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Headword | Definitions | Occurrences in the Aeneid |
ō | (interj. expressing joy, grief, astonishment, desire, or indignation), O! oh! ah! w. voc., 2.281, et al.; w. sī and the subj., oh that, 11.415; sometimes placed after the word to which it relates, 2.281. |
108 |
ob | (prep.) owing to, for, on account of, 1.4; for the sake of, 6.660. |
16 |
obdūcō, dūxī, ductus, 3, a. | to draw or lead towards; draw over, 2.604. |
2 |
obeō, īvī or iī, itus, īre, irreg. n. and a. | to go towards or to; meet; visit, travel over, traverse, 6.801; survey (with the eye), 10.447; surround, encircle, encompass, 6.58; enter, take part in, engage in, 6.167; undergo, suffer, 10.641. |
8 |
ōbex, icis, m. and f. | an obstacle; a barrier, 10.377; a bolt, bar, 8.227. (ob and iaciō) |
3 |
obiciō, iēcī, iectus, 3, a. | to throw against or towards; throw to, 6.421; present, oppose, 2.444; bar against, shut, 9.45; cast upon, 7.480; subject, expose, 4.549; (pass.), to be presented, appear, 5.522; p., obiectus, a, um, thrown towards or against; opposite, projecting, 3.534. (ob and iaciō) |
14 |
obiectō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. a. | to throw towards, before, or against; to expose to, 2.751. (obiciō) |
2 |
obiectus, ūs, m. | a throwing against; projection, opposition, 1.160. (obiciō) |
1 |
obitus, ūs, m. | a going to; an encountering one's time, day, or death; destruction, death, 4.694. (obeō) |
2 |
oblīquō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to bend, turn to one side, veer, 5.16. (oblīquus) |
1 |
oblīquus, a, um | (adj.), turning sideways; slanting, lying across, 5.274; (fig.), indirect, cowardly, dastardly, 11.337. |
2 |
oblīvīscor, oblītus sum, 3, dep. n. and a. | to forget, w. acc. or gen. of object, 2.148; to be heedless, unmindful, forgetful of, 5.174; p., oblītus, a, um, having forgotten; forgetful, 4.528. |
9 |
oblīvium, iī, n. | oblivion, forgetfulness, 6.715. (oblīvīscor) |
1 |
obloquor, locūtus sum, 3, dep. a. and n. | to speak to or against; sing or play in response, w. acc., 6.646. |
1 |
obluctor, ātus sum, 1, dep. n. | to strive, struggle, press against, 3.38. |
1 |
obmūtēscō, mūtuī, 3, inc. n. | to become speechless or dumb; to be silent, hushed, mute, 4.279. |
2 |
obnītor, nīxus or nīsus sum, 3, dep. n. | to press, push against, w. dat., 12.105; without an object, push, 4.406; struggle, resist, 4.332; bear up, 5.21; strive, strike against, 5.206. |
7 |
obnītor, nīxus or nīsus sum, 3, dep. n. | to press, push against, w. dat., 12.105; without an object, push, 4.406; struggle, resist, 4.332; bear up, 5.21; strive, strike against, 5.206. |
1 |
obnūbō, nūpsī, nūptus, 3, a. | to cover up, 11.77. |
1 |
oborior, ortus sum, 4, dep. n. | to arise, spring up; gush, burst forth, 3.492. |
4 |
obruō, uī, utus, 3, a. | to cover over; bury; overwhelm, 1.69; overpower, 2.424; destroy, 5.692. |
8 |
obscēnus, a, um | adj. (caenum), filthy, indecent, loathsome, foul, 3.241; horrible, 3.367. |
6 |
obscūrō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to darken, 12.253. (obscūrus) |
1 |
obscūrus, a, um | (adj.), dim, dark, dusky, obscure, 1.411; uncertain; of persons, unseen, 2.135; in the darkness, 6.268; pl., obscūra, ōrum, dim places; obscurity, uncertainty, 6.100. |
1 |
obscūrus, a, um | (adj.), dim, dark, dusky, obscure, 1.411; uncertain; of persons, unseen, 2.135; in the darkness, 6.268; pl., obscūra, ōrum, dim places; obscurity, uncertainty, 6.100. |
17 |
obsideō, sēdī, sessus, 2, n. and a. | to sit in or on; abide; hold, occupy, 3.421; besiege, beset, 2.441; throng, 12.133; obstruct, fill up, choke. (ob and sedeō) |
1 |
obserō, sēvī, situs, 3, a. | to plant upon or over; p., obsitus, a, um, overgrown, covered over, 7.790; hoary, 8.307. |
2 |
observō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to note, observe, mark, watch, 6.198; remember, 9.393; observe, respect, revere. |
4 |
