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Headword | Definitions | Occurrences in the Aeneid |
labefaciō, fecī, factus, 3, a., (pass.), labefīō, fierī, factus (labō and faciō) | to cause to totter or waver; p., labefactus, a, um, shaken, 4.395; yielding, melting, 8.390. |
2 |
lābēs, is, f. | a falling, sinking down; decline, beginning of evil or ruin, downward step, 2.97; corruption, stain, blemish, 6.746. (1. lābor) |
2 |
Labīcī, ōrum, m. | the Labici, or people of Labicum or Labici, a Latin town near the present Colonna, 7.796. |
1 |
labō, āvī, ātus, 1, n. | to give way, begin to yield; totter, 2.492; of the mind, waver, 4.22; falter, flag, despond, 12.223. |
7 |
lābor, lapsus sum, 3, dep. n. | to slide, glide down, or slip, freq.; fall down, 2.465; ebb, 11.628; pass away, 2.14; descend, 2.262; glide, sail, skim along, 8.91; flow, 3.281; fall, perish, 2.430; decline, 4.318; faint, 3.309. |
41 |
labor (labōs), ōris, m. | labor, effort, toil, working, work, 1.431, et al.; care; task, 4.115; effort, activity, of man, 11.425; adventure, enterprise, 2.385; burden, 2.708; fatigue, difficulty, hardship, 1.330; struggle, danger, distress, misfortune, calamity, woe, suffering, 1.10, et al.; hard fate, 12.727; an eclipse, 1.742; the product of work, workmanship, work, 1.455; personif., Labōs, Toil, 6.277. |
1 |
labor (labōs), ōris, m. | labor, effort, toil, working, work, 1.431, et al.; care; task, 4.115; effort, activity, of man, 11.425; adventure, enterprise, 2.385; burden, 2.708; fatigue, difficulty, hardship, 1.330; struggle, danger, distress, misfortune, calamity, woe, suffering, 1.10, et al.; hard fate, 12.727; an eclipse, 1.742; the product of work, workmanship, work, 1.455; personif., Labōs, Toil, 6.277. |
73 |
labōrō, āvī, ātus, 1, n. and a. | to toil, make effort; work out; prepare, knead, 8.181; fashion; embroider, 1.639. (2. labor) |
2 |
lābrum, ī, n. | a vat or tub; a bowl, vase, vessel, 8.22. |
2 |
labrum, ī, n. | a lip, 11.572. |
1 |
Labyrinthus, ī, m. | the Labyrinth, 5.588. |
1 |
lac, lactis, n. | milk, 3.66, et al.; juice, 4.514. |
4 |
Lacaena, ae, adj. f. | Lacedaemonian or Spartan; subst., the Spartan woman; Helen, 2.601. |
2 |
Lacedaemōn, onis (acc. ona), f. | Lacedaemon or Sparta, the capital of Laconia, 7.363. |
1 |
Lacedaemonius, a, um | (adj.), Lacedaemonian, Spartan, 3.328. |
1 |
lacer, era, erum | (adj.), torn, mangled, bruised, mutilated, 5.275. |
3 |
lacerō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to tear, mutilate; wound, 3.41; rend, 12.98. (lacer) |
2 |
lacertus, ī, m. | the upper arm, from the shoulder to the elbow; the arm, 5.141, et al. |
9 |
lacessō, cessīvī, cessītus, 3, intens. a. | to provoke, rouse, irritate, incite, 5.429; call forth, summon, rouse, 10.10; challenge, attack, assail, 11.585; strike, smite, 7.527; slap with the hand, caress, cheer, 12.85. |
12 |
Lacīnius, a, um | adj. (Lacīnium), of Lacinium, a promontory near Croton, on the southern coast of Italy; Lacinian; Dīva Lacīnia, the Lacinian goddess; Juno, 3.552. |
1 |
lacrima, ae, f. | a tear, 1.228, et al. |
44 |
lacrimābilis, e | adj. (lacrimō), that calls for tears; piteous, 3.39; causing tears; woeful, disastrous, 7.604. |
2 |
lacrimō, āvī, ātus, 1, n. and a. | to shed tears, weep, 1.459. (lacrima) |
13 |
lacrimōsus, a, um | adj. (lacrima), tearful; sad, mournful, piteous, 11.274. |
1 |
lacteus, a, um | adj. (lac), milky, full of milk; milk-white, 8.660. |
2 |
lacus, ūs, m. | a lake, pool, source, 8.74; fen, 2.135. |
15 |
Ladēs, is, m. | a Lycian follower of Aeneas, slain by Turnus, 12.343. |
1 |
Lādōn, ōnis, acc. -ōna, m. | Ladon, a follower of Pallas, 10.413. |
1 |
laedō, laesī, laesus, 3, a. | to strike violently; smite, 2.231; bruise, strike, hit, 7.809; hurt, injure, offend, thwart, 1.8; violate, 12.496. |
5 |
