37.13 For athematic (-μι) verbs, no thematic vowel is added before the ντ marker. The result is the following pattern:

  • present stem + ντ + 3-1-3 adjective endings

Predictable sound changes yield the following endings for the NOMINATIVE SINGULAR of ATHEMATIC PRESENT ACTIVE participles:

  • Masculine: (-ντς→-νς→) –ς
  • Feminine: (-ντσα→-νσα→) –σα
  • Neuter: (-ντ→) –ν

In other words, for athematic verbs, add ς, σα, ν as an ending.

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Note that while sound changes for THEMATIC participles result in the loss of the –τς in the MASCULINE NOMINATIVE SINGULAR (-οντς→-ονς→ –ων), for ATHEMATIC participles, what is lost is –ντ.


(S 308, G 360)

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Note that when υ is lengthened due to compensatory lengthening, the result is long υ.


(cf. S 307, G 372)

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Note that the stem of this participle is διδόντ. When ο is lengthened due to compensatory lengthening, the result is ου.


(cf. S 307, G 373)

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Note that the stem of this participle is τιθέντ. When ε is lengthened due to compensatory lengthening, the result is ει.


(cf. S 306, G 362)

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Note that the stem of this participle is ἱστάντ. When α is lengthened due to compensatory lengthening, the result is long α.


(cf. S 777, G 374)

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Note that the stem of this participle is ἱέντ. When ε is lengthened due to compensatory lengthening, the result is ει.

Charts JPG
Present Active Participle δείκνυμι
Present Active Participle δίδωμι
Present Active Participle τίθημι
Present Active Participle ἵστημι
Present Active Participle ἵημι
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