No work of this sort is researched and written in an intellectual vacuum—and it would be all the worse if that were the case. In the process of bringing this project to completion, I have had the wonderful (and humbling) opportunity to benefit from the insights, feedback, and support of numerous colleagues and students. Chris Francese has supported the project from its inception, including providing helpful feedback on the initial kernel of the commentary. Christopher Carey, Clara Hardy (twice!), and Debby Sneed read and commented on earlier versions of the commentary and essays, and their deep knowledge and incisive feedback have greatly improved the final product. Willie Major kindly shared a copy of his important recent study of the speech. Students in my Fall 2021 intermediate Greek course at the University of Pittsburgh and the participants in the 2022 Dickinson Summer Ancient Greek Workshop test drove earlier versions of the notes, and their comments, questions, and observations were invaluable. Two undergraduate student research assistants at the University of Pittsburgh, Logan Truesdell and Cody McSherry provided exemplary support, conducting research, building vocabulary lists, and editing content. Meagan Ayer helped to make me appear to be a much better writer than I am in actuality. Support for this project was provided by an Open Educational Research grant from the Office of the Provost at the University of Pittsburgh.