laena, ae, f. | an upper garment; cloak, mantle, 4.262. |
1 |
Lāertius, a, um | adj. (Lāertēs), of Laertes, father of Ulysses; Laertian, 3.272. |
1 |
laetitia, ae, f. | joy, 1.514, et al. (laetus) |
8 |
laetor, ātus sum, 1, dep. n. | to rejoice, w. abl., gen., infin., or absolute, 1.393, et al. (laetus) |
8 |
laetus, a, um | (adj.), joyful, joyous, glad, 4.418, et freq.; delighting in (w. abl.), 1.275, 696; 2.417; springing, 10.643; sparkling, radiant, 1.591; happy, auspicious, 1.605; abounding, rich, full (w. abl. or gen.), 1.441; well fed, fat, 3.220; blissful, blessed, 6.744. |
77 |
laetus, a, um | (adj.), joyful, joyous, glad, 4.418, et freq.; delighting in (w. abl.), 1.275, 696; 2.417; springing, 10.643; sparkling, radiant, 1.591; happy, auspicious, 1.605; abounding, rich, full (w. abl. or gen.), 1.441; well fed, fat, 3.220; blissful, blessed, 6.744. |
1 |
laeva, ae, f. (sc. manus) | the left hand, 1.611; ab laevā, on the left side, 8.460. |
14 |
laeva | (adv.), on the left, 5.163. |
3 |
laeva, ōrum, n. | the left-hand places; waters or waves on the left hand, 5.825. |
1 |
laevum | (adv.), on the left, 2.693. |
3 |
laevus, a, um | (adj.), the left, 10.495; (situated) on the left, 3.412; the left, 3.420; (fig.), ill-starred, unpropitious, baleful, 10.275; infatuated, blind, 2.54. |
15 |
Lagus, ī, m. | a Rutulian, 10.381. |
1 |
lambō, ī, itus, 3, a. | to lick, 2.211; of flame, touch, lick, 3.574. |
5 |
lāmenta, ōrum, n. | a wailing, cry of grief, lamentation, mourning, moaning, 4.667. (sing. not in good use) |
1 |
lāmentābilis, e | adj. (lāmentor, deplore), deplorable; pitiable; to be deplored, 2.4. |
1 |
lampas, adis, f. | a light, torch, 6.587; firebrand, 9.535. |
5 |
Lamus, ī, m. | a Rutulian, 9.334. |
1 |
Lamyrus, ī, m. | a Rutulian, 9.334. |
1 |
lancea, ae, f. | a lance, light spear, javelin, 12.375. |
1 |
langueō, uī, 2, n. | to be faint, to languish, grow feeble; p., languēns, entis, of the sea, 10.289; of flowers, drooping, 11.69. |
3 |
languēscō, languī, 3, inc. n. | to become faint, grow weak, droop, 9.436. (langueō) |
1 |
languidus, a, um | adj. (langueō), languid, 12.908. |
1 |
lāniger, era, erum | adj. (lāna, wool, and gerō), bearing wool; fleecy, 3.660. |
4 |
laniō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to lacerate, mangle, mutilate, 6.494. |
2 |
lānūgo, inis, f. | wooly substance, down. |
1 |
lanx, lancis, f. | a broad dish or plate; a charger, platter, 8.284; pl., lancēs, the basins of weighing scales; scales, 12.725. |
3 |
Lāocoōn, ontis, m. | a Trojan prince and priest of Apollo, 2.41; serving also as priest of Neptune, 2.201. |
4 |
Lāodamīa, ae, f. | daughter of Acastus and wife of Protesilaus, who killed herself after her husband was slain by Hector, 6.447. |
1 |
Lāomedontēus, a, um | adj. (Lāomedon), pertaining to Laomedon, father of Priam; Laomedontean, Trojan, 4.542. |
1 |
Lāomedontiadēs, ae, m. | a son or descendant of Laomedon, 8.162; pl., the Trojans, 3.248, et al. (Lāomedon) |
3 |
Lāomedontēus, a, um | adj. (Lāomedon), pertaining to Laomedon, father of Priam; Laomedontean, Trojan, 4.542. |
2 |
lapidōsus, a, um | adj. (lapis), full of stones; hard as stone, stony, 3.649. |
1 |
lapis, idis, m. | a stone, rock, 12.906, et al.; marble. |
2 |
Lapitha, ae, c. | one of the Lapithae; pl., Lapithae, ārum (um, 7.305); the Lapithae, a race of Thessalians, who fought with the Centaurs at the marriage of Pirithous, king of the Lapithae, 6.601, et al. |
3 |
lāpsō, āre, freq. n. | to fall down; slip, 2.551. (1. lābor) |
1 |
lāpsus, ūs, m. | a slipping; gliding, 2.225; gliding movement, 2.225; turning, movement, 2.236; descent, flight, 3.225; course, 4.524. (1. lābor) |
5 |
laquear, āris, n. | a ceiling with hollows or panels; a paneled or fretted ceiling, 1.726. |
2 |
Lār, Laris, m. | a fireside, hearth, or household god, 5.744; hesternum Larem, the household god of yesterday, 8.543; (meton.), household, property, home, dwelling. |
