A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | X | Z
Headword Definitions Occurrences in the Aeneid

(prep. w. acc., and adv.), over, 3.194; above, 12.839; upon, 9.553; after its case, 4.240; (adv.), above, 7.32.


(prep. w. acc., and adv.), over, 3.194; above, 12.839; upon, 9.553; after its case, 4.240; (adv.), above, 7.32.


(adv.), for the last time, 3.68. (superus)

suprēmum, ī, n.

the end, 12.803; pl., suprēma, ōrum, the last honors, rites, 6.213. (superus)

sūra, ae, f.

the calf of the leg; the leg, 1.337.

surgō, surrēxī, surrēctus, 3, a. and n.

to raise, prick up, 4.183; rise, spring up, arise, 3.513, et al.; as an enemy, 10.28; to swell, 9.30; to tower up, 10.725; increase, grow, rise, 4.274; impend, threaten, 4.43. Cf. subrigō. (sub and regō)

sūs, suis, c.

a hog, swine, 1.635; sow, 3.390.

suscipiō, cēpī (succēpī, 1.175), ceptus, 3, a.

to take up, 4.391; receive, catch, 1.175; conceive, beget, 4.327; undertake, 6.629; reply, 6.723; to take up the new-born child; (pass.), to be born, 4.327. (sub and capiō)

suscitō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.

to stir up, turn up; to rekindle, 5.743; rouse, incite, 2.618; call forth, 8.455.

suspectus, a, um

suspected, conjectured, guessed at; in suspicion, suspicious, mistrusted, 2.36; causing suspicion, fear, apprehension; distrusted, 3.550. (suspiciō)

suspectus, ūs, m.

a looking up; upward views; distance upward, height, 6.579; elevation, 9.530. (suspiciō)

suspendō, pendī, pēnsus, 3, a.

to hang up, 6.859; hang, 1.318; p., suspēnsus, a, um, suspended, scarcely touching the ground or water, 7.810; hanging, 8.190; as adj., in suspense, uncertain, doubtful, in doubt, 6.722; anxious, 2.729; filled with awe, 3.372.

suspēnsus, a, um

in suspense, uncertain, doubtful, in doubt, 6.722; anxious, 2.729; filled with awe, 3.372.

suspiciō, spexī, spectus, 3, a. and n.

to look up to, 6.668; behold, see; look upon with wonder; admire; survey, 1.438. (sub and speciō, look)

suspīrō, āvī, ātus, 1, n. and a.

to breathe from beneath or deeply; to sigh, 1.371.

sustentō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. a.

to uphold; hold up, support, sustain, 10.339; poise, 10.304; second, support, 11.224; maintain, 12.662; bear up against, withstand, 11.873. (sustineō)

sustineō, tinuī, tentus, 2, a.

to hold up; sustain, bear, 7.786; hold up, poise, 12.726; hold, wave, 7.398; check, withstand, 10.799; keep off, 11.750; repel, 9.708; maintain, support. (sub and teneō)

sūtilis, e

adj. (suō), stitched together, sewed; made of stitched hides or skins, 6.414.

suus, a, um

his, her, its, their; his own, etc., 6.641, et al.; proper, appropriate, peculiar; fitting, 5.54; favorable, friendly, propitious, 5.832; emphatic for ēius, 4.633. (suī)

suus, a, um

his, her, its, their; his own, etc., 6.641, et al.; proper, appropriate, peculiar; fitting, 5.54; favorable, friendly, propitious, 5.832; emphatic for ēius, 4.633. (suī)

Sybaris, is, m.

a Trojan warrior, 12.363.

Sӯchaeus, ī, m.

a Tyrian prince, the husband of Dido, 1.343, et al.

Sӯchaeus, a, um

adj. (Sӯchaeus), pertaining to Sӯchaeus, of Sychaeus, 4.552.