obsideō, sēdī, sessus, 2, n. and a. | to sit in or on; abide; hold, occupy, 3.421; besiege, beset, 2.441; throng, 12.133; obstruct, fill up, choke. (ob and sedeō) |
13 |
obsidiō, ōnis, f. | a blockade or siege, 3.52. (obsideō) |
5 |
obsīdō, 3, a. | to set before, watch, 9.159; block up, beset, 11.516; invade, occupy, 7.334. |
2 |
obstō, stitī, stātus, 1, n. | to stand before or against; withstand, oppose, hinder, restrain, 4.91; to be obnoxious, 6.64. |
8 |
obstruō, strūxī, strūctus, 3, a. | to build before or against; to stop, close up, 4.440. |
1 |
obstipēscō, stipuī (stupuī), 3, inc. n. | to become stupefied; to be astonished, amazed, 1.613. |
16 |
obtegō, tēxī, tēctus, 3, a. | to cover up or over, 2.300. |
1 |
obtendō, tendī, tentus, 3, a. | to stretch before; draw, spread, 10.82; spread over. |
1 |
obtentus, ūs, m. | a spreading over; a covering, 11.66. (obtendō) |
1 |
obtestor, ātus sum, 1, dep. a. | to call to witness; conjure, implore, 7.576; beseech, 10.46; swear, 9.260. |
5 |
obtexō, texuī, textus, 3, a. | to weave over; cover, cloud, darken, 11.611. |
1 |
obtorqueō, torsī, tortus, 2, a. | to turn round, twist, 5.559. |
1 |
obtruncō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to lop off; cut down; cut to pieces, slay, 2.663. |
6 |
obtūsus, a, um | enfeebled, blunted, unfeeling, 1.567. (obtundō, tudī, tūsus/tunsus, 3, a., to beat against; beat up; to make blunt, dull) |
1 |
obtūtus, ūs, m. | a looking at; look, gaze, 1.495. (obtueor) |
3 |
obvertō, vertī, versus, 3, a. | to turn towards, 6.3; turn round (towards the sea), 3.549; p., obversus, a, um, turned or turning, wheeling, 11.601; turning against; directly opposite, facing towards, 9.622. |
3 |
obvius, a, um | adj. (ob and via), in the way; presenting one's self or itself; meeting, 1.314; against, 6.880; opposing, 9.56; in the way of; exposed to, 3.499; obvius fierī, to encounter, meet, 10.380. |
18 |
obumbrō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to overshadow; darken, 12.578; screen, protect, shield, 11.223. |
2 |
obuncus, a, um | (adj.), bent in, hooked, 6.597. |
2 |
obūstus, a, um | adj. (ob and ūrō), burnt, hardened in the fire, 7.506. |
2 |
occāsus, ūs, m. | a going down; setting; the west, 11.317; fall, ruin, destruction, 1.238. (1. occidō) |
4 |
occidō, cidī, cāsus, 3, n. | to go down; set; fall, perish, 2.581; die. (ob and cadō) |
9 |
occīdō, cīdī, cīsus, 3, a. | to slay, kill, slaughter, 11.193. (ob and caedō) |
3 |
occubō, 1, n. | to lie, rest (in death), 1.547. |
3 |
occulō, culuī, cultus, 3, a. | to cover up; hide, conceal, 1.312; p., occultus, a, um, secret, hidden, 3.695. |
2 |
occultē | (adv.), secretly, 12.418. (occultus) |
1 |
occultō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. a. | to hide carefully; cover up; hide, conceal, secrete, 2.45. (occulō) |
2 |
occulō, culuī, cultus, 3, a. | to cover up; hide, conceal, 1.312; p., occultus, a, um, secret, hidden, 3.695. |
3 |
occumbō, cubuī, cubitus, 3, n. | to sink, fall upon; die, 1.97; meet, 2.62. (ob and cubō) |
4 |
occupō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to take against or before; get beforehand; take possession; seize, 7.446; possess, cover, 4.499; fill, reach, 3.294; smite, 9.770; surprise, hit by surprise, 10.384; anticipate in striking, strike beforehand, 10.699; hit first, 12.300. (ob and capiō) |
11 |
occurrō, currī or cucurrī, cursus, 3, n. | to run, hasten to, or to meet, 3.82; meet, 10.220; make an attack, encounter, 10.282; present one's self, intervene, appear, 1.682; meet in speech, respond, reply, 12.625. (ob and currō) |
17 |
Ōceanus, ī, m. | the god Oceanus; the waters encompassing the lands; the ocean, 1.287; distinguished as eastern and western, 7.101. |
9 |
ōcior, ius | adj. comp. (superl., ōcissimus, a, um), swifter, more fleet, 5.319, et al.; (adv.), ōcius, more swiftly; rapidly, speedily, quickly, swiftly, 12.681. |
4 |
ōcior, ius | adj. comp. (superl., ōcissimus, a, um), swifter, more fleet, 5.319, et al.; (adv.), ōcius, more swiftly; rapidly, speedily, quickly, swiftly, 12.681. |
