At Caesar, etsī nōndum eōrum cōnsilia cōgnōverat, tamen et ex ēventū nāvium suārum et ex eō quod obsidēs dare intermīserant fore id quod accīdit suspicābātur. Itaque ad omnēs cāsūs subsidia comparābat. Nam et frūmentum ex agrīs cotīdiē in castra cōnferēbat et, quae gravissimē adflīctae erant nāvēs, eārum māteriā atque aere ad reliquās reficiendās ūtēbātur et quae ad eās rēs erant ūsuī ex continentī comportārī iubēbat. Itaque, cum summō studiō ā mīlitibus administrārētur, XII nāvibus āmīssīs, reliquīs ut nāvigārī satis commodē posset effēcit.

    Caesar repairs his fleet.

    ex eo quod: ‘from the fact that’ (Kelsey)

    fore id quod accīdit: ‘that that would happen which actually did’ (Towle & Jenks); for fore see ( A&G 170.a).

    ex…eo: ‘from the disaster to his ships and from the fact.’ (Walker)

    casus: 'emergencies' (Walker)

    aere: 'bronze' (Rice Holmes)

    ad eas res: ‘for that purpose’ (Kelsey) ( A&G 385.a)

    quae…usui: whatever was of use: the antecedent of quae is ea, subject of comportari (Allen & Judson); usui: dat. of purpose ( A&G 382)

    summo studio: the soldiers were as anxious to get away as Caesar was (Walker).

    reliquis...effecit: lit. 'made that it could be sailed by the rest', = 'made the others fit to sail in' (Walker).

    etsi: conj., even if, although

    ēventus, -ūs m.: occurrence, accident, event, fortune

    obses, -ĭdus m./f.: hostage

    suspĭcor, -āri: suspect, conjecture, suppose, surmise

    subsĭdĭum, -i n.: troops stationed in the rear, reserve troops, auxiliary troops; military aid, help

    cŏtīdĭē adv.: daily

    adflīctus, -a, -um: damaged, shattered; adflīgō, -ĕre, -flīxī, flīctum: knock down, knock about, strike down in battle

    rĕficĭo, -ere, -fēci, -fectum: make again, make anew, remake, renew, restore

    contĭnens, -entis f.: the continent, mainland

    comporto, -āre: carry, bring together, collect

    nāvĭgo, -āre: sail, set sail

    commŏdē: adv., rightly, properly, fitly, appropriately; pleasantly, comfortably

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    Christopher Francese, Caesar: Selections from the Gallic War. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2011, revised and enlarged 2018. ISBN: 978-1-947822-02-3.