34.1 Recall that PRIMARY and SECONDARY tenses use distinct personal endings. Let us review again the following chart, which shows the overall scheme of verb endings. For a download of this chart, check the "printables" tab to the right

Here we can see that we have learned the three sets of PRIMARY ENDINGS (-μι, –ω or –μαι). Note the differences and similarities between the PRIMARY MIDDLE and the SECONDARY MIDDLE endings.


34.3 The MIDDLE VOICE uses the SAME PERSONAL ENDINGS to designate person and number for all SECONDARY TENSES. Athematic –μι verbs will add these endings directly to the stem.

Remember, though, that –ω verbs have a thematic vowel (-ο/-ε) that is added before these endings. Note that the second person singular regularly appears in a contracted form that results from the loss of the INTERVOCALIC SIGMA (S 628, G 55).


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