1. Vērum nempe est quod ais. At ego nōndum ad ista ultrō aspīrō: quīn, mihi etiamnum arrīdet aula et aulica omnia. Nam licet aliquot molestiīs, quae palātīnō convictuī īnsunt, vellem rūsticānō hoc ōtiō medērī, et hāc causā placet hīc aliquantisper immorārī, eā tamen lēge placet, dum mihi sit integrum, quotiēs iuvābit, aulam repetere. Philosophiam enim aut monachophiliam istam tuam nec laudō nec, ut vērum fatear, optō.
2. Sī sīc sentīs ut ais, nec quālis sit hic locus nostrī, nec quantum commodī ab eō possēs corrādere, sī quidem in mundānīs cadūcīsque rēbus usque adeō caecūtīs ut nōn meminerīs hūmāna omnia, ut ait Sapiēns, esse vānitātem et spīritūs afflīctiōnem, tam potentum fēlīcem ac superbam conditiōnem quam humilem ac dēiectam; cum fēlīcī (hominī) āmittendī metus immineat, īnfēlīcī vērō dūra dēspērātiō prōsperiōra unquam capessendī. Quā sī sunt quī labōrant (et sunt quamplūrimī), absūmuntur hīsce Iob verbīs, utramque fortūnam sat expertī:
Diēs meī vēlōciōrēs trānsiērunt cursōre; fūgērunt nec vīdērunt bonum.
3. Dīxī iam, mea Blesilla, nec cūrāre mē istīus modī nec cūrātūram unquam. Tūtē tibi ista habētō. Sī dolēs quod nōn ex sententiā cesserint, quae exoptābās, unde saepe prōvenit mundī dēspectus, meritō vītam praeēligis obscūram et prīvātam. Istam tū laudā, quod ēlēgeris, et praeēlige, quandō ēlēctam commendāre cōgeris. Ego vērō nōndum in pūblicā vīvendī conditiōne reprobum quidquam videō quamobrem ipsam odiō habeam; in aulicā (vītā) illā nostrā praesertim, quae, sī qua sunt nōn mortālibus expetenda, iīs omnibus abundat procul dubiō, puta disertōrum cōnsuētūdine, ac benevolā familiāritāte, concinnō corporis habitū, et habitūdinis quādam dignitāte, līberā etiam dīcendī quae placet audāciā.
4 . Quae ad omnia quantumvīs difficilia et suprā hūmānum captum possint aspīrāre quī volent, omniaque assequī, sī ad ea semel animum appulerint. Quod sī mihi obiicis prīncipum difficilem et mōrōsam servitūtem, meminētis hanc palātīnae fēlīcitātis prīmam esse partem strēnuōs nempe animōs summīs et inclutīs subdī atque suāpte nātūrā benignīs ac potentibus, quī sōlī possint beātōs reddere subditōs et īnfēlīcēs, atque hōs suspicere, contemplārī, ac omnibus hōrīs illōrum dīvīnō aspectū fruī, ā summō maximōque rērum opifice prīncipibus sōlīs concessō, ēlegantiōre ac prae aliīs splendidiōre, fruī quoque ipsōrum vīvācissimīs ingeniīs, ab ipsō vītae līmine assuētīs digna praemia bonīs tribuēre atque ē dīversō nefanda malōrum facinora aut terrōribus aut suppliciīs, ut pār est, corripere; quīque post indēfessōs labōribus animōs soleant et honōribus et amplissimīs redditibus benemerītōs subditōs ad dignitātis culmen ēvehere, ac tālēs tantōsque rei publicae exhibēre, ut eōrum posterī inclutī ac cōnspicuī ubivīs gentium effulgeant.
5. Tandem cum rēgum corda in manū Deī sint, ut testātur Scrīptūra, oportet omnīnō crēdere bona quae prīncipēs ēlargiantur longē omnibus aliīs esse meliōra. Mala vērō quibus pūnīre statuant, iūsta omnīnō esse et perquam necessāria, sīve ad compōnendōs mōrēs, sīve ut, malōrum tempestāte trānsāctā, ubi tranquillior vītae status refulserit, dulciōrem illam reddant ac suāviōrem, iuxtā Mantuānum vātem:
Forsan et haec ōlim meminisse iuvābit.
