A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | X | Z
Headword Definitions Occurrences in the Aeneid Sort ascending
aequor, oris, n.

an equal, horizontal, or level surface; the surface of the sea; the sea, 1.146; water, 6.355; wave, 3.197; a level field, plain, 5.456; low land, 12.524. (aequō)

oculus, ī, m.

an eye, 1.228, et al.; nūllīs oculīs, with unconcerned, untroubled eyes (as if without sight), 11.726.

pars, partis, f.

a part, freq.; share, portion, 3.223; side, part, 4.153; way, 8.21; quarter, direction, 12.521; partnership, share, 12.145; w. ellipsis of first pars, 5.108.

stō, stetī, status, 1, n.

to stand; stand up or erect, 2.774; remain standing, remain, 1.268; rise, 6.554; stand one's ground, fight, 5.414; of blood, to be stanched, 12.422; stand complete, be built, 3.110; stand at anchor, be moored, 3.277, 403; to be situated, lie, 3.210; remain firm, persistent, 7.374; to stand out with, be filled with, 6.300; to be thick with, 12.408; emphatic for esse, to be, 6.471, et al.; of the mind, to be fixed, 1.646; to depend, 2.163; (impers.), stat, it is fixed, determined, resolved, 2.750, et al.; stāre prō, to defend, 8; 653.

ventus, ī, m.

wind, 1.43, et al.; blast, 2.649.

Trōia, ae, f.

1. Troy, the capital of the Troad, 2.625, et al. 2. A city built by Helenus in Epirus, 3.349. 3. A part of the city of Acesta in Sicily, 5.756. 4. The name of an equestrian game of Roman boys, 5.602.

rēgnum, ī, n.

kingly sway; royal power or glory, 1.268; dominion, rule, sovereignty, 1.78; the territory of a king; realm, kingdom, dominion, 3.333; royal seat, 1.270; pl., realms, kingdom, 11.461; royal power, 4.591; royal abode, 12.567. (rēx)

nox, noctis, f.

night, freq.; darkness, 1.89; dark cloud, black storm-cloud, 3.198; sleep, 4.530; death, 12.310; personif., Nox, Night, the goddess of night, 3.512.


(adv.), from this place, from here, hence, 3.111; from that place, hence, thence, 3.707; from that or this time (others, from this thing), 2.97; henceforth, 2.148; for ab hōc or ab hīs, 9.763; then, thereupon, 1.194; hinc — hinc, on this side — on that, here — there, 4.40; hinc atque hinc, on both sides, on either side, 1.162. (hīc)

Iuppiter, Iovis, m.

Jupiter, son of Saturn and Rhea, and king of the gods, 1.223; Iuppiter Stygius, Pluto, 4.638.

domus, ī or ūs, f.

house, habitation, dwelling, palace, mansion, 1.637, et al.; home, 1.600; structure, building, 6.27; nest, 5.214; haunt, 3.647; abode, region, 6.534; family, house, race, posterity, country, lineage, 1.284, et al.; pl., a palatial building with its several courts; palace, 2.445; gen. as locat., domī, in the house, at home; acc., domum, homeward, home.

hostis, is, c.

a stranger; foreigner; an enemy, foe, 1.378, and freq.

locus, ī, m., pl. loca, n., and locī, m.

a place, 1.159, and freq.; site, 1.425; country, locality, region, 1.51; station, 2.30; way, 2.633; place, point, 2.322; lot, 5.492; room, opportunity, place, 4.319; space, course, 11.180.

aura, ae (archaic genit. āī), f.

the air in gentle motion; a breeze, 3.356, et al.; air, 4.278, et al.; a blast; ether, spirit, 6.747; splendor, brightness, 6.204; favor, applause, 6.816; pl., air, 1.59, 387; ad auras, to or into the air, on high, upward.

quis, qua or quae, quid or quod

(indef. pron., adj., and subst.), any, some, 2.94, et al.; some one, any one, any body, anything, something, 1.413, et al.; sī quis, nē quis, etc., if any, lest any, etc., freq.; (adv.), quid, as to anything, in anything, at all, freq.; sī quid, if at all, freq.

nātus, ī, m.

