31.8 Adjectives in –ύς –εῖα –ύ

As you study this inflection pattern, note the following:

  • Remember that if the stem of the adjective ends in –ε, –ι or –ρ, appears instead of η in feminine singular forms. The use of –– affects only the GENITIVE and DATIVE SINGULAR for these adjectives, however. The nominative and accusative singular already have short –-.
  • In the nominative and accusative singular of the masculine and neuter, the stem ends in –υ.
  • The masculine accusative singular ending is –ν.
  • The masculine nominative and accusative plural are identical: see, e.g., ἡδεῖς.
  • Not all of the expected contractions occur: see, e.g., ἡδέος, ἡδέων, and ἡδέα.
  • All adjectives of this declension family share the same persistent accent.

(S 297, cf G 158)

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