P. Berol. 11629 B recto

    Kallimachos, Aitia I, Fr. 23 Harder mit Scholien (Fr. 23c) und Fr. 24 Harder mit Scholien (Fr. 25d) und Aitia III, Fr. 54h und 54i Z. 18–22 Harder.

    Fr. a Rekto: 22 Zeilen; Fr. a Verso: 19 Zeilen; Fr. b Rekto: 5 Zeilen; Fr. b Verso: 5 Zeilen.



    U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Neues von Kallimachos II, SPAW 1914, 222–244; SH 264 (Fr. a R) und 265 Z. 18–22 (Fr. a V) (H. Lloyd-Jones - P. Parsons).

    Weitere Literatur:

    C. Austin, L’Apothéose d’Arsinoé (P.Berol. 13417 A = Callim. Fr. 228 Pf.) in: Bastianini - Casanova, Callimaco, cent’anni di papiri 57–68, insb. 58.

    2nd half of the 4th century AD
    Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung

    PSI XI 1217

      From PSI online:

      The papyrus comes from excavations conducted by E. Breccia at Behnesa (Kom Ali-el-Gammâm) in the spring of 1932. It was possibly part of the private library of the family of Sarapion, the so-called "Apollonian." We are dealing with four fragments belonging to two rolls by different hands. Within the text are sone additions and corrections by another hand.

      The text was edited with a photograph, together with the fragments of PSI XI 1218, by G. Vitelli “Nuovi frammenti degli Αιτια di Callimaco,” in ASNP Ser. II, III, 1934, pp. 1-7. 

      Bibliography: (1217 a-b) Pack2 195; A. Körte, “Literarische Texte mit Ausschluss der christlichen. Nr. 792, 793”, in Archiv XI, 1935, pp. 225-227; V. Bartoletti, “Die italianische Papyrusforschung der letzten zehn Jahre”, in Lipz.Roman.Stud III/2, 1937, p. 47 (= V. Bartoletti, “Scritti 1933-1976” I,1, Pisa 1993, p. 47); L. Torraca, “Il prologo dei Telchini e l’inizio degli Aetia di Callimaco” (Collana di studi greci 48), Napoli 1969, pp. 7-10, 21-79; M. Campbell, “Three Notes on Alexandrine Poetry. C. Callimachean leptotes: Aetia fr. I,29f.”, in Hermes 102, 1974, pp. 44-46; K. Töchterle, “Die “μεγάλη γυνή” des Mimnermos bei Kallimachos”, in RhM NF 123/3-4, 1980, pp. 225-234; D. Marcotte, P. Mertens, “Les papyrus de Callimaque”, in M. Capasso, G. Messeri Savorelli, R. Pintaudi (a cura di), “Miscellanea Papyrologica in Occasione del Bicentenario dell’Edizione della Cartha Borgiana. Premessa di Marcello Gigante” (Pap.Flor. XIX), Firenze 1990, p. 415, nr. 195; A. Harder, “Aspects of the structure of Callimachus’ Aetia” in M.A. Harder, R.F. Regtuit, G.C. Wakker (a cura di), “Callimachus” (Hellenistica Groningana 1), Groningen 1993, pp. 99-110; G. Massimilla, “Callimaco fr. 115 Pf.” in ZPE 95, 1993, p. 33; G. Massimilla, “L’invocazione di Callimaco alle cariti nel primo libro degli Aitia (fr. 7,9-14 Pf.)”, in Adam Bülow-Jacobsen (a cura di), “Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Papyrologists, Copenhagen, 23-29 August 1992”, Copenhagen 1994, pp. 322-325; E. Lelli, “La polivalenza simbolica dell’opposizione asino/cicala nel prologo degli Aitia di Callimaco (fr. 1, 29 ss. Pf.)”, in Seminari romani di cultura greca 4, 2001, pp. 245-252; P. Orsini, “Papiri Letterari della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana”, CD-Rom, Cassino 2002, scheda nr. 226. 

      Fragments a-b are from the same roll as P.Oxy. XVII 2079, XVIII 2167, e XIX, pp. 147-149.

      2nd century AD
      fr. a: cm 5.3 x 5.4; fr. b: cm 7.3 x 10; fr. c: cm 4.4 x 6.2; fr. d: cm 4.2 x 6.3
      Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana
      Image Credit