10 |
Ocnus, ī, m. | founder of Mantua, 10.198. |
1 |
ocrea, ae, f. | a greave; a covering made of metal for the protection of the leg, 7.634, et al. |
2 |
oculus, ī, m. | an eye, 1.228, et al.; nūllīs oculīs, with unconcerned, untroubled eyes (as if without sight), 11.726. |
88 |
ōdī, ōdisse, def. a. | (perf. with present meaning), to hate, 2.158; curse, 10.505. |
7 |
odium, iī, n. | hatred, 1.361; animosity, enmity, 2.96, et al. (ōdī) |
13 |
odor, ōris, m. | scent, smell, odor, fragrance, 1.403; disagreeable odor, stench, 3.228; foul fumes, 12.591. |
4 |
odōrātus, a, um | sweet-smelling, fragrant, 6.658. |
2 |
odōrifer, era, erum | adj. (odor and ferō), bearing odor; sweet, sweet-scented, 12.419. |
1 |
odōrus, a, um | adj. (odor), that emits a smell; having a keen sense of smell, keen-scented, 4.132. |
1 |
Oebalus, ī, m. | an Italian prince, ally of Turnus, 7.734. |
1 |
Oechalia, ae, f. | a city of Euboea, 8.291. |
1 |
Oenōtrius, and Oenōtrus, a, um | adj. (Oenōtria), of Oenotria, an ancient name of Southern Italy; Italian, Oenotrian, 1.532, et al. |
1 |
Oenōtrius, and Oenōtrus, a, um | adj. (Oenōtria), of Oenotria, an ancient name of Southern Italy; Italian, Oenotrian, 1.532, et al. |
2 |
offa, ae, f. | a mouthful, a bit, lump, morsel, 6.420. |
1 |
offerō, obtulī, oblātus, ferre, irreg. a. | to bring towards; present, offer, oppose, 6.291; w. reflex. pron., present one's self or itself, 2.61; expose, 7.425; appear, 1.450. (ob and ferō) |
13 |
officium, iī, n. | anything done for another; service, duty, favor, kindness, 1.548. (officiō, come in the way of) |
1 |
offulgeō, fulsī, 2, n. | to shine against, flash upon, 9.110. (ob and fulgeō) |
1 |
Oīleus (trisyll.), eī, ī, or eos | patronymic, son of Oileus, the king of Locris, 1.41. |
1 |
olea, ae, f. | an olive, olive berry, olive tree. |
1 |
Ōlearos, ī, f. | one of the Cyclades, southwest of Paros, 3.126. |
1 |
oleaster, trī, m. | the wild olive. (olea) |
1 |
oleō, uī, 2, n. and a. | to emit a smell; to smell of; p., olēns, entis, smelling; fragrant, 11.137; strong-scented. |
2 |
oleum, ī, n. | olive oil, oil, 3.281. |
3 |
ōlim | (adv.), some time ago; formerly, once, 1.653, et al.; at some future time; hereafter, some time, 1.20; at times, ofttimes, 5.125. |
20 |
olīva, ae, f. | an olive tree, 6.230; olive branch, olive wreath, 5.309. |
8 |
olīvifer, fera, ferum | adj. (olīva and ferō), olive-bearing, abounding in olives, 7.711. |
1 |
olīvum, ī, n. | olive oil, 6.225, et al. (olīva) |
1 |
olor, ōris, m. | a swan, 11.580. |
1 |
olōrīnus, a, um | adj. (olor), of the swan; swan's, 10.187. |
1 |
Olympus, ī, m. | Olympus, the name of several mountains in Greece and Asia Minor, the most famous of which was Mount Olympus in the northeastern part of Thessaly; the home of the superior gods; heaven, Olympus, 1.374; referring to the gods, 8.533. |
25 |
ōmen, inis, n. | a prognostic, token, sign, omen, 2.182; (meton.), evil, 2.190; auspicious beginning, 7.174; pl., auspices; rites, 1.346; in ōmen, as or for a warning, 12.854. |
21 |
omnigenus, a, um | adj. (gen. pl., omnigenum), of all sorts, of every kind, 8.698. |
1 |
omnīno | (adv.), wholly, entirely, altogether, 4.330. (omnis) |
2 |
omniparēns, entis | adj. (omnis and pariō), all-producing, parent, mother of all, 6.595. |
1 |
omnipotēns, entis | adj. (omnis and potēns), all-powerful, almighty, 1.60; supreme, sovereign, 10.1; subst., The Almighty, 4.220. |
21 |
omnipotēns, entis | adj. (omnis and potēns), all-powerful, almighty, 1.60; supreme, sovereign, 10.1; subst., The Almighty, 4.220. |
1 |
omnis, e | (adj.), all, the whole, 6.138; every, 1.160; universal, supreme, 1.236; subst., omnēs, ium, m., all men; omnia, ium, n., all things, 6.33; everything, 1.91. |
330 |
onerō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to load; the thing or material with which, usually in abl. and rarely in acc., 1.706; stow, lade, store away, w. dat. of the thing receiving, 1.195; (fig.), burden, overwhelm, 4.549. (onus) |
1 |