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Headword | Definitions | Occurrences in the Aeneid |
tābeō, 2, n. | to melt; drip, be drenched, 1.173; to waste away, be wan, 12.221. |
1 |
tābēs, is, f. | a melting, wasting away; repining, woe, grief, 6.442. (tābeō) |
1 |
tābidus, a, um | adj. (tabeō), melting away; wasting, consuming, 3.137. |
1 |
tabula, ae, f. | a board, plank, 1.119. |
2 |
tabulātum, ī, n. | a planking; floor, platform, story, 2.464. (tabula) |
2 |
tābum, ī, n. | corrupt matter; putrid blood; gore, 3.29. (tābeō) |
5 |
Taburnus, ī, m. | a ridge of the Apennines south of Caudium, 12.715. |
1 |
taceō, uī, itus, 3, n. and a. | to be silent, not to speak, 2.94; to be still, quiet, hushed, 4.525; leave unmentioned; p., tacēns, entis, noiseless, silent, 6.265. |
3 |
tacitus, a, um | passed over in silence, unmentioned, 6.841; unobserved, 2.568; unexpressed, secret, hidden, 4.67; silent, in silence, 2.125; silent, speechless, 4.364; still, noiseless, 6.386; calm, 1.502; quiet, solitary, in the night, 7.343; per tacitum, in silence, quietly, 9.31. (taceō) |
1 |
tacitus, a, um | passed over in silence, unmentioned, 6.841; unobserved, 2.568; unexpressed, secret, hidden, 4.67; silent, in silence, 2.125; silent, speechless, 4.364; still, noiseless, 6.386; calm, 1.502; quiet, solitary, in the night, 7.343; per tacitum, in silence, quietly, 9.31. (taceō) |
22 |
tāctus, ūs, m. | a touching; touch, 2.683. (tangō) |
2 |
taeda, ae, f. | pitch-pine, 4.505; a brand, 7.71; torch, nuptial torch, 4.18; marriage, 4.339. |
12 |
taedet, taeduit or taesum est, 2, impers. a. | it irks, wearies, disgusts me, thee, etc.; I (thou, he, etc.) am wearied, tired, 4.451. |
3 |
taenia, ae, f. | a band, fillet; hairband; ribbon, braid, forming the ends of the vitta, 5.269. |
2 |
Tagus, ī, m. | a Rutulian, 9.418. |
1 |
tālāria, ium, n. | sandals; winged sandals, 4.239. (tālus, ankle) |
1 |
talentum, ī, n. | a monetary weight or sum, varying in different periods and countries, but around 60-70 lb., usually gold or silver; a large sum, weight, or amount, 5.112, et al. |
6 |
tālis, e | (adj.), such, in kind or nature; correlative to quālis, such, 1.503; such, of such sort or kind, 1.74; without quālis, such as has been said, 1.50; such as follows; this, 1.131; so distinguished, so great, 1.335; so critical, 11.303; introducing a comparison, 9.710. |
148 |
Talos, ī, m. | a Rutulian, 12.513. |
1 |
tam | correlative to quam, so much, by so much, 7.787; without quam, so as, so much, in such a manner, to such a degree, freq. |
23 |
tamen | (conj.), however, notwithstanding, nevertheless, still, yet. |
38 |
Tanais, is, m. | a Rutulian, 12.513. |
1 |
tandem | (adv.), at length, at last, finally, 2.76, et al.; pray then, now, 1.369. (tam) |
42 |
tangō, tetigī, tāctus, 3, a. | to touch, 3.324, et al.; of lightning, strike, blast; of touching a shore, reach, enter, arrive at, 4.612; (fig.), affect, move, 1.462; encounter, experience, 4.551; overtake, come home to, 4.596. |
15 |
tantō | by so much, so much, 6.79. (tantus) |
2 |
tantum | (adv.), so much, 6.877; just so much; only, 2.23; in tantum, to such a degree or height, so high, 6.876; tantum — quantum, so great (such, so much) — as. |