a son, 1.407; pl., nātī, children, sons, 5.285; young offspring, 8.45 (nāscor)

caput, itis, n.

the head of men or animals, freq.; (by synecdoche), the person, being, life, 2.751, et al.; living body, life, 4.699; personal interest, welfare, fortune, life, 4.354; of plants, the head or flower, 9.437; of other objects, a captain, leader, chief, 11.399, et al.; author, instigator, source, cause, 11.361; chief town, capital, sovereign city, 10.203; a peak or summit, 6.360; point, end, of a bow, 11.861; of rivers, etc., fountain-head, source, spring; pl., capita, in enumerating animals, head, 3.391; in caput, headlong, 1.116; suprā caput, overhead, above, 3.194; hōc caput, this person, myself, me, 8.570.

tēctum, ī, n.

a covering; roof, 2.302; a house, 1.425; building, 3.134; 6.29; palace, 1.632; habitation, dwelling, abode, 6.211; shelter, haunt, covert, 6.8; battlement, 9.558. (tegō)

māter, matris, f.

a mother, matron, 1.314; 2.489; parent stem, trunk, plant, or tree, 12.209; native, motherland, 10.172; Māter Īdaea, Māter (māgna), the Idaean Mother, the Great Mother of the gods, Cybele, 9.619. (μήτηρ)

is, ea, id, gen. ēius

dem. pron. 1. Subst. (= 3d pers. pron.), he, she, it, they, 3.596, et al. 2.(adj.), that, this, those, these, 2.103, et al.; such, 1.529, et al.


(conj.), while, as long as, 1.607, et al.; even while (in the act of), 6.586; until, till, 1.265; yet, as yet, 11.70; until, while (of purpose), w. subj., 1.5; provided that, if only, w. subj., 11.792.

relinquō, līquī, līctus, 3, a.

to leave behind, 3.190; commit, 7.123; spare, leave, 2.659; give up, relinquish, 4.432; desert, abandon, 2.28; leave out of sight, unnoticed, 2.454.


(conj. enclit.), usually appended to the first word in the clause or phrase, or freq.; ve — ve, either — or, both — and, 10.150.

ego, meī, pers. pron.; pl., nōs, nostrī or nostrum

I, me, etc.; (abl. with cum appended), mēcum, with me, 1.675, et al.; (pl. often for the sing.), I, me, etc.

mūrus, ī, m.

a wall, artificial or natural, 1.423; 3.535; a rampart, 9.371. (rel. to mūniō and moenia)

meus, a, um

(poss. adj. pron.), my, mine, my own, 1.664, et al.; mea, ōrum, n., my possessions, enjoyments, 12.882. (mē)

iuvenis, e

(adj.), young; in the vigor or flower of life; young, youthful, freq.; subst., iuvenis, is, c., a young person, youth; young man, 1.321, et al.

via, ae, f.

a highway, road, path, 1.401, et al.; limit, tropic, zodiac, 6.796; course, 5.28; voyage, wandering, 3.714; passage, entrance, 2.494; method, way, means, 12.405. (vehō)

campus, ī, m.

a plain, field, 5.128, et al.; a race-course, 5.144; a field of combat, 12.116; (fig.), of the surface of the sea, plain, 6.724; Mavortis Campus, the Campus Martius, or Field of Mars, on the left bank of the Tiber at Rome, 6.873.

saxum, ī, n.

a large rough stone, rock, freq., cliff, crag, stone, 1.150; 3.699.

laetus, a, um

(adj.), joyful, joyous, glad, 4.418, et freq.; delighting in (w. abl.), 1.275, 696; 2.417; springing, 10.643; sparkling, radiant, 1.591; happy, auspicious, 1.605; abounding, rich, full (w. abl. or gen.), 1.441; well fed, fat, 3.220; blissful, blessed, 6.744.

aurum, ī, n.

gold, 1.349, et al.; (meton.), a golden goblet, 7.245; golden bit, 7.279.

dūcō, dūxī, ductus, 3, a.