6. Lābitur praetereā in aulā tempus absque taediō, quod nōn paruī mōmentī esse iūdicō. Nam quamvīs aulicam vītam quī sunt eius expertēs ōtiōsam iūdicent, falluntur prōrsus, falluntur. In vestium enim inventīs, inque ōrnātus concinnitāte, atque in dolandīs lepidīs et sale conditīs verbīs, quibus vel virīs placeant fēminae, vel rūrsus feminis virī (placeant), vel vīlipendant illōs, quī nōn ex tempore ad oblātōs sibi salēs ingeniōsē respondēre norint, īnsūmitur sīc longum temporis curriculum ut initium cum fīne ūnīus annī īdem fermē sit.
7. Praetereō assiduum prīncipibus placendī atque apud ipsōs vel favōrem vel dignitātem mīrā arte ambiendī studium, nam hoc nōn annōs modo sed vītam paene omnem breviusculam adeō reddit ut vix sentiās, dum sēnsim abit; id quod vīlipendendum minimē cēnseō, quoniam diēs malī sunt, ut Paulus ait.
Flāminia -ae f. : Flaminia
vērum –ī n. : that which is true; truth, justice, right
nempe : indeed, to be sure, truly
ultrō : furthermore, beyond, besides; far away; gratuitously, wantonly; voluntarily
aspīrō (adspīrō) adspīrāre adspīrāvī adspīrātus : to breathe to or upon; breathe or emit fragrance; inspire; aid, favor, prosper; aspire
etiamnum or etiamnunc : yet, till now, still, even now, even to this time, even at this time
arrīdeō (adrīdeō) –rīdēre –rīsī –rīsus : to laugh at or with, to smile at or upon, especially approvingly
aula –ae (–āī) f. : a forecourt, atrium; court, peristyle (as surrounded with columns), hall; palace, royal seat
aulicus –a –um : of or pertaining to the court, princely
liceō licēre licuī : to be for sale, be priced, be valued
aliquot : some, several; a few; not many; a number (of); more than one
molestia molestiae f. : trouble, annoyance
Palātīnus –a –um : of the Palatine; the Ludi Palatini were founded by Livia in honor of Augustus (> Palatium)
convīctus –ūs m. : a living together, intimacy, social intercourse; banquet, dinner party
īnsum inesse īnfuī : to be in
rūsticānus –a –um : of the country, rustic, country
medeor mederi : to heal
aliquantīsper : for a moderate amount of time, for a while, for some time
immoror (inmoror) –ārī –ātus sum : to tarry or remain in, to stay upon or at, to linger near
aula –ae (–āī) f. : a forecourt, atrium; court, peristyle (as surrounded with columns), hall; palace, royal seat
philosophia philosophiae f. : philosophy
monachophilia -ae f. : love of the monastic life
vērum –ī n. : that which is true; truth, justice, right
Blesilla –ae f. : Blesilla (name)
commodus –a –um : suitable, convenient, obliging; opportune, timely; favorable, lucky; advantageous; standard, full weight/size/measure; desirable, agreeable; good (health/news)
corrādō –ere –rāsī –rāsus : to scrape together, rake up
mundānus –a –um : of or belonging to the world, cosmopolite
cadūcus –a –um : liable to fall; destined, doomed to fall, or die; slain (> cado)
caecūtiō –īre — — : to be blind, to see badly
vānitās –ātis f. : emptiness, aimlessness, absence of purpose
afflīctiō –ōnis f. : pain, suffering, torment
humilis humile : humble
dēiciō dēicere dēiēcī deīctum : to throw down, eject
immineō imminēre : to threaten, be a threat (to); overhang, be imminent (+ dat.)
