Recommended Works on Cornelius Nepos and Ancient Biography

Hägg, T. 2012. The Art of Biography in Antiquity. Cambridge University Press, 187–196. Preview available.

Pryzwansky, M. 2009–2010. "Cornelius Nepos: Key Issues and Critical Approaches." Classical Journal 105.2: 99–108. 

Stem, R. 2012. The Political Biographies of Cornelius Nepos. University of Michigan Press. Preview available.

Titchener, F. 2002. "Cornelius Nepos and the Biographical Tradition." Greece & Rome 50.1: 85–99.

Recommended Works on Hannibal and the Punic Wars

Goldsworthy, A. 2001. The Punic Wars. Cassell Press.

Hanson, V. D. 2007. Carnage and Culture: Landmark Battles in the Rise of Western Power. Anchor Press, 99–134. Preview available.

Hoyos, D. 2015. Mastering the West: Rome and Carthage at War. Oxford University Press. [Review by B. Mulligan]

MacDonald, E. 2015. Hannibal: A Hellenistic Life. Yale University Press. Preview available.

Ancient Accounts of Hannibal and the Second Punic War

Appian. Roman History: Books 7 and 8 treat the Second and Third Punic Wars, respectively. [Translation by H. White]

Eutropius. Breviarium: Books 2–4 treat the Punic Wars. [Translation by J. S. Watson]. There also exists a recent student edition of Book 3 by B. Beyer (2009. War with Hannibal. Authentic Latin Prose for the Beginning Student. Yale University Press).

Livy. History of Rome. Books 21–30 treat the Second Punic War [Translation by C. Roberts].

Polybius. Histories. Book 1 treats the First Punic War; the Second Punic War and the simultaneous conflicts in the east are treated in Books 3–15. [Translation by W. R. Paton]

Silius Italicus, Punica: a lengthy Latin epic on the Second Punic War [Translation by J. D. Duff]

 Select Films, Documentaries, and Novels

Cabiria (1914): a feature-length Italian silent film; the title character was a Roman slave who narrowly escaped from the villainous Carthaginians during the Second Punic War. Available on YouTube.

Scipio l'africano (1937): an account of Scipio's invasion of Africa, sponsored by Benito Mussolini. Caveat spectator: in the climactic Battle of Zama, several elephants are killed on screen. Available on YouTube.

Jupiter's Darling (1955): a comedic musical; while Fabius Maximus delays, Hannibal is visited by his fiancée, Amytis.

Hannibal (1959): Hannibal falls in love with the fiancée of Fabius Maximus' son, before the Battle of Cannae. Not a first-rate film.

Engineering an Empire: Carthage (2006): an episode in the History Channel's series on ancient technology. An excellent source of reconstructions and short video clips on Carthaginian archaeology, battle tactics, and more. Excerpts available on YouTube.

Hannibal: Rome's Worst Nightmare (2006): a docudrama produced by the BBC; it focuses on Hannibal's Italy campaign. Available on YouTube.

On Hannibal's Trail (2012): a BBC documentary in which three Australian brothers bike Hannibal's route from Spain through Italy to Tunis.

Anderson, P. 2006 (new edition). "Delenda est" in the Time Patrol anthology. "Delenda Est" imagines an alternative history in which time travelers kill Scipio Africanus at the Battle of Ticinus, allowing Hannibal to annihilate Rome in 210 BCE. 

Durham, David Anthony. 2006. Pride of Carthage. Anchor Press. 

Flaubert, G. 1862. Salammbo, translated by A. J. Krailsheimer. Penguin Classics (1977). Flaubert's sensuous and sensational follow-up to Madame Bovary. The novel follows Salammbo, the daughter of Hamilcar Barca, as she becomes ensnared by the intrigues of the Mercenary War. Criticized by some as an indulgent exercise in Orientalism and imperialist propaganda, Flaubert's novel helped shape the image of Carthage in art and the popular imagination. Review essay by A. Mayor, 2010.

Further Readings on Cornelius Nepos and Ancient Biography

Beneker, J. 2009/2010. "Nepos' Biographical Method in the Lives of the Foreign Generals." Classical Journal 105.2: 109–121.

Conte, G. B. 1994. Latin Literature: A History. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 221–223. Preview available.

Dionisotti, A. C. 1988. "Nepos and the Generals." Journal of Roman Studies 78: 35–49.