to lead, freq.; draw; guide, direct, conduct, 1.401; stretch, strain, draw, 11.860; draw, unsheath, 12.378; incline, 5.7; usher in, 2.802; draw over one’s self, take on, 10.192; take (a wife), raise, build, 1.423; of metals, beat out, form, fashion, 7.634; mold, express, 6.848; choose by drawing lots; choose, 2.201; receive, 5.534; spend, protract, 6.539; draw out, prolong, 2.641; continue, 1.642; calculate, reckon, 6.690; deem, think, 10.669; derive, 5.568; (pass.), dūcī, to be descended; to descend, spring from, 1.19.

longus, a, um

(adj.), long, 1.186, and freq.; extended, far-extending, 3.383; distant, 2.780; far-receding, deep, 1.159; in time, long, protracted, 2.109; long-continued, 4.463; many, 10.549; lingering, 8.488; abiding, lasting, 3.487; superl., very long, 1.641; ex longō, long, 9.64; (adv.), longum, for a long time, long, 10.740; a long distance.

amor, ōris, m.

love, affection, in all senses; the passion of love; love, affection, or esteem, in all human relations, as parental, filial, of friends, allies, etc., 4.624, et al.; of gods, 7.769; love, liking, fancy, fondness, preference, for things, 11.583, et al.; freq., the hippomanes, or bunch of flesh supposed to appear on the forehead of a new-foaled colt, and instantly devoured by the dam, unless intercepted, and used as a love-charm, 4.516; personified, Amor, ōris, m., Cupid, Love, the god of love, 1.663; pl., amōrēs, um, m., affections, love, 4.28; mutual love, 5.334. (amō)

fugiō, fūgī, fugitus, 3, n. and a.

to flee, fly, 2.528; recede, 6.61; run away from, outstrip, 10.266; flee back from, 11.405; escape, 2.156; shun, avoid; w. infin., refuse, 9.200; p., fugiēns, entis, swift, flying, 11.654. (rel. to φεύγω)

cursus, ūs, m.

a running; running, 12.890; hastening, hurrying to and fro, 4.672; speed, 5.67; way, passage, voyage, course, 1.157; career, onset, 12.489; pursuit, 9.559; hunting, the chase, 5.253; stream, current, channel, 6.313. (currō)

flamma, ae, f.

a blaze or flame; freq., fire, 6.6; torch, 6.518; signal fire, 2.256; funeral flame or fire, 5.4; lightning, 6.586; beam, 4.607; flaming brand, 2.478; burning rage; flame of wrath, wrath, revenge, 2.587; burning love, fire, passion, 1.673.

vertō, vertī, versus, 3, a. and n.

a., to turn, freq.; turn round, 12.462; turn back, put to flight, 10.512; turn toward, send to, 11.798; direct, 3.146; transfer, 11.282; reverse, 8.210; upturn, invert, 1.478; turn out, empty, drain, 9.165; overthrow, destroy, 1.20; subvert, 11.264; change, 1.237; transform, 12.891; sē vertere, to change; to be directed, to result, issue, tend, 1.671; (pass.), vertī, of the heavens, to turn round, revolve, 2.250; of the year or seasons, to come round, revolve, return, 5.526; to move about, career about, 11.683; to turn upon, depend on, 10.529; to move, be conducted, 7.101; n., to turn, be transformed, changed.

labor (labōs), ōris, m.

labor, effort, toil, working, work, 1.431, et al.; care; task, 4.115; effort, activity, of man, 11.425; adventure, enterprise, 2.385; burden, 2.708; fatigue, difficulty, hardship, 1.330; struggle, danger, distress, misfortune, calamity, woe, suffering, 1.10, et al.; hard fate, 12.727; an eclipse, 1.742; the product of work, workmanship, work, 1.455; personif., Labōs, Toil, 6.277.

miser, era, erum

adj. (cf. maereō), wretched, miserable, unfortunate, unhappy, 1.344; morbid; consuming, passionate, deep, 5.655; mean, paltry, wretched; subst., miser, erī, m., unhappy one, 3.41; miserum, as (interj.), ah! cruel lot! superl., miserrimus, a, um, 2.655, et al.

hasta, ae, f.

a spear, 2.50, and freq.; hasta pūra, a headless spear, 6.760; pampinea hasta, a thyrsus, 7.396.

nec or neque

(adv. and conj.), and not; neither, nor, 1.643, et al.; in prohibition, 3.394, et al.; neque (nec) — neque (nec), neither — nor, 5.21, et al.; nec — et, or -que, may be rendered neither — nor, 12.801; 2.534; nec nōn, and also, nor less, 6.183; nec nōn et, and also, 1.707.

