34.9 The following –μι verbs all form the IMPERFECT MIDDLE regularly, according to the following rules:

  • Short stem vowels are used for all stems
  • The intervocalic σ in the 2nd person singular does NOT drop out (S 744, G 372-374). This same phenomenon happens with the Present Middle of these –μι verbs (i.e., δίδοσαι, τίθεσαι, ἵστασαι, and ἵεσαι)


(cf. S 416, G 372)


(cf. S 416, G 373)


(cf. S 416, G 362)

Note: This verb has a long vowel augment, but it does not affect the way the vowel is written, since long and short ι are written the same.


(cf. S 777, G 374)

Note: This verb has a long vowel augment, but it does not affect the way the vowel is written (since long and short ι are written the same).

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