16.1 In the previous lesson, we learned the formula to form the future tense: verb stem + σ + –ω personal endings. If the verb stem ends in a CONSONANT, the addition of σ results in several predictable sound changes:

  • If the verb stem ends in a labial (-π, –β, –φ), the addition of the σ results in ψ.
  • If the verb stem ends in a dental (-δ, –θ and –ζ), the dental drops, leaving only the tense marker σ.
  • If the verb stem ends in a palatal (-κ, –γ, –χ), the addition of the σ results in ξ.

These combinations affect only the pronunciation, not the meaning of the verb, but they do yield distinctive spellings. This lesson introduces new verbs, organized by the type of consonant that ends the stem.

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