āra, ae, f.

an altar, 2.514, et al.; funeral pile, 6.177; pl., Ārae, ārum, the Altars, a reef in the Mediterranean Sea between Sicily and Africa, 1.109.

tendō, tetendī, tentus or tēnsus, 3, a. and n.

to stretch; stretch forth or out, 6.314; strain, lift, raise, 2.405; hold, reach out or up, 2.674; direct, 1.410; aim, 5.489; strain, bend, 7.164; shoot, 9.606; stretch, fill, 3.268; n., reach, extend, descend, 4.446; hold, direct one's course, go to, proceed, 5.286, et al.; advance, 12.917; 9.795; hasten, 2.321; make for, advance, 2.205; hold one’s flight, fly, 6.198; make one’s way to, visit (ad omitted), 6.696; maintain, keep one's course, 5.21; stretch the tents; encamp, 2.29; tend, lead, 6.541; struggle, endeavor, strive, 5.155; contend, 12.553; design, purpose, intend, 1.18; essay, try to answer, 9.377; quō tenditis, what is your purpose? 5.670.

āter, tra, trum

(adj.), black; dark, gloomy, 1.60, et al.; smoky, lurid, 7.456; 4.384; clotted, dark, 3.622; soiled, blackened, 2.272; (fig.), sad, fatal, 6.429; venomous, deadly; of the odor of smoke, 12.591.

mors, mortis, f.

death, freq.; deadly wound, 9.348; pl., mortēs, various kinds of death, 10.854; personif., Mors, the goddess of death, daughter of Erebus and Nox, Death, 11.197. (cf. morior)

iubeō, iussī (fut. perf. iussō for iusserō, 11.467), iussus, 2, a.

to order, request, usually w. inf., freq.; bid, 2.3; ask, invite, 1.708; will, wish, desire, 3.261; direct, enjoin, admonish, 3.697; persuade, advise, 2.37; to clear by command, 10.444; w. subj., 10.53.

vulnus, eris, n.

a wound, 2.436, and freq.; blow, 5.433; aim, thrust, 2.529; of the mind, distress, 12.160; heart-wound, passion, 4.2; of revenge, 1.36.

genus, eris, n.

birth, origin, lineage, descent, 1.132; noble birth, nobility, 5.621; offspring, progeny, 5.737, et al; a son, descendant, 6.500; family, 4.365; tribe, people, nation, race, 1.6, et al.; breed, 7.753; sort, kind, 2.468, et al. (genō)

ruō, ruī, rutus, 3, n. and a.

to fall with violence; tumble down, fall, freq.; fall in battle, 10.756; of the sun, go down, set, 3.508; rush forward, 2.64; of the chariot of Nox, hasten up; ascend, rise, 2.250; advance, 10.256; plunge, rush, 2.353; flee, 12.505; tremble, quake, 8.525; hasten, pass away, 6.539; cause to fall; cast down, 9.516; plow, 1.35; cast, throw up, 1.85; throw up or together, 11.211.

mittō, mīsī, missus, 3, a.

to send, freq.; dispatch, 2.115; conduct, convey; bring, present, offer, 6.380; fling, throw, cast, 4.254; (fig.), put, bring, 4.231; suggest, impart, 12.554; let go, lay aside, dismiss, 1.203; 6.85; bring to an end, end, 5.545; pass over, omit, 11.256; (pass.), mittī, be conveyed; arrive, reach, 3.440; sē mittere, descend, 9.645; to yield one's self or themselves, 12.191; sub iugum mittere, to subject, conquer, 8.148.

pūgna, ae, f.

a fight, battle, struggle, combat, contest, conflict, freq.; war, 12.241.

dīvus, ī, m.

a god, freq.; the image of a god, 12.286; dīva, ae, f., a goddess, 1.632, et al.

habeō, uī, itus, 2, a.

