(1) Annō trecentēsimō et quīntō decimō ab urbe conditā Fīdēnātēs contrā Rōmānōs rebellāvērunt. Auxilium hīs praestābant Vēientēs et rēx Vēientium Tolumnius.

(2) Quae ambae cīvitātēs tam vīcīnae urbī sunt, ut Fīdēnae sextō, Vēī octāvō decimō mīliāriō absint. Coniūnxērunt sē hīs et Volscī. Sed Mam. Aemiliō dictātōre et L. Quīntiō Cincinnātō magistrō equitum victī etiam rēgem perdidērunt. Fīdēnae captae et excīsae.

    Revolt of the Fidenates, 425 BCE

    Annō trecentēsimō et quīntō decimō ab urbe conditā: according to Livy (4.33.1–12) Fidenae was captured in 435 BCE and again, after revolting in 425 BCE. The former capture is generally rejected as a duplication. Lars Tolumnius, King of Veii, was killed by Aulus Cornelius Cossus, in 426 BCE or 425 BCE. Cossus, one of four military tribunes with consular power, nominated Mamercus Aemilius for the dictatorship and was then appointed magister equitum. It was in the following year that L. Quinctius Cincinnatus was appointed one of the four military tribunes. Eutropius’ chronological and other errors were probably caused by the telescoping of events, either by his source or by himself, and the fact that an officer named T. Quinctius played a major role in operations (Bird).

    Auxilium hīs praestābant: hīs refers to the people of Fidenae.

    (2) Quae ambae cīvitātēs tam vīcīnae urbī sunt: "both of these states are so close to the city" (Bird). quae is a connecting relative (AG 308.f), and tam signals the following two result clauses (AG 537).

    mīliāriō: milestone, see Brev. 1.4

    coniūnxērunt sē hīs et Volscī: order: et Volscī sē coniūnxērunt hīs. et = also. For previous campaigns against the Volsci, see Brev. 1.14 and 1.15

    Mam. Aemiliō... magistrō equitum: ablative absolute

    victī: supply sunt

    Fīdēnae captae et excīsae: supply sunt

    Core Vocabulary | Numbers | Dates

    Fīdēnātēs, um, pl. m. the inhabitants of Fīdēnae
    rebellō, āre, āvī, ātus to wage war again, rebel
    Vēientēs, ium, pl. m. the people of Vēiī
    Tolumnius, ī, m.

    (Lar) Tolumnius, leader of the Veientes

    ambō, ae, ō, adj. both 2
    Fīdēnae, ārum, pl. f.

    an ancient town in the country of the Sabines, five miles north of Rome

    Vēiī, ōrum, pl. m.

    Vēiī, a powerful town in Etruria, about twelve miles from Rome

    mīliārium, ī, n. a milestone, mile
    cōniungō, ere, iūnxī, iūnctus

    to fasten together, connect, form by associating

    Volscī, ōrum, pl. m.

    an ancient tribe living in the south of Latium


    abbreviation of the archaic praenomen Mamercus

    Aemilius, ī, m.

    the name of a Roman gens; Lūcius Aemilius, consul 224 B.C.; Mārcus Aemilius (Mamercus), dictator

    Quīntius, ī, m. the name of a Roman gens.
    dictātor, ōris [dictō, to stay often], m.

    a dictator, a magistrate with supreme power, chosen at times of supreme peril

    Cincinnātus, ī, m.

    a Roman family name. L. Quīntius Cincinnātus, consul 460 B.C.; T. Quīntius Cincinnātus, conquered the Praenestini near the river Allia

    excīdō, ere, cīdī, cīsus

    to cut out, cut down, cut off; demolish, lay waste

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