Colloquium habitum apud vīllam inter Flāminiam Rōmānam et Blesillam Sēnēnsem virginēs tum nōbilēs tum etiam doctās, dē aulicā et prīvātā vīvendī ratiōne, LUISĀ SIGĒĀ auctōre
1. Vidēsne, mea Blesilla, vīllae huiusce amoenitātem? Certē sī mihi foret integrum, ac tū vellēs meīs vōtīs annuere, hīc plūsculōs diēs immorārēmur, quandō utrīque nostrum cōnferret admodum prōcrāstināre in urbem reditum, tum ad levandum animum, tum etiam ad facilius posteā tolerandōs aulicōs labōrēs ac molestiās. Ac, iuxta illud cōmicum, ex nostrō hōc propinquō rūre hoc caperēmus commodī ut nec agrī nec urbis odium nōs unquam perciperet. Ubi satiās coepisset fierī, commūtārēmus locum.
2. Praesertim cum locus ipse amoenus, et limpidissimī fontēs lēniterque submurmurantēs, ac umbrōsae arborēs flōribus et frūctū mīrificum orbis artificem testantēs, nec nōn volucrēs variō concentū factōrī suō incessanter grātiās reddentēs, omnia haec nōs ad magnārum et aeternārum rērum amōrem moveant et accēdant, istārum contrā fūtilium et inānium sīc taedium dissuādentēs. Heus, heus, omnium rērum vicissitūdō est.
colloquium colloquiī n. : talk, conversation; discussion; interview; meeting, conference
vīlla vīllae f. : farm/country home/estate; large country residence/seat, villa; village
Flāminia -ae f. : Flaminia
Rōmānus –a –um : belonging to Rome; Roman; subst., Romanus, i, m., a Roman (> Roma)
Blesilla –ae f. : Blesilla (name)
Sēniensis –e : pertaining to Sena; esp. a town in Etruria, mod. Siena
aulicus –a –um : of or pertaining to the court, princely
Luisa -ae f. : Luisa (name)
Sigēa or Sigaea -ae f. : Sigēa or Sigaea, surname of Luisa Sigea de Velasco
prooemium –ī n. : an introduction, preface, proem
Flāminia -ae f. : Flaminia
Blesilla –ae f. : Blesilla (name)
vīlla vīllae f. : farm/country home/estate; large country residence/seat, villa; village
amoenitās –ātis f. : pleasantness, delightfulness
adnuō –ere –nuī (ūtus –rare) : to nod to; with dat., acc. and dat., and infin.; ascent, consent; promise; direct, permit
plūsculus –a –um : somewhat more, a little more
immoror (inmoror) –ārī –ātus sum : to tarry or remain in, to stay upon or at, to linger near
ūter ūtris m. : a bag of hide, leathern bottle, vessel of skin, skin
admodum : very, exceedingly, greatly, quite; excessively; just so; certainly, completely
prōcrāstinō –āre : to put off till the morrow, defer, delay, procrastinate
levō levāre levāvī levātus : to lift/raise/hold up; support; erect, set up; lift off, remove (load); comfort; undo, take off; release, rid; free from (worry/expense); refresh/restore; lighten, lessen, relieve; reduce in force/potency; bring down (cost/prices); alleviate
tolerō tolerāre tolerāvī tolerātus : to bear, endure, tolerate
aulicus –a –um : of or pertaining to the court, princely
molestia molestiae f. : trouble, annoyance
cōmicus –a –um : of or pertaining to comedy, comic; (subst.) an actor of comedy, a comedian; a comic poet, writer of comedy
propinquus –a –um : near, neighboring; related; masc. sb. relatives
commodus –a –um : suitable, convenient, obliging; opportune, timely; favorable, lucky; advantageous; standard, full weight/size/measure; desirable, agreeable; good (health/news)
percipiō percipere percēpī perceptus : to take in, grasp
satiās –ātis f. : a sufficiency, abundance, plentifulness
commūtō commūtāre commūtāvī commūtātus : to change, alter
Blesilla –ae f. : Blesilla (name)
praesertim : especially; particularly
amoenus –a –um : charming; usually to the sight, delightful, pleasant
limpidus –a –um : clear, transparent
lēnis –e : gentle, kind, mild
summurmurō –āre : to murmur
umbrōsus –a –um : shady; dark, shadowy (> umbra)
mīrificus –a –um : amazing
artifex –icis m. : an artist; artificis scelus, the iniquity of the deceiver = the accursed falsifier; subtle schemer, artful deviser (> ars and facio)
testō –āre –āvī –ātus : to call upon or invoke as witness
concentus –ūs m. : a concert, symphony, harmony, harmonious music
factor –ōris m. : maker, doer, performer, batsman, oil-presser
incessanter : incessantly, continually
fūtilis (futtilis) –e : vain, weak, foolish; brittle, treacherous (> fundo)
inānis inānis ināne : void, empty, hollow; vain; inane; foolish
taedium –ī n. : weariness, irksomeness, tediousness, loathing, disgust
dissuādeō dissuādēre dissuāsī dissuāsus : to dissuade, advise against
heus : hi! hey!
heus : hi! hey!
vicissitūdō –inis f. : change, interchange, alternation, vicissitude