īnfēlīx īnfēlīcis : unfortunate, unhappy; unsuccessful
vērum –ī n. : that which is true; truth, justice, right
dēspērātiō –ōnis f. : hopelessness, despair
prōsper or more frequently prōsperus –a –um : favorable to one's hope; propitious, favorable, auspicious (> pro and spes)
capessō capessere capessiī/capessīvī capessitus : to grasp, seize
plūrimus –a –um : very many, most; (sing. as subst.) many a one
absūmō absumere absūmpsī absūmptum : to take away, destroy
Iōb m. (indecl.) : Job, name of a man; esp. a biblical character famous for his misfortunes and resignation
ūter ūtris m. : a bag of hide, leathern bottle, vessel of skin, skin
satis or sat (comp. satius) : enough, sufficiently
vēlōx –ōcis : fast
cursor cursōris m. : runner, courier
Flāminia -ae f. : Flaminia
Blesilla –ae f. : Blesilla (name)
tueor tuērī tūtus sum : to see, look at; protect, watch; uphold
quod : because, the fact that
exoptō –āre –āvī –ātus : to choose out; wish exceedingly, long for, desire much
prōveniō –venīre –vēnī –ventūrum : to come forth; come about
dēspectō dēspectāre dēspectāvī dēspectātus : to look down upon (> despicio)
meritus merita meritum : deserved, due
praeēligō –ere –lēgī : to choose by preference, to prefer
obscūrus –a –um : dim, dark, obscure; dusky, shadowy, dingy; gloomy; imperceptible; inaudible; little known, insignificant (person); secret
prīvō prīvāre prīvāvī prīvātus : to deprive of
praeēligō –ere –lēgī : to choose by preference, to prefer
commendō commendāre commendāvī commendātus : to entrust, give in trust; commit; recommend, commend to; point out, designate
reprobus -a -um : rejected as below standard, base
quam ob rem : on account of which thing; therefore; why
aulicus –a –um : of or pertaining to the court, princely
praesertim : especially; particularly
expetō expetīre expetiī/expetīvī expetītus : to desire, seek out
abundō abundāre abundāvī abundātus : to overflow; abound; stream over, of a river or lake
dubium dubiī n. : doubt, hesitation
disserō disserere disseruī dissertus : to examine, argue, discuss, speak, harangue, discourse, treat
benevolus –a –um : well-wishing, kind, bountiful, friendly
familiāritās familiāritātis f. : friendship, familiarity
concinnus –a –um : neat, elegant
habitus habitūs m. : condition, appearance; style of dress, get-up, costume
habitūdō –inis f. : dress and figure; condition, plight, habit, appearance
audācia audāciae f. : boldness; recklessness, audacity, impudence; courage
quantusvīs quantavis quantumvis : as much or as many as you could wish; (neut. sing. as adv.) as much as you like
captus captūs m. : seizing, taking
aspīrō (adspīrō) adspīrāre adspīrāvī adspīrātus : to breathe to or upon; breathe or emit fragrance; inspire; aid, favor, prosper; aspire
adsequor (assequor) adsequī adsecūtus : to follow on, pursue, go after; overtake; gain, achieve; equal, rival; understand
appellō –ere –pulī –pulsus : to drive to; bring, convey to; draw up to, moor on the shore (> ad and pello)
obiiciō obiicere obiēcī obiectus : to throw before/to, cast; object, oppose; upbraid; throw in one's teeth; present
morōsus –a –um : hard to please, exacting
servitūs servitūtis f. : slavery
Palātīnus –a –um : of the Palatine; the Ludi Palatini were founded by Livia in honor of Augustus (> Palatium)
fēlīcitās –ātis f. : fertility, happiness, felicity, good–fortune, luck
strēnuus –a –um : brisk, prompt, vigorous
nempe : indeed, to be sure, truly
summus –a –um : highest; top (of); last, final
inclutus (inclitus) –a –um : famous, glorious, renowned
subdō –ere –didī –ditus : to put under; place or fasten under; bury
benīgnus –a –um : kindly, generous, liberal
subdō –ere –didī –ditus : to put under; place or fasten under; bury
īnfēlīx īnfēlīcis : unfortunate, unhappy; unsuccessful
contemptor –ōris m. : a despiser, scorner (> contemno)
dīvīnus –a –um : divine, of a deity/god, godlike; sacred; divinely inspired; supernatural; prophetic
aspectus aspectūs m. : possibility of seeing, sight
summus –a –um : highest; top (of); last, final
opifex –ficis m. : a worker, workman, mechanic, artisan
concessō concessāvī concessātus : to cease, to leave off, to desist
ēlēgō ēlēgāre : to convey away (from the family) by bequest, to bequeath away
prae : before, in front of; in the face of; in view of (verging on because); forward [prae sequor => go on before]
splendidus –a –um : shining, clear, brilliant, splendid
vīvāx –ācis : tenacious of life, long–lived; lasting long, enduring; lively
assuēscō assuescere assuēvī assuētum : to grow accustomed to
tribuō tribuere tribuī tribūtus : to divide, assign; present; grant, allot, bestow, attribute
dīvertō –ere –vertī –versus : to turn one’s self, turn or go apart
nefandus –a –um : not to be spoken; impious, execrable, accursed, abominable; perfidious; subst., nefandum, i, n., wrong (> ne and fari)
terror terrōris m. : fear, terror
corripiō corripere corripuī correptum : to seize, plunder; censure, rebuke, find fault with; hasten over; gradum corripere = hurry
indēfessus –a –um : unwearied
reditus reditūs m. : return, revenue
meritus merita meritum : deserved, due
subdō –ere –didī –ditus : to put under; place or fasten under; bury
culmen –inis n. : a top, summit, height; house top, ridge, roof (cf. columna)
ēvehō –ere –vexī –vectus : to carry forth; carry up, raise, elevate
rēs publica reī publicae f. : republic
exhibeō exhibēre exhibuī exhibitum : to hold forth, tender, present, deliver, give up, produce
inclutus (inclitus) –a –um : famous, glorious, renowned
cōnspicuus –a –um : in view, visible, apparent, obvious
ubivīs : anywhere you like, no matter where
effulgō effulgere effulsī or effulgeō effulgēre : to shine forth or brightly; be effulgent; glitter, be distinguished, conspicuous (> ex and fulgeo)
cor cordis n. : heart; mind/soul/spirit; intellect/judgment; sweetheart; souls/persons (pl.)