Sӯmaethius, a, um

adj. (Sӯmaethum), of Symaethum, a river and town on the eastern coast of Sicily; Symaethian, 9.584.

syrtis, is, f.

a sand-bank or shoal in the sea; esp., Syrtis Maior and Syrtis Minor, on the northern coast of Africa, 4.41; a sand-bank, shoal, 1.111.

syrtis, is, f.

a sand-bank or shoal in the sea; esp., Syrtis Maior and Syrtis Minor, on the northern coast of Africa, 4.41; a sand-bank, shoal, 1.111.

tābeō, 2, n.

to melt; drip, be drenched, 1.173; to waste away, be wan, 12.221.

tābēs, is, f.

a melting, wasting away; repining, woe, grief, 6.442. (tābeō)

tābidus, a, um

adj. (tabeō), melting away; wasting, consuming, 3.137.

tabula, ae, f.

a board, plank, 1.119.

tabulātum, ī, n.

a planking; floor, platform, story, 2.464. (tabula)

tābum, ī, n.

corrupt matter; putrid blood; gore, 3.29. (tābeō)

Taburnus, ī, m.

a ridge of the Apennines south of Caudium, 12.715.

taceō, uī, itus, 3, n. and a.

to be silent, not to speak, 2.94; to be still, quiet, hushed, 4.525; leave unmentioned; p., tacēns, entis, noiseless, silent, 6.265.

tacitus, a, um

passed over in silence, unmentioned, 6.841; unobserved, 2.568; unexpressed, secret, hidden, 4.67; silent, in silence, 2.125; silent, speechless, 4.364; still, noiseless, 6.386; calm, 1.502; quiet, solitary, in the night, 7.343; per tacitum, in silence, quietly, 9.31. (taceō)

tacitus, a, um

passed over in silence, unmentioned, 6.841; unobserved, 2.568; unexpressed, secret, hidden, 4.67; silent, in silence, 2.125; silent, speechless, 4.364; still, noiseless, 6.386; calm, 1.502; quiet, solitary, in the night, 7.343; per tacitum, in silence, quietly, 9.31. (taceō)

tāctus, ūs, m.

a touching; touch, 2.683. (tangō)

taeda, ae, f.

pitch-pine, 4.505; a brand, 7.71; torch, nuptial torch, 4.18; marriage, 4.339.

taedet, taeduit or taesum est, 2, impers. a.

it irks, wearies, disgusts me, thee, etc.; I (thou, he, etc.) am wearied, tired, 4.451.

taenia, ae, f.

a band, fillet; hairband; ribbon, braid, forming the ends of the vitta, 5.269.

Tagus, ī, m.

a Rutulian, 9.418.

tālāria, ium, n.

sandals; winged sandals, 4.239. (tālus, ankle)

talentum, ī, n.

a monetary weight or sum, varying in different periods and countries, but around 60-70 lb., usually gold or silver; a large sum, weight, or amount, 5.112, et al.

tālis, e

(adj.), such, in kind or nature; correlative to quālis, such, 1.503; such, of such sort or kind, 1.74; without quālis, such as has been said, 1.50; such as follows; this, 1.131; so distinguished, so great, 1.335; so critical, 11.303; introducing a comparison, 9.710.

Talos, ī, m.

a Rutulian, 12.513.


correlative to quam, so much, by so much, 7.787; without quam, so as, so much, in such a manner, to such a degree, freq.


(conj.), however, notwithstanding, nevertheless, still, yet.

Tanais, is, m.

a Rutulian, 12.513.


(adv.), at length, at last, finally, 2.76, et al.; pray then, now, 1.369. (tam)

tangō, tetigī, tāctus, 3, a.

to touch, 3.324, et al.; of lightning, strike, blast; of touching a shore, reach, enter, arrive at, 4.612; (fig.), affect, move, 1.462; encounter, experience, 4.551; overtake, come home to, 4.596.


by so much, so much, 6.79. (tantus)


(adv.), so much, 6.877; just so much; only, 2.23; in tantum, to such a degree or height, so high, 6.876; tantum — quantum, so great (such, so much) — as.


(adv.), so much, 6.877; just so much; only, 2.23; in tantum, to such a degree or height, so high, 6.876; tantum — quantum, so great (such, so much) — as.

tantus, a, um

(adj.), so great, such, regularly followed by quantus; alone, 1.606, et al.; explanatory, so great, such, 1.33, et al.; followed by quam, so great as, 6.352, et al.; in tantum, to such a degree or height, so high, 6.876; tantum — quantum, so great (such, so much) — as.

tapēte, is, n. and tapēs, ētis (acc. pl., tapētas), m.

a coverlet; tapestry, hanging; a carpet, 9.358; abl. pl., tapētīs (perhaps from tapētum, ī), with housings, 7.277.