3 |
largior, ītus sum, 4, dep. | to give largely; bestow, grant, 10.494. (largus) |
1 |
largus, a, um | (adj.), ample; spacious, expansive, 6.640; plentiful, copious, flowing, 1.465; bountiful, free, 10.619; w. gen., lavish, 11.338. |
8 |
Lārīdēs, is, m. | a Rutulian, son of Daucus, 10.391. |
2 |
Lārīna, ae, f. | a follower of Camilla, 11.655. |
1 |
Larīsaeus, a, um | of Larissa, a Thessalian town, on the southern bank of the Peneus; Larissaean, 2.197. (Larissa) |
2 |
lassus, a, um | (adj.), faint, tired, wearied, 2.739. |
2 |
Latagus, ī, m. | a Tyrrhenian, 10.697. |
2 |
lātē | (adv.), widely; far and wide, 1.21; on all sides, far around, 1.163; all over, 12.308. (lātus) |
36 |
latebra, ae, f. | a hiding place; recess, lodgment, retreat, 12.389; usually in pl., latebrae, ārum, an ambuscade; covert, retreat; cavern, 3.424; recess, cavity, 2.38; the hatches of a ship, the hold, 10.657. (lateō) |
8 |
latebrōsus, a, um | adj. (latebra), full of lurking places or recesses; full of holes; porous, 5.214; secret, 8.713. |
3 |
lateō, uī, 2, n. and a. | to be hidden, lie concealed, 2.48; to lurk; be sheltered, 10.805; be unknown to, escape the knowledge of, 1.130; p., latēns, entis, hidden, concealed, 3.237; hiding, lurking, 2.568. |
17 |
latex, icis, m. | a liquid; liquor; wine, 1.686; water, 4.512. |
7 |
Latīnī, ōrum, m. | the people of Latium; the Latins, 12.823, et al. |
35 |
Latīnus, a, um | adj. (Latium), of Latium; Latin, 1.6, et al.; Latīna, ae, f., a Latin woman, 12.604. |
28 |
Latīnus, ī, m. | Latinus, a king of Latium, whose capital was Laurentum, and whose daughter, Lavinia, became the wife of Aeneas, 6.891, et al. (Latium) |
41 |
Latium, iī, n. | a country of ancient Italy, extending from the left bank of the lower Tiber to Campania, 1.6; (meton.), for Latīnī, the Latins, people of Latium, 10.365, et al. (2. latus; Virgil, 8.323, derives it from lateō) |
31 |
Lātōna, ae, f. | the mother of Apollo and Diana, 1.502. |
2 |
Lātōnia, ae, f. | Diana, 11.534. |
1 |
Lātōnius, a, um | adj. (Lātōna), of Latona, Latonian, 9.405, et al.; subst., Lātōnia, ae, f., Diana, 11.534. |
2 |
lātrātor, ōris, m. | one who barks like a dog; a barker, the barking, 8.698. (lātrō) |
1 |
lātrātus, ūs, m. | a barking; baying, 5.257, et al. (lātrō) |
3 |
lātrō, āvī, ātus, 1, n. | to bark, snarl, bay, 6.401, et al.; of waves, 7.588. |
2 |
latrō, ōnis, m. | a hired servant, mercenary soldier, huntsman, 12.7. |
1 |
latus, eris, n. | a side, 1.105, et al.; coast, 8.416; laterum iūnctūrae, joinings of the sides of a belt, i.e, ends of a belt, 12.274. |
36 |
lātus, a, um | (adj.), wide, broad, 1.313; spacious, ample, large, 4.199; widespread, far-extending, 1.225. |
24 |
laudō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to praise, 2.586; commend, 11.460. (laus) |
3 |
Lāvīnia, ae, f. | a Latin princess, daughter of King Latinus, 6.764, et al. |
11 |
Lāvīnium, iī, n. | a city of Latium, built by Aeneas and named after his Latin wife, Lavinia, 1.270, et al. (Lāvīnia) |
3 |
Lāvīnius, a, um | and Lāvīnus, a, um, adj. (Lāvīnium), of or belonging to Lavinium, 4.236. |
2 |
lavō, lāvī, lautus, and lōtus, 1 and 3, a. and n. | to wash, bathe, 3.663; wet, sprinkle, 6.227; p., lautus, a, um, washed; neat, elegant; stately, magnificent, 8.361. |
3 |
lavō, lāvī, lautus, and lōtus, 1 and 3, a. and n. | to wash, bathe, 3.663; wet, sprinkle, 6.227; p., lautus, a, um, washed; neat, elegant; stately, magnificent, 8.361. |
5 |
Laurēns, entis | adj. (Laurentum), of Laurentum, the ancient capital of Latium; Laurentine, Laurentian, 5.797, et al., subst., Laurentēs, um, pl. m., the Laurentians, 7.63, et al. |
20 |
Laurentēs, um, pl. m. | the people of Laurentum, the ancient capital of Latium, the Laurentians, 7.63, et al. |
6 |