(1) Hīc permīsit virīs clāriōribus, ut convīvia eōdem cultū, quō ipse et ministrīs similibus exhibērent. In ēditiōne mūnerum post victōriam adeō māgnificus fuit, ut centum simul leōnēs exhibuisse trādātur.

(2) Cum igitur fortūnātam rem pūblicam et virtūte et mānsuētūdine reddidisset, obiit XVIII imperiī annō, vītae LXI, et omnibus certātim adnītentibus inter dīvōs relātus est.

    The Death of Marcus Aurelius (180 CE)

    Historia Augusta, Marc. Aur. 28

    (1) virīs clāriōribus: "rather famous men," dative after compound verb permīsit (AG 368.3), comparative denoting a considerable degree, rather than explicit comparison (AG 291.a).

    quō ipse: ablative of manner, referring to cultū (AG 298)

    cultū: "splendor," "refinement," in dress, tableware, food, etc. (LS cultus B.3), the most common meaning of the word

    ut ... exhibērent: "to provide, put on" (LS exhibeo); convīvia ("dinner parties") is the direct object. This sort of substantive clause of result is normal after permitto = "allow" (LS permitto II.B.3), where English uses the infinitive.

    similibus: of similar (high) quality

    mūnerum: "shows," "spectacles," especially gladiatorial exhibitions and beast shows, which were occasional and typically financed by the imperial budget in this period, thus making them an apt index of the emperor's generosity to the general public

    victōriam: in the Marcomannic Wars. See 8.13.2.

    adeō: result clause (AG 537)

    trādātur: "he is said" (LS trādō II.B.b)

    (2) reddidisset: "had rendered, made" (LS reddo II.7), a very common meaning of the verb

    obiit: Marcus Aurelius died at Vindobona, now Vienna, in 180 CE (Hazzard).

    vītae LXI: it is generally said that he died in the fifty-ninth year of his life (Hazzard).

    omnibus certātim adnītentibus: ablative absolute using a present deponent verb (AG 419)

    inter dīvōs relātus est: see apotheosis

    Core Vocabulary | Numbers | Dates


    cultus, ūs [colō], m.

    cultivation, worship; culture, training; mode of life; dress, splendor

    minister, trī, m.

    an attendant, servant

    exhibeō, ēre, uī, itus

    to hold forth, show, display; furnish, procure

    ēditiō, ōnis [ēdō], f.

    the putting on, mounting (of public games, etc.)

    māgnificus, a, um [māgnus + faciō], adj., sup. māgnificentissimus

    splendid, magnificent, noble

    leō, ōnis, m.

    a lion

    fortūnātus, a, um [fortūna], adj.

    lucky, fortunate 2

    mānsuētūdō, inis [mānsuētus, tame], f.

    mildness, gentleness

    obeō, īre, īvī (iī), itus

    to go to meet; attend to, perform; die, perish

    certātim [certo, to fight], adv.

    in rivalry, zealously

    adnītor, ī, nīsus or nīxus sum

    to lean against or upon; strive


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