

    administrō, āre, āvī, ātus [ad + ministrō, to manage]

    to manage, govern, regulate, carry on (war)

    meritō [meritum, desert], adv.

    deservedly, justly

    praeferō, —ferre, —tulī, —lātum

    to put before, prefer

    inūsitātus, a, um [in + ūsitātus, usual], adj.

    unusual, unfamiliar, novel

    cīvīlitās, ātis [cīvīlis], f.

    lack of pretension, courteousness, politeness, affability

    fortitūdō, inis [fortis], f.

    courage, bravery

    Augustus, ī, m.

    a title of honor given to Octavianus in 27 BC and after him to all the Roman emperors 2

    ampliō, āre, āvī, ātus [amplus]

    to enlarge, magnify

    diffundō, ere, fūdī, fūsus

    to spread out, extend, stretch

    Rhēnus, ī, m.

    the Rhine

    Germānia, ae, f.


    reparō, āre, āvī, ātus

    to renew

    Dācia, ae, f.

    a country north of the Danube

    Decibalus, ī, m.

    a celebrated king of the Dacians

    subigō, ere, ēgī, āctus

    to drive under, put down, conquer

    Dānuvius, ī, m.

    the Danube river

    Taifalī, ōrum, pl. m.

    a tribe of Dacia

    Victoalī, ōrum, pl. m.

    a West Gothic people

    Tervingī, ōrum, pl. m.

    a people of Dacia

    passus, ūs, m.

    a step, pace; mīlle passuum, pl. mīlia passuum, a Roman mile 

    circuitus, ūs [circumeō], m.



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