(1) Sed cum Rōmae mūtātī cōnsulēs essent, Marius Marīī fīlius, ac Papīrius Carbō cōnsulātum accēpissent, Sulla contrā Marium iūniōrem dīmicāvit et XV mīlibus eius occīsīs CCCC dē suīs perdidit. Mox etiam urbem ingressus est. Marium Marīī fīlium Praeneste persecūtus obsēdit et ad mortem conpulit. Rūrsus pūgnam gravissimam habuit contrā Lamponium et Carīnātem ducēs partis Mariānae ad portam Collīnam. LXX mīlia hostium in eō proeliō contrā Sullam fuisse dīcuntur. XII mīlia sē Sullae dēdidērunt, cēterī in aciē, in castrīs, in fugā īnsatiābilī īrā victōrum cōnsūmptī sunt.

(2) Cn. quoque Carbō cōnsul alter ab Arīminō ad Siciliam fūgit et ibi per Cn. Pompēium interfectus est, quem adulēscentem Sulla atque annōs ūnum et vīgintī nātum cognitā eius industriā traditīs exercitibus praefēcerat, ut secundus ā Sullā habērētur.

    Battle of Colline Gate, 82 BCE

    Livy, Epitome 87–89. Appian, Civil Wars 1.10.89–96. Plutarch, Sulla 32.

    (1) Marius, Marīī fīlius: Gaius Marius the Younger was elected consul with Gnaeus Papirius Carbo, though he had not yet attained the legal age for the office (Hazzard).

    dīmicāvit: In 82 BCE Sulla destroyed the younger Marius' army at Sacriportus and besieged him in Praeneste where Marius committed suicide (Bird).

    XV mīlibus eius occīsīs CCCC dē suīs: ablative absolute using a perfect passive participle (AG 419). eius refers to the younger Marius, and suīs refers to Sulla's men.

    ad mortem conpulit: "forced to commit suicide" (see Suet. Tib. 56.1)

    Lamponium et Carīnātem ducēs: Marcus Lamponius and Gaius Carrinas, both supporters of Marius, fought against Sulla's forces at the Colline Gate. Carrinas was captured and executed while Lamponius escaped.

    partis Mariānae: "the Marian faction" (LS pars II.A)

    ad portam Collīnam: The Colline Gate was one of the gates of Rome on the Quirinal Hill. The battle raged so fiercely and the result was so long in doubt, that Sulla is said to have invoked the aid of Pythian Apollo. With this battle the resistance of the Marian party in Italy was at an end (Hazzard).

    mīlia: supply militum

    (2) ab Arīminō: modern Rimini

    annōs ūnum et vīgintī nātum: Cn. Pompeius (Pompey) was twenty-four when he was sent by Sulla to Sicily where Carbo had fled. He quickly subdued the island and executed Carbo in 81 BCE (Bird).

    traditīs exercitibus praefēcerat: "put in charge of the surrendered troops." praeficiō takes a dative object (AG 370)

    Core Vocabulary | Numbers | Dates

    Marius, ī, m.

    the name of a family at Rome; (1) C. Marius, seven times consul, leader of the democratic party in the Civil war between him and Sulla. (2) C. Marius, son of (1). Consul 82 B.C.; (3) M. Aurēlius Marius, one of the Thirty Tyrants

    Papirius, ī, m. the name of a Roman gens.
    Carbō, ōnis, m.

    Cn. (Papirius) Carbō, consul 113 B.C.; (Cn.) Papīrius Carbō, consul 82 B.C.

    cōnsulātus, ūs [cōnsul], m. consulate, consulship
    Sulla, ae, m.

    L. Cornēlius Sulla, surnamed Felix, consul 88 B.C.

    dīmicō, āre, āvī, ātus to fight
    Praeneste, is, n.

    a town in Latium east of Rome, modern Palestrina

    persequor, ī, secūtus sum to pursue, prosecute; relate
    compellō, ere, pulī, pulsus to urge on, incite, impel
    Lamponius, ī, m.

    a leader of the Marian party in the Civil war between Marius and Sulla

    Carīnās, ātis, m.

    C. Carīnās, a leader of the Marian party

    Mariānus, a, um, adj. belonging or pertaining to Marius
    collīnus, a, um, [collis, a hill], adj.

    pertaining to a hill, hilly; Porta Collīna, the Colline Gate

    īnsatiābilis, e [in + satur, full], adj. insatiable
    Arīminum, ī, n.

    a town in northern Italy on the Adriatic Sea  2

    Sicilia, ae, f. the island of Sicily

    abbreviation of the praenomen Gnaeus

    Pompēius, ī, m.

    (1) Cn. Pompēius, consul 89 B.C.; (2) Cn. Pompēius, surnamed Magnus, the triumvir, consul 70 B.C.; (3) Cn. Pompēius, son of the triumvir; (4) Q. Pompēius, consul 141 B.C.; (5) Sex. Pompēius, younger son of the triumvir

    adulēscēns, entis [adolēscō, to grow up], m.

    young; as substantive, a young man

    industria, ae, f. industry, diligence; ability
    praeficiō, ficere, fēcī, fectum to place in command of, appoint


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