Professor Mulligan would like to extend his abiding thanks to his colleagues at Haverford College for their support, in particular Sydnor Roy, who allowed me to evesdrop on her Elementary Latin students as they read this commentary. Darcy Krasne and her students gave the completed text an exact review in the Spring of 2016. Other instructors too numerous to thank by name have made suggestions and caught mistakes. Students in Latin classes at Wheaton College and Haverford College made suggestions on early versions of the commentary and proved by experience those aspects of Nepos’ text that needed clarification. Haverford students Florencia Foxley (’13), Eliana Kohrman-Glaser ('15), Carman Romano ('16), Emma Mongoven (’14), and Hannah Silverblank (’12) made significant contributions to editing the commentary, as well as developing vocabulary lists and other supplemental resources. Laurie Allen (Coordinator for Digital Scholarship and Services), Michael Zarafonetis (Digital Scholarship Librarian), Margaret Schaus (Lead Research and Instruction Librarian), and Julie Coy (Visual Resources Librarian) contributed indispensable expertise throughout.

Audio recordings of the Latin are by Christopher Francese. Maps were adapted from images provided by the Ancient World Mapping Center under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC 3.0) license.

The completion of this commentary was made possible by the generous financial support of Haverford's Office of the Provost and the John B. Hurford '60 Center for the Arts and Humanities. The Dickinson College Commentaries site was created in Drupal by Ryan Burke, based on a design by Chris Stamas. The creation of this site was made possible by the Roberts Fund for Classical Studies at Dickinson College.

The Latin texts of the Prologue and the Life of Hannibal are based on that of J.C. Rolfe’s Loeb edition (1929). In addition to minor alterations to the punctuation of the text, two changes have been made in accordance with the judgment of Marshall 1977: in 4.3 nimium is read for etiam tum; and in 9.3 omnēs suā pecūniā for omnī suā pecūniā. To avoid unnecessary confusion, servulīs is read for servolīs in 8.2 and Prūsias is read for the analogous Prūsia in 12.3. Macrons have been added to the text in accordance with the quantities found in the Woordenboek Latijn/Nederlands (2011, 5th revised edition).