(1) Post hunc imperāvit M. Antōnīnus Vērus haud dubiē nōbilissimus, quippe cum eius orīgō paterna ā Numā Pompiliō, māterna ā Solentīnō rēge pendēret, et cum eō L. Annius Antōnīnus Vērus.

(2) Tumque prīmum Rōmāna rēs pūblica duōbus aequō iūre imperium administrantibus pāruit, cum ūsque ad eōs singulōs semper habuisset Augustōs.


    Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus Emperors, 161169 CE

    Historia Augusta, Life of Marcus Aurelius

    (1) hunc: Antoninus Pius

    M. Antōnīnus Vērus: Marcus Aurelius. He was the adopted son of Antoninus Pius. When only twelve years old he devoted himself to the study of philosophy, attaching himself to the Stoic school. After he became emperor he associated Lucius Antoninus Verus, his brother by adoption, with him in the government. Although they were entirely different in character, they reigned conjointly with no disagreement. His Meditations have survived (Hazzard).

    quippe cum: "in as much as," "since"

    orīgō paterna...pendēret: "his paternal ancestry derived from" (LS pendeo II.A). Marius Maximus provided the details of the family origins from Numa Pompilius and King Malemnius of the Sallentini in Calabria (H.A. Marc. Aur. 1.6) (Bird).

    L. Annius Antōnīnus Vērus: Lucius Verus, co-emperor of Rome with his adoptive brother Marcus Aurelius from 161 CE until his own death in 169.

    (2) duōbus…administrantibus: dative objects of pāruit (AG 367)

    ūsque ad ?eōs: "until them," i.e. the joint reign of Marcus Aurelius Lucius Verus

    singulōs semper habuisset Augustōs: "one Augustus (emperor) at a time" (Hazzard)



    M., abbreviation of the praenomen Marcus; M'., abbreviation of the praenomen Manius

    Antōnīnus, ī, m.

    the name of a dynasty of Roman emperors. (1) T. Aurēlius Antōnīnus Fulvius Bōiōnius Pius, 138–161 A.D.; (2) M. Aurēlius Antōnīnus Vērus, 161–180 A.D.; (3) L. Annius Antōnīnus Vērus, 161–169 A.D.; (4) L. Antōnīnus Commodus, 180–193 A.D.; (5) M. Aurēlius Antōnīnus Bassānius Caracalla, 211–217 A.D.; (6) M. Aurēlius Antōnīnus, Heliogabalus, 218–222 A.D.

    orīgō, inis [orior], f.

    an origin, source, pedigree

    paternus, a, um [pater], adj.

    fatherly, of a father

    Numa, ae, m.

    Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome, 715–672 B.C.

    Pompilius, ī, m.

    Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome, 715—672 B.C.

    māternus, a, um [māter], adj.

    of a mother, mother's; maternal, on the mother's side

    Solentinus, ī, m.

    Solentin, ancestor of the mother of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Verus

    pendeō, ēre, pependī, —

    to hang, be suspended; rest, depend

    Annius, ī, m.

    a Roman family name.

    administrō, āre, āvī, ātus

    to manage, govern, regulate, carry on (war) 2

    Augustus, ī, m.

    a title of honor given to Octavianus in 27 BC and after him to all the Roman emperors


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