This site was made possible by funding from the Roberts Fund for Classical Studies at Dickinson College and research funds from the Department of Classical Studies at Stanford University.

Thomas Van Nortwick, Nathan A. Greenberg Professor of Classics (emeritus), Oberlin College, wrote the Introduction and close reading essays.

Geoffrey Steadman wrote grammatical notes. An earlier version of these notes was published in 2015.

Ted Kelting, PhD candidate, Stanford University, edited the grammatical notes.

Meagan Ayer, PhD, edited D.B. Monro's A Grammar of the Homeric Dialect  for the web and edited the grammatical paradigms.

Seth Levin, Dickinson class of  '19, edited the vocabulary lists, corrected portions of the raw OCR of Monro's A Grammar of the Homeric Dialect in Lace, and created the grammatical paradigms.

Bret Mulligan, Associate Professor of Classics at Haverford College, provided the vocabulary spreadsheets.

Bruce Robertson, Associate Professor of Classics at Mount Allison University, performed the OCR that enabled the digitization of Monro's A Grammar of the Homeric Dialect, using his Lace platform.

Christopher Francese, Asbury J. Clarke Professor of Classical Studies at Dickinson College, edited the whole.

Suggested Citation

Thomas Van Nortwick and Geoffrey Steadman, Homer: Iliad 6 and 22. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2018. ISBN: 978-1-947822-11-5.