— sed ecce prōlēs rēgis inimīcī latet,

Lycī nefandum sēmen. invīsō patrī

haec dextra iam vōs reddet. excutiat levēs

nervus sagittās. tēla sīc mittī decet990



AM.                       Quō sē caecus impēgit furor?

vastum coāctīs flexit arcum cornibus

pharetramque solvit, strīdet ēmissa impetū

harundo — mediō spīculum collō fugit

vulnere relictō.


HER.                               Cēteram prōlem ēruam995

omnēsque latebrās. quid moror? maius mihi

bellum Mycēnīs restat, ut Cyclōpia

ēversa manibus saxa nostrīs concidant.

hūc eat et illūc valva dēiectō obice

rumpatque postēs; columen impulsum labet.1000

perlūcet omnis rēgia; hīc videō abditum

nātum scelestī patris.

    Hercules hallucinates that his own children are Lycus’s and aims his bow at them. Amphitryon relates his shock at this action. Amphitryon narrates the death of one child, then Hercules goes hunting for the rest of his family, destroying his own palace to get inside.

    987–88 prōlēs ... sēmen: both referring to Hercules’ children, whom he mistakes for Lycus’ children.

    988–89 invīsō ... reddet: i.e., Hercules will send the children to join their father in death. 

    989 excutiat: hortatory subjunctive (AG 439); the verb means “shoot” here.

    990 sic mittī decet “it is fitting that [Hercules’ arrows] be shot in this way,” i.e., to kill the family of a tyrant. decet is an impersonal verb that governs a complementary infinitive (AG 454).

    991 quō: “where.” sē … impēgit: “has driven itself.” The metaphor is that of dashing or smashing into something (LS impingo).

    992 coactīs … cornibus: ablative absolute (AG 419), “with the horns of the bow being brought together.”

    992–93 flexit ... solvit: the subject is Hercules.

    993 pharetramque solvit: ancient quivers usually had a top that needed to be opened to access the arrows.

    994 mediō … collō: ablative of place from which without a preposition (AG 428.g), “(out) from the middle of the neck.”

    995 vulnere relictō: ablative absolute (AG 419), “having left behind a wound.”

    997–98 Mycenīs: locative ablative (AG 421). Cyclōpia … saxa: the Cyclopean walls were the western part of the great circuit walls at Mycenae. restat, ut … concidant: substantive clause (AG 569.2), “remains, (namely) that … fall.” Hercules’ reference to the palace of Eurystheus at Mycenae may mean simply that he plans to travel there and attack Eurystheus after he is finished killing “Lycus’” family. But some scholars interpret these lines as an intensification of Hercules’ hallucination: Hercules may believe that he is actually attacking Eurystheus’ palace as he batters down his own palace.

    999–1000 Seneca refers to three parts of a large door: the valvae (the double or folding door itself), the ōbex (the bar or bolt that fastens the door), and the postēs (the door jam or frame). eat … rumpat labet: hortatory subjunctive (AG 439). deiectō ōbice: ablative absolute (AG 419). rumpatque postēs: the valva, in being thrown open by Hercules, will break its door frame.

    1000 columen: the ridge-pole of the roof, or the roof as a whole. impulsum: “broken,” “forced to give way,” perfect passive participle > impellō, agreeing with columen.

    1001 perlūcet: light pours into the palace through the shattered doorway and roof. 

    1002 scelestī patris: Hercules thinks he is abusing his enemy Lycus (or Eurystheus: see 996–8n.), but in reality he is describing himself as he kills his own son.

    prōlēs prōlis f.: descendants

    Lycus –ī m.: Lycus

    nefandus –a –um: unspeakable, abominable

    sēmen sēminis n.: seed; offspring

    invīsus –a –um: hated

    excutiō excutere excussī excussum: to shake out or off; cast out; examine, investigate

    nervus –ī m.: muscle, tendon; cord, string

    sagitta sagittae f.: arrow

    Herculeus –a –um: of Hercules; Herculean

    impingō –ere –pēgī –pāctus: to fasten upon; drive

    vāstus –a –um: empty, desolate; vast

    flectō flectere flēxī flexus: to bend; turn, direct; persuade

    arcus arcūs m.: bow; arch

    cornū –ūs n.: horn; the tip of an object (e.g., of a bow)

    pharetra –ae f.: quiver

    strīdō –ere: to make a shrill noise

    ēmittō ēmittere ēmīsī ēmīssus: to send out, release

    harundō –inis f.: reed; rod; arrow

    spīculum –ī n.: sharp point; arrow

    collum collī n.: neck

    prōlēs prōlis f.: descendants

    ēruō ēruere ēruī ērutus: unearth, dig up, discover

    latebra –ae f.: hiding place

    maior māius: bigger

    Mycēnae –ārum f. pl.: Mycenae

    restō restāre restitī: to remain; resist

    Cyclōpius –a –um: pertaining to the Cyclops

    concidō –cidere –cidī:  to collapse

    valva –ae f.: leaf of a door; a folding door

    dēiciō dēicere dēiēci deīctum: to throw down, eject

    ōbex, obicis m./f.: a bolt, bar; obstacle, barrier

    postis –is m.: doorjamb; door

    labō labāre labāvī labātus: to give way

    perlūceō –lūcēre –lūxī —: to transmit or emit light; shine

    rēgia rēgia f.: palace, court; royal power

    abditus –a –um: removed, hidden

    scelestus –a –um: wicked

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