testō –āre –āvī –ātus : to call upon or invoke as witness
scrīptūra –ae f. : a writing, written characters; tax
omnīnō : entirely, altogether [after negatives/with numerals => at all/in all]
bonum –ī n. : a good thing; good; goods (property); blessing, happiness
ēlargior –īrī — : to give out, distribute, bestow
pūnior (poenior) –īrī –ītus : to punish, correct, chastise
iūstus –ī n. : that which is just, meet, proper, sufficient, enough
omnīnō : entirely, altogether [after negatives/with numerals => at all/in all]
perquam : as much as possible, extremely, exceedingly
necessārius –a –um : necessary/needed/essential/indispensable; vital/private (body part); inevitable; urgent/critical; unavoidable/compulsory; natural (death)
trānsigō trānsigere trānsēgī trānsāctum : to drive through, stab through, pierce through; finish, complete, accomplish
tranquillus –a –um : calm, still; subst., tranquillum, i, n., a calm; calm weather
refulgeō –ēre –fulsī –fulsus : to flash back; shine forth, flash, be radiant; glitter, glisten
suāvis suāve : agreeable, pleasant, gratifying, sweet; charming, attractive
iūxtā : near, close, near by; at the same time; near to; according to
Mantuānus –a –um : of or belonging to Mantua or to Virgil, Mantuan, Virgilian
lābor labī lapsus sum : to move gently along a smooth surface, to fall, slide; to slide, slip, or glide down, to fall down, to sink
aula –ae (–āī) f. : a forecourt, atrium; court, peristyle (as surrounded with columns), hall; palace, royal seat
taedium –ī n. : weariness, irksomeness, tediousness, loathing, disgust
parvum –ī n. – : a small estate; small property, little; pl., small affairs
mōmentum –ī n. : weight, importance; moment of time, moment
quamvīs : even though, although, however you like; altogether
aulicus –a –um : of or pertaining to the court, princely
expers expertis : lacking; having no share in
ōtiōsus –a –um : unoccupied, at leisure, idle
prōrsus –a –um : right onwards, straight, direct
ōrnō ōrnāre ōrnāvī ōrnātus : to equip; dress; decorate, honor; furnish, adorn, garnish, trim
concinnitas –ātis f. : a neat, elegant, or skillful joining of several things; beauty of style, produced by a skillful connection of words and clauses
dolō dolāre dolāvī dolātus : to hew/chop into shape, fashion/devise; inflict blows, batter/cudgel soundly, drub
lepidus –a –um : charming, nice
sāl salis m. : salt, wit
vilipendo -ere : to hold in slight esteem, despise
sāl salis m. : salt, wit
ingeniōsus –a –um : talented, naturally clever
īnsūmō īnsūmere īnsūmpsī īnsūmptum : to take for something; expend upon; bestow; assume; exhaust
curriculum –ī n. : career, course (> curro); chariot, esp. a racing chariot
fermē : nearly, almost, about; (with negatives) hardly ever
praetereō praeterīre praeterīvī/praeteriī praeteritus : to pass/go by; disregard/neglect/omit/miss; surpass/excel; go overdue; pass over
assiduus –a –um : established, steady
favor favōris m. : favor, goodwill
mīrus –a –um : marvelous, wonderful
ambiō ambīre ambiī ambītum : to go round, go about; visit (in search of support), appeal to
sēnsim : just perceptibly, gradually, by degrees, little by little, slowly, gently, softly
vilipendo -ere : to hold in slight esteem, despise
minimē : No!, by no means, not at all
Paulus –ī m. : Paulus, Paul the Apostle