1. Sententiam tuam, Blesilla, laudō, ac istam ratiōnem cōnfūtandī. Nam cum prīncipēs quālēs esse deceat philosophōrum dictīs (ut pollicēris) mōnstrāverīs, meōs obiter commendābis, quōs ad unguem (ut aiunt) esse factōs atque īnsolūbilī virtūtum catēnā consumātōs iam prīdem experta sum. 

2. Hinc erit ut iīsdem tuīs ratiōnibus tē revincam, cum aequissimum tuipsa ostendās tālibus dare operam, ac, sī oportuerit, ipsōrum obsequiīs vītam dēvovēre. Nam nihil ad rem facit fīnis iste fēlīcitātis, quem tū mināris, cum et nōs nostraque omnia fīnibus subiaceant, atque interdum tuus Salomōn permittat hīsce bonīs nōs fruī, dōnumque Deī id esse sentiat. Sunt etiam alia quae vītam aulicam reddunt suāviōrem, dē quibus sī līberē ēgerīs tūtē illa omnibus expetenda fatēbere.


3. Experiar nempe hoc et prōvinciam quamvīs dūram libēns aggrediar, quod palmam absque dubiō post cōnflīctum spērem. Quoniam tamen dē variīs rēbus sumus āctūrae, nōn ab rē fore exīstimō dialogum nostrum in aliquot diērum atque hōrārum spatia dīvidere, cum ut melius ac lātius dē unaquaquam illārum possīmus agere, tum etiam ut ingenium nostrum virēs dēnuō, aliquantulā intermissiōne datā, resūmat, quibus ulterius prōgredī valeat, praesertim cum nūllā in rē hoc rūsticānum ōtium dētur īnsūmere, nec ā palātīnīs molestiīs iūcundius fēriārī atque huiusmodī disceptātiōne. Hodiē itaque dē prīncipibus tantum (sī per tē licēbit) agēmus; crās vērō ac perendiē, ut sēsē tulerit occāsiō, dē aliīs aulicīs mūniīs.

    Flāminia -ae f. : Flaminia

    Blesilla –ae f. : Blesilla 

    cōnfūtō –āre : to check, repress, dampen, suppress, diminish

    philosophus –a –um : philosophical

    polliceor pollicērī pollicitus sum : to promise

    mōnstrō mōnstrāre mōnstrāvī mōnstrātus : to show, point out

    obiter : on the way, while travelling; incidentally, besides; in passing

    commendō commendāre commendāvī commendātus : to entrust, give in trust; commit; recommend, commend to; point out, designate

    unguis –is m. : fingernail; claw, talon

    īnsolūbilis –e : indissoluble

    catēna –ae f. : chain, fetter

    prīdem : long ago

    hinc : from here, hence; henceforth

    revincō –vincere –vīcī –victum : to conquer, subdue; to convict; to refute, disprove

    obsequor obsequī obsecūtus sum : to obey

    dēvoveō dēvovēre dēvōvī dēvōtus : to vow (as an offering to), dedicate

    fēlīcitās –ātis f. : fertility, happiness, felicity, good–fortune, luck

    minor minārī minātus sum : to threaten, speak/act menacingly; make threatening movement; give indication of

    subiaceō –iacēre — — : to lie under or near any thing; to be under, subject to any thing; to belong to or be connected with

    interdum : sometimes, now and then

    Solomon (Salomon) –ōnis m. : Solomon 

    aulicus –a –um : of or pertaining to the court, princely

    suāvis suāve : agreeable, pleasant, gratifying, sweet; charming, attractive

    expetō expetīre expetiī/expetīvī expetītus : to desire, seek out

    nempe : indeed, to be sure, truly

    quamvīs : even though, although, however you like; altogether

    adgredior (aggredior) aggredī aggressus sum : to approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize (opportunity), attempt

    quī : in what manner? how?

    palma palmae f. : hand, palm

    cōnflīctus –ūs m. : a striking together; impulse, impression, necessity

    dialogus –ī m. : discussion, dialogue; treatise in conversational form

    aliquot : some, several; a few; not many; a number (of); more than one

    dēnuō : once more, a second time, anew, afresh, again

    aliquantus –a –um : certain quantity/amount/number/size of; quite a quantity of; moderate

    intermissiō –ōnis f. : a breaking off, intermission, interruption, discontinuance

    resūmō –sūmere –sūmpsī –sūmptum : to take up again, take back, resume

    ulter –tra –trum : remote, on the other side

    prōgredior prōgredī prōgressus sum : to go, come forth, go forward, march forward; advance, proceed, make progress

    praesertim : especially; particularly

    rūsticānus –a –um : of the country, rustic, country

    īnsūmō īnsūmere īnsūmpsī īnsūmptum : to take for something; expend upon; bestow; assume; exhaust

    Palātīnus –a –um : of the Palatine; the Ludi Palatini were founded by Livia in honor of Augustus (> Palatium)

    molestia molestiae f. : trouble, annoyance

    iūcundus –a –um : pleasant, delightful, agreeable, pleasing

    fērior fēriārī : to rest from work, to keep holiday

    disceptātiō –ōnis f. : a dispute, disputation, debate, discussion, disquisition

    liceō licēre licuī : to be for sale, be priced, be valued

    crās : tomorrow; after today, on the morrow; hereafter, in the future

    perendiē : the day after tomorrow

    occāsiō occāsiōnis f. : opportunity; chance; pretext, occasion

    aulicus –a –um : of or pertaining to the court, princely

    mūnia –ium n. : duties, functions, official duties

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