Tarchō, ōnis or ontis, m.

an Etrurian prince, ally of Aeneas, 11.727, et al.

tardō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. and n.

to render slow; hinder, cripple, delay, 5.453; impede, enfeeble, 6.731; hold back, detain, retard, 11.21. (tardus)

tardus, a, um

(adj.), slow, sluggish, tardy, 5.154; backward, lingering, coming on late, 1.746; sluggish, gross, carnal, 6.720.

Tarentum, ī, n.

Tarentum, a city of Greek origin on the coast of lower Italy, 3.551.

Tarpēia (trisyll.), ae, f.

a follower of Camilla, 11.656.

Tarpēius (trisyll.), a, um

(adj.), pertaining to the Tarpeian rock or precipitous part of the Capitoline Hill at Rome; Tarpeian, 8.347.

Tarquinius, a, um

(adj.), Tarquinian; the designation of the Roman gens to which belonged Tarquinius Priscus and Tarquinius Superbus, 6.817; subst., Tarquinius, iī, Tarquinius or Tarquin, 8.646.

Tarquitus, ī, m.

a Rutulian slain by Aeneas, 10.550.

Tartarus, ī, m., pl., Tartara, ōrum, n.

the lower world, Hades; especially that portion which was set apart for the wicked; Tartarus, 5.734, et al.

Tartareus, a, um

adj. (Tartarus), pertaining to Tartarus; Tartarean, 6.551; in a general sense, infernal, Tartarean, 6.295.

Tartarus, ī, m., pl., Tartara, ōrum, n.

the lower world, Hades; especially that portion which was set apart for the wicked; Tartarus, 5.734, et al.

Tatius, iī, m.

Titus Tatius, a Sabine king, at first hostile to Romulus, but at last joint king with him over Romans and Sabines, 8.638.

taureus, a, um

adj. (taurus), of bulls; bull’s-, 9.706.

taurīnus, a, um

adj. (taurus), of a bull or bull's, 1.368.

taurus, ī, m.

a bull, steer, ox, bullock, 2.202, et al.

tēctum, ī, n.

a covering; roof, 2.302; a house, 1.425; building, 3.134; 6.29; palace, 1.632; habitation, dwelling, abode, 6.211; shelter, haunt, covert, 6.8; battlement, 9.558. (tegō)

tegō, tēxī, tēctus, 3, a.

to cover, 3.25, et al.; cover in the funeral urn, inclose, 6.228; surround, encompass, 11.12; protect, defend, shield, 2.430; shelter, 3.583; hide, conceal, 3.236; shut up, 2.126; overshadow, 8.95.

Tegeaeus, a, um

adj. (Tegea), of Tegea, a town in Arcadia; Tegean, Arcadian, 5.299.

tegmen (tegumen), inis, n.

a means of covering; skin, hide, 1.275; clothing, 3.594; shield, 9.577; tegmen crūrum, close-fitting trousers worn by Phrygians, 11.777. (tegō)

tegō, tēxī, tēctus, 3, a.

to cover, 3.25, et al.; cover in the funeral urn, inclose, 6.228; surround, encompass, 11.12; protect, defend, shield, 2.430; shelter, 3.583; hide, conceal, 3.236; shut up, 2.126; overshadow, 8.95.

tēla, ae, f.

a web; the long thread of a woven fabric; the warp; web, 4.264. (texō)

Tēleboae, ārum (um), m.

a people of Acarnania, a part of whom migrated to the island of Capreae in the Bay of Naples, 7.735.

tellūs, ūris, f.

the earth, 6.140; ground, soil, earth, 1.358; land, 1.171; a land (of an island), 1.34; a country, territory, state, kingdom, 11.245; personified, Tellūs, the goddess Tellus or Earth, 4.166.

tellūs, ūris, f.

the earth, 6.140; ground, soil, earth, 1.358; land, 1.171; a land (of an island), 1.34; a country, territory, state, kingdom, 11.245; personified, Tellūs, the goddess Tellus or Earth, 4.166.

Telōn, ōnis, m.

king of the Teleboans in the island of Capreae, 7.734.

tēlum, ī, n.

a missile weapon, freq.; a bolt, 1.665; shaft, arrow, 1.191; spear, lance, javelin, 1.99; weapon, 2.447; point, 12.387; blow or caestus, 5.438.