to have, in the most general sense, freq.; hold, possess, 5.262; wield, use, 12.88; maintain, keep up, perpetuate; seize, inspire, possess, animate, 4.581; deem, esteem, reckon, regard, 2.102; designate, call, 12.134; hōc habet, he has got it, he is wounded, 12.296.

tollō, sustulī, sublātus, 3, a.

to lift up, raise, rear, 1.66, et al.; carry, bear, 1.692; bear off, 5.390; remove, 8.175; take or carry away, 3.601; lift, impel, 10.295; remove, take away; end, cause to cease, 12.39; destroy, cut down, 12.771; rouse, excite, 9.127; exalt, praise, extol, 3.158; p., sublātus, a, um, lifted up in spirit; haughty, proud, 10.502.


(prep., with acc.), in front of, before, 2.469, et al.; (of order or degree), before or beyond, 1.347; (of time), before, 4.328.

umbra, ae, f.

shade, shadow, 1.165, et al.; darkness, night, 2.693, et al.; a shade of doubt, 12.669; the shade of the dead, freq.; a ghost, 4.386; a phantom, 10.636; pl., umbrae, ārum, the Manes, shades, 3.638; freq.; sub umbrās, to the abode of the dead, 4.660.

cūra, ae, f.

care, solicitude, anxiety, 1.261; toil; charge, duty, 1.704; love, passion, pang, 4.531; affection, love, 1.646; thought, 9.757; grief, anguish, 4.332; personified, Cūrae, Cares, 6.274.


(adv. of place and time; relat.), where; (indefinite), wheresoever, 7.400; (interrog.), where, 3.312, et al.; (of time), when; whenever, 4.143, et al.; as soon as, 1.81; in comparison, 2.471; 7.719, et al.

līmen, inis, n.

a threshold, 2.242, et al.; (meton.), door, gate, portal, 2.480; a dwelling, abode, palace, 1.389; realm, 6.696; border, limit, 10.355; the line where the race begins or ends, the “calx," the starting point, 5.316; in līmine, near at hand, in sight, 7.598.

silva, ae, f.

a forest, wood, or grove, 6.444, et al.; stubble, 10.406; (fig.), forest or mass of spears, 10.887.

suus, a, um

his, her, its, their; his own, etc., 6.641, et al.; proper, appropriate, peculiar; fitting, 5.54; favorable, friendly, propitious, 5.832; emphatic for ēius, 4.633. (suī)

mēns, mentis, f.

the thinking faculty; rational soul, 6.727; reason, intellect, mind, 2.736, et al.; sense, 10.640; disposition, 1.304; spirit, 10.629; heart, confidence, 12.609, et al.; a thought, design, purpose, plan, intention, will, 2.170, et al.

aciēs, ēī, f.

a sharp edge or point; edge, 2.333; an arrowhead, 11.862; the sight of the eye, 6.200; the eye, 4.643; an army in line of battle; army, 10.408; the shock, of battle, 12.662; light; pl., aciēs, the eyes, 12.558; squadrons, battalions, troops, 2.599; battles, 6.829; aciēs īnferre, to charge, 10.364.

parēns, entis, c.

a parent; father, sire, 1.75, et al.; mother, 2.591; ancestor, 2.448, et al. (pariō)


(conj.), and, freq.; moreover, also, too, freq.; and even, and indeed; and yet; and immediately, 9.22; et — et, both — and, freq.

lūmen, inis, n.

light, 2.683, et al.; a light; a luminary, star; a taper, candle, 8.411; fire, 9.189; daylight, dawn, day, 6.356; beam, ray, 8.69; the eye, 1.226, et al.; life, 2.85; air, 3.600; glow, brightness, beauty, luster, 1.590; pl., emphatic for sing., 12.63, et al.; lūmina ducum, splendid leaders, 11.349. (lūceō)

clāmor, ōris, m.

a shout, et al.; loud cry or shriek, 2.488; a call, 2.769; clamor, outcry, shouting, 1.87; sound, roaring sound, 3.566. (clāmō)

mōns, montis, m.

a mountain, hill, mount, 3.105; rock, crag, cliff, 6.360; a mighty or huge rock, 12.687; a great wave, 1.105. (rel. to -mineō, project)

pēs, pedis, m.

