
Support for this project was provided by the Roberts Fund for Classical Studies at Dickinson College and the Student Research Partnership program of the Humanities Center at Carleton College

Thomas Van Nortwick (Nathan A. Greenberg Professor of Classics emeritus, Oberlin College) wrote the Introduction and close reading essays.

Rob Hardy (PhD Brown; sometime Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, Carleton College) wrote grammatical notes, supervised student research assistants, and wrote the Homeric Language Notes.

Christopher Francese (Asbury J. Clarke Professor of Classical Studies at Dickinson College) managed the project, edited the whole, and contributed video introductions to the Homeric dialect and scansion.

Bret Mulligan (Professor of Classics at Haverford College) provided the vocabulary spreadsheets.

Wilfred Major (Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Louisiana State University) read a draft of the notes and vocabulary to Book 9 with a group of his students and provided invaluable feedback.

Meagan Ayer (PhD, University at Buffalo) created the pages and menus for Books 5-8.

Lara Frymark (Dickinson ’12) created the pages and menus in Drupal for Books 9-12.

Austin Mason (Assistant Director for Digital Humanities, Humanities Center and Lecturer in History, Carleton College) created the 3-D model reconstruction of a Homeric ship.

Mandy Porter (Dickinson '23) read and critiqued the entirely of the notes and vocabulary on Books 5-12 with Rob Hardy over the course of 2021-2023 and made innumerable improvements to both. She was the primary custodian of the vocabulary spreadsheets throughout the project.

Stephanie Klein (Dickinson '21) performed initial upload of the vocabulary pages

Corrah Gonzalez-Lipham (Carleton '21) and M.J. Fielder-Jellsey (Carleton '22) read and gave helpful feedback on the notes and vocabulary for Odyssey Book 11, which they read with Dr. Jake Morton (Assistant Professor of Classics, Carleton College), during Winter Term 2021.

M.J. Fielder-Jellsey (Carleton '22), Sam Wege (Carleton '22), Emma MacArthur-Warner (Carleton '23), Samantha Zimmerman (Carleton '24), and Mandy Porter (Dickinson '23) edited vocabulary lists for Homer’s Odyssey Book 12 and made suggestions for corrections and additions to Rob Hardy’s notes. They also made suggestions for material to be included in a short Homeric reference grammar. The Carleton students were paid through the Student Research Partnership program of the Humanities Center at Carleton College.

Lexi Chroscinski (Dickinson '22), Mandy Porter (Dickinson '23), Stephanie Klein (Dickinson '21), and Sam Hotchkiss (then grad student at UMass Boston), edited the vocabulary lists and Rob Hardy's notes Odyssey, Books 10 and 11. The group read over the text with Rob over a period of 8 weeks in summer 2021 and made suggestions for the notes and vocabulary. Mandy entered corrections in the vocabulary spreadsheet, Stephanie fixed formatting issues in the notes, and Rob implemented edits to the notes. The Dickinson students were paid through the Roberts Fund for Classical Studies at Dickinson College.

University of Massachusetts, Amherst students Katie Ziegler (MAT '23) and Mikayla Stormo Dolge (BA '23) gave formal post-publication feedback on the commentary on Book 9 as part of an advanced Greek class taught by Hans Wietzke. They suggested helpful edits to the vocabulary lists and notes.

The Perseus Project provided the digitized Greek text, which was edited slightly to conform to Allen’s Oxford Classical Text.

The Perseids Project provided the fully parsed text of the Odyssey which formed the basis of the vocabulary lists.

Suggested Citation

Thomas Van Nortwick and Rob Hardy, Homer: Odyssey 5–12. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2024. ISBN: 978-1-947822-17-7. https://dcc.dickinson.edu/homer-odyssey/intro/credits