(adv.), by chance; promiscuously, 9.329; in vain, 9.375.

temerō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.

to treat recklessly; outrage; desecrate, defile, profane, 6.840.

temnō, 3, a.

to despise, disdain, scorn, defy, 1.665; p., temnendus, a, um, to be despised; insignificant, small, 10.737.

tēmō, ōnis, m.

the tongue or pole of a plow or cart; wagon, chariot, 12.470.

temperō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. and n.

to attemper; combine in due proportions; with acc., regulate, adjust; refresh; allay, moderate, calm, 1.146; restrain, 1.57; with abl. or dat., abstain from, 2.8. (tempus)

tempestās, ātis, f.

a portion of time; a season; weather; flashing light; radiance, 9.20; a storm, tempest, 1.53; cloud, tempest of missiles, 12.284; storm of war, 7.223; calamity, 11.423; cloud, personif., Tempestātēs, um, demons of storms, storms, 5.772. (tempus)

tempestās, ātis, f.

a portion of time; a season; weather; flashing light; radiance, 9.20; a storm, tempest, 1.53; cloud, tempest of missiles, 12.284; storm of war, 7.223; calamity, 11.423; cloud, personif., Tempestātēs, um, demons of storms, storms, 5.772. (tempus)

templum, ī, n.

a portion of the heavens marked out or cut off for auguries; a place set apart as holy; holy ground; a shrine, fane, chapel, temple, 1.416, et al.(cf. τέμνω, cut off)

tempus, oris, n.

1. Time in general, a period, time, 1.278; interval or space of time, 4.433; crisis, circumstance, juncture, 7.37; season, fitting time, opportunity, proper moment, 4.294; ex longō (tempore), in or for a long time, 9.64. 2. The temple of the forehead, 9.418; commonly pl., 2.684; of animals, 12.173.

tempus, oris, n.

1. Time in general, a period, time, 1.278; interval or space of time, 4.433; crisis, circumstance, juncture, 7.37; season, fitting time, opportunity, proper moment, 4.294; ex longō (tempore), in or for a long time, 9.64. 2. The temple of the forehead, 9.418; commonly pl., 2.684; of animals, 12.173.

tenāx, ācis

adj. (teneō), holding on or fast; tenacious; adhering to, persistent in, w. gen., 4.188.

tendō, tetendī, tentus or tēnsus, 3, a. and n.

to stretch; stretch forth or out, 6.314; strain, lift, raise, 2.405; hold, reach out or up, 2.674; direct, 1.410; aim, 5.489; strain, bend, 7.164; shoot, 9.606; stretch, fill, 3.268; n., reach, extend, descend, 4.446; hold, direct one's course, go to, proceed, 5.286, et al.; advance, 12.917; 9.795; hasten, 2.321; make for, advance, 2.205; hold one’s flight, fly, 6.198; make one’s way to, visit (ad omitted), 6.696; maintain, keep one's course, 5.21; stretch the tents; encamp, 2.29; tend, lead, 6.541; struggle, endeavor, strive, 5.155; contend, 12.553; design, purpose, intend, 1.18; essay, try to answer, 9.377; quō tenditis, what is your purpose? 5.670.

tenebrae, ārum, f.

darkness, 9.425; gloom, 6.238; 2.92; dark abode, 6.545.

tenebrōsus, a, um

adj. (tenebrae), dark, dusky, murky, 5.839.

Tenedos, ī, f.

an island in the Aegean about five miles from shore in sight of Troy, 2.21.

teneō, uī, tentus, 2, a. and n.

to hold, in every sense, freq.; hold fast, grasp, 2.530; 12.754; cling to, 2.490; keep, hold, 1.482; inhabit, 1.12; gain, reach, 1.400; seize upon, 12.673; hold one's course through, traverse, 7.287; hold, direct one's way, 1.370; retain, 6.235; to have, inherit, 5.121; preserve, maintain, observe, 3.408; govern, rule, 1.236; detain, 1.670; withhold, forbid, 12.819; bind, control, 2.159; fill, possess, 1.132; keep in mind or memory; n., have possession, be master, 2.505; prīma tenēre, to take the lead, 10.157; sē tenēre, stand fast, 7.589. (rel. to tendō)

tener, era, erum

(adj.), tender, 2.406; young, 11.578; light, delicate, 3.449; thin, 9.699.

tenor, ōris, m.

a holding on; a continuous course; course. (teneō)

temptāmentum, ī, n.

a trial; essay; experiment; approach, 8.144. (temptō)