Elder, J. P. 1967. "Catullus I, His Poetic Creed, and Nepos." HSCP 71: 143–149.

Geiger, J. 1985. Cornelius Nepos and Ancient Political Biography. Franz Steiner Verglag.

Gibson, B. J. 1995. "Catullus 1.5–7." Classical Quarterly 45.2: 569–573.

Hallett, J. P. 2002. "Cornelius Nepos and Constructions of Gender in Augustan Poetry." In Hommages à Carl Deroux I: 254–256.

Horsfall, N. 1989. Cornelius Nepos: A Selection, Including the Lives of Cato and Atticus. Oxford University Press.

Horsfall, N. 1982. "Prose and Mime." In Cambridge History of Classical Literature, Volume 2.2: The Late Republic. Cambridge University Press, 116–119.

Jenkinson, E. 1967. "Nepos: An Introduction to Latin Biography." In Latin Biography. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1–15.

Marshall, P. K. 1977. The Manuscript Tradition of Cornelius Nepos. Institute of Classical Studies.

Millar, F. 1988. "Cornelius Nepos, Atticus and the Roman Revolution." Greece and Rome 35: 40–55.

Moles, J. L. 1989. "Nepos and Biography." Classical Review 39.2: 229–233.

Momigliano, A. D. The Development of Greek Biography. Havard University Press, 96–104. Preview available.

Nipperdey, K. and K. Witte. 1913. Cornelius Nepos. Weidmann.

Rauk, J. 1996–1997. "Time and History in Catullus 1." Classical World 90.5: 319–332.

Stem, R. 2009–2010. "Shared Virtues and the Limits of Relativism in Nepos' Epaminondas and Atticus." Classical Journal 105.2: 123–136.

Tatum, W. J. 1997. "Friendship, Politics, and Literature in Catullus: Poems 1, 65 and 66, 116." Classical Quarterly 47: 482–500.

Tuplin, C. 2000. "Nepos and the Origin of Political Biography," in Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History X: 124–161.

Wiseman, T. P. 1979. Clio's Cosmetics: Three Studies in Greco-Roman Literature. Rowman and Littlefield, 143–174.  Preview available.

Further Readings on Hannibal and the Punic Wars

Bagnall, N. 2002. Essential Histories: The Punic Wars 264146 BC. Osprey Publishing. Preview available.

Charles, M. B. and P. Rhodan. 2007. "'Magister Elephantorvm': A Reappraisal of Hannibal's Use of Elephants." Classical World 100.4: 363–389.

Daly, G. 2002. Cannae: The Experience of Battle in the Second Punic War. Routledge. Preview available.

De Beer, G. 1969. Hannibal: The Struggle for Power in the Mediterranean. Thames & Hudson. 

Garland, R. 2010. Hannibal. Bristol Classical Press.

Goldsworthy, A. 2007. Cannae: Hannibal's Greatest Victory. Phoenix.

Hoyos, D. 2010. A Companion to the Punic Wars. Wiley-Blackwell. (In particular Chs. 13, 14, 16–18, and 27). Preview available. 

Hoyos, D. 2005. Hannibal's Dynasty: Power and Politics in the Western Mediterranean, 247–183 BC. Oxford University Press. Preview available.

Lancel, S. 1998. Hannibal. Blackwell Press. 

Lancel, S. 1995. Carthage: A History. Oxford University Press. 

Lazenby, J. F. 1998. Hannibal's War: A Military History of the Second Punic War. University of Oklahoma Press. Preview available.

Little, C. E. 1934. "The Authenticity and Form of Cato's Saying "Carthago Delenda Est." Classical Journal 29.6: 429–435.

O'Connell, R. 2010. The Ghosts of Cannae: Hannibal and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic. Random House. Preview available.

Palmer, R. 1997. Rome and Carthage at Peace. Fritz Steiner Verlag. Preview available.

Peddie, J. 1997.  Hannibal's War. Phoenix Mill. [lavishly illustrated]  Preview available.

Rich, J. 1996. "The Origins of the First and Second Punic Wars," in T. Cornell, B. Rankov, and P. Sabin (eds.). The Second Punic War: A Reappraisal. Institute of Classical Studies, 1–37.

Rosenstein, N. 2012. Rome and the Mediterranean 290 to 146 BC: The Imperial Republic. Edinburgh University Press. Preview available.

Wise, T. 1982. Armies of the Carthaginian Wars 265–146. Osprey Publishing. Preview available.