the foot; claw, talon, paw, hoof, freq.; of the current of a river, 9.125; the footrope at the lower corner of a sail, the sheet; hence, facere pedem, to manage the sheet, shift the sail; tack, 5.830; pedem reprimere, to retreat, draw back, 2.378; ferre pedem, go, 2.756; efferre pedem, go out, depart, 2.657; pedem advertere, approach, draw near, 6.386; aequō pede, in equal combat, 12.465. (ποῦς, ποδός)

referō, rettulī, relātus, referre, irreg. a.

to bear, carry, bring back, 4.392; bear again, 5.564; cast up, vomit, 9.350; turn, 12.657; of solemn rites, render, pay, 5.605; bring back as a prize, win, get, 4.93; put back, stay, 11.290; repeat, 5.598; claim, 7.49; answer, reply, 4.31; report, relate, announce, 1.309; reproduce, resemble, 4.329; imitate, 10.281; turn, change, 11.426; 1.281; render, make, 8.343; vōce referre, speak, utter, exclaim, 1.94; referre pedem, return; (pass.), referrī, go back, recede, 2.169; return, revert, 12.37.

īra, ae, f.

anger, fury, wrath, freq.; resentment, hatred, 1.251; revengeful, wrathful thought, 2.575; curse, wrathful intent, 11.443; vengeance, 12.946; pl. angry passions, wrath, 1.4, et al.; personif., Īrae, ārum, f., the Demon of wrath, Wrath, 12.336.


(interrog. enclitic; in direct questions), 1.37; 4.32; (in indirect questions), whether, 5.703; followed by an or -ne, -ne — an, -ne — -ne, whether — or, 1.308; with apostrophe, 3.319.

ēnsis, is, m.

a sword, 2.393, et al.; knife, 2.155.

accipiō, cēpī, ceptus, 3, a.

to take to one’s self; to receive, 1.304; take in or up, admit, receive, 1.123; 3.79; entertain, 3.353; see, 8.155; hear, attend, listen to, learn, 2.65; heed, regard, 4.611. (ad and capiō)

nūmen, inis, n.

a command; will; espec. the divine will or purpose, 1.8; divine command, 7.385; divine power, 1.666; authority, revelation, 3.363; impulse, 1.674; assistance, 5.56; divine keeping, protection, 2.703; divine regard, favor, 4.611; permission, 6.266; presence, 1.447; manifestation, 2.623; majesty, divinity, 1.48; divine attribute, 10.221; a deity, god, divinity, 2.735; sacred image, 2.178. (nuō, nod)

sēdēs, is, f.

a seat of any kind, freq.; (meton.), an habitation, abode, dwelling (pl. for sing.), 2.634; destined or proper place, 2.232; foundation, 2.465; of the sea, bottom, 1.84; temple, shrine, 2.742; palace, 2.760; final resting-place, grave, tomb, 6.328; realm, 7.52. (sedeō)

vōs and vōsmet

you, pl.; abl. with cum, vōbīscum, with you; vōsmet, yourself, yourselves, 1.207.

classis, is, f.

a fleet, 1.39; a ship, 6.334; a troop or body of soldiers, 7.716; pl., armies or hosts (coming in ships or fleets), 3.602. (rel. to καλέω, call)

sōlus, a, um

(adj.), alone, sole, only, 1.664, et al.; solitary, 4.82; lonely, 4.462; remote, solitary, 11.545; one only, an only, 7.52; (adv.), sōlum, only.

mare, is, n.

the sea, freq.; ocean, 1.84; water, flood, 1.246.

honōs, ōris, m.

honor, praise, renown, glory, 1.609, et al.; recompense, reward, 1.253; an honor, prize, 5.342; (meton.), sacrifice, offering, 1.49; luster, beauty, 1.591; celebration, game, ceremonial, festival, 5.601; libation, 3.178; a robe or mantle, 7.815.

diēs, ēī (contracted form of gen. diī, 1.636), m. and f.

a day, the diurnal period of twenty-four hours, 1.732, et al.; a day, as distinguished from night, 5.43, et al.; a fixed, definite, or proper season, period, or time; daylight, 1.88; an indefinite period of time; time, 5.783; 6.745; length of time, 11.425.

coniūnx, iugis, c.

a consort; husband, 1.343, et al.; wife, 2.597, et al.; betrothed, 3.331; spouse, bride, 9.138. (coniungō)

porta, ae, f.

a gate, 1.294, et al.; passage, avenue, door, 1.83.


