Heather Waddell received her PhD in Classics from the University of Iowa, and is Assistant Professor of Classical Studies and Department Chair at Concordia College in Moorhead, MN. The need for a resource like the Digital Sappho became clear to her while teaching her courses. In helping students write research papers, she noted how much they needed better online resources to access the Greek and to help them sort through the scholarship. Since 2012 she has been active in Sunoikisis, a national consortium of Classics departments, with whom she has taught a number of hybrid-online courses. In 2014-15, Dr. Waddell participated in a yearlong faculty development seminar on digital humanities, funded by a Mellon Foundation grant awarded Concordia College. In Spring 2015, students in her senior capstone seminar created a digital commentary on Pindar’s Pythian Ode 3, while she was building the prototype of the Digital Sappho.