(adv.), at once, together, at the same time, 1.144, et al.; w. abl. (cum being omitted), 5.357; simul ac or atque, as soon as, 4.90; without ac, as soon as, when; w. et, 1.144; simul — simul, and at the same time — and, 1.631; both — and, 1.513, et al.; as soon as — then, no sooner — than, 12.268.

vincō, vīcī, victus, 3, a. and n.

a., to conquer, 1.529, et al.; slay, 10.842; overcome, overpower, overwhelm, 1.122; dispel, 1.727; win, possess, 6.148; persuade, 2.699; n., to be victorious, gain the victory, conquer, 11.712.

saevus, a, um

(adj.), fierce, fell, wrathful, of men, animals, and things; cruel, 1.458; dreadful, direful, fearful, 2.559; furious, 9.792; stern, bloody, 6.824; formidable, valiant, warlike, 1.99; relentless, 12.849; maddening, angering; bitter, 1.25; mortal, 12.857.

rapiō, rapuī, raptus, 3, a.

to seize, snatch, freq.; carry off, bear away, 1.28; tear off, 6.496; take, 2.675; kindle by rapid motion, 1.176; rescue, 1.378; plunder, pillage, 2.374; hurry, speed, 4.286; swiftly lead on, 12.450; hasten into, penetrate, range, 6.8; ravish, violate, 4.198.

dōnum, ī, n.

a gift, present, 1.652; reward, prize, 5.266; sacrifice, offering, 3.301; 4.63; bounty, blessing, 2.269. (dō)

dūrus, a, um

(adj.), hard, to the touch; tough, stiff, 5.403; hardy, 5.730; sturdy, 7.504; strong, 2.479; harsh, unpleasant; stern, cruel; inexorable; insensible, 4.428; difficult, 1.563; grievous, heavy, 4.488; rough, dangerous, 3.706; much enduring, 2.7; 4.247; much suffering, tired with grief, 12.873.

sīdus, eris, n.

a constellation; (fig.), season, 4.309; star, 6.338; bright aspect; weather; storm, 12.451; pl., sīdera, um, weather, vicissitudes of weather, 5.628.

genitor, ōris, m.

he who begets; father, sire, 1.155, et al. (gignō)

nūllus, a, um

(gen. nūllīus, dat. nūllī, adj.) no, not any, 1.184; unobservant, regardless, 11.725; subst., no one, nobody, none, 4.456. (nē and ūllus)

pōnō, posuī, positus, 3, a.

to put, set, place, 1.706, et al.; lay, stretch, 1.173; level, 12.569; deposit, 6.73; plant, settle, fix, 3.88; set up, establish, make, 1.264; assign, appoint, 1.278; dispose, determine, 10.623; bestow, 6.611; put to rest or sleep, 4.527; bury, 6.508; for dēpōnō, lay down or aside, (fig.), 1.302; 9.687; give up for another, change, 8.329; give up, 11.309; lose, 12.209; n. (sc. sē), to subside, be hushed, sink to rest, 7.27; 10.103.

Iūnō, ōnis, f.

Juno, the Sabine and Roman name for the wife and sister of Jupiter, daughter of Saturn, 1.4, et al.; Iūnō īnferna, the Juno of the lower world, Proserpine, 6.138.

servō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.

to save, 3.86, et al.; reserve, 1.207; retain, keep, 6.200; hold, 7.179; continue, maintain, 10.340; guard, 2.450; keep, cherish, 1.36; preserve, inherit, 7.52; sit by, 2.568; dwell, abide by, 6.402; give heed to, watch, observe, 6.338; 11.200.

fāma, ae, f.

report, rumor, 1.532; tradition, 7.765; renown, name, fame, 1.463; glory, 9.195; fame, reputation, honor, 4.91; personified as a goddess, Fame, Rumor, 4.173. (cf. φήμη, report)

dea, ae, f.

a goddess, 1.17. (fem. of deus)