27 |
tantum | (adv.), so much, 6.877; just so much; only, 2.23; in tantum, to such a degree or height, so high, 6.876; tantum — quantum, so great (such, so much) — as. |
9 |
tantus, a, um | (adj.), so great, such, regularly followed by quantus; alone, 1.606, et al.; explanatory, so great, such, 1.33, et al.; followed by quam, so great as, 6.352, et al.; in tantum, to such a degree or height, so high, 6.876; tantum — quantum, so great (such, so much) — as. |
118 |
tapēte, is, n. and tapēs, ētis (acc. pl., tapētas), m. | a coverlet; tapestry, hanging; a carpet, 9.358; abl. pl., tapētīs (perhaps from tapētum, ī), with housings, 7.277. |
3 |
Tarchō, ōnis or ontis, m. | an Etrurian prince, ally of Aeneas, 11.727, et al. |
11 |
tardō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. and n. | to render slow; hinder, cripple, delay, 5.453; impede, enfeeble, 6.731; hold back, detain, retard, 11.21. (tardus) |
7 |
tardus, a, um | (adj.), slow, sluggish, tardy, 5.154; backward, lingering, coming on late, 1.746; sluggish, gross, carnal, 6.720. |
10 |
Tarentum, ī, n. | Tarentum, a city of Greek origin on the coast of lower Italy, 3.551. |
1 |
Tarpēia (trisyll.), ae, f. | a follower of Camilla, 11.656. |
1 |
Tarpēius (trisyll.), a, um | (adj.), pertaining to the Tarpeian rock or precipitous part of the Capitoline Hill at Rome; Tarpeian, 8.347. |
2 |
Tarquinius, a, um | (adj.), Tarquinian; the designation of the Roman gens to which belonged Tarquinius Priscus and Tarquinius Superbus, 6.817; subst., Tarquinius, iī, Tarquinius or Tarquin, 8.646. |
2 |
Tarquitus, ī, m. | a Rutulian slain by Aeneas, 10.550. |
1 |
Tartarus, ī, m., pl., Tartara, ōrum, n. | the lower world, Hades; especially that portion which was set apart for the wicked; Tartarus, 5.734, et al. |
10 |
Tartareus, a, um | adj. (Tartarus), pertaining to Tartarus; Tartarean, 6.551; in a general sense, infernal, Tartarean, 6.295. |
7 |
Tartarus, ī, m., pl., Tartara, ōrum, n. | the lower world, Hades; especially that portion which was set apart for the wicked; Tartarus, 5.734, et al. |
1 |
Tatius, iī, m. | Titus Tatius, a Sabine king, at first hostile to Romulus, but at last joint king with him over Romans and Sabines, 8.638. |
1 |
taureus, a, um | adj. (taurus), of bulls; bull’s-, 9.706. |
1 |
taurīnus, a, um | adj. (taurus), of a bull or bull's, 1.368. |
1 |
taurus, ī, m. | a bull, steer, ox, bullock, 2.202, et al. |
21 |
tēctum, ī, n. | a covering; roof, 2.302; a house, 1.425; building, 3.134; 6.29; palace, 1.632; habitation, dwelling, abode, 6.211; shelter, haunt, covert, 6.8; battlement, 9.558. (tegō) |
83 |
tegō, tēxī, tēctus, 3, a. | to cover, 3.25, et al.; cover in the funeral urn, inclose, 6.228; surround, encompass, 11.12; protect, defend, shield, 2.430; shelter, 3.583; hide, conceal, 3.236; shut up, 2.126; overshadow, 8.95. |
2 |
Tegeaeus, a, um | adj. (Tegea), of Tegea, a town in Arcadia; Tegean, Arcadian, 5.299. |
2 |
tegmen (tegumen), inis, n. | a means of covering; skin, hide, 1.275; clothing, 3.594; shield, 9.577; tegmen crūrum, close-fitting trousers worn by Phrygians, 11.777. (tegō) |
13 |
tegō, tēxī, tēctus, 3, a. | to cover, 3.25, et al.; cover in the funeral urn, inclose, 6.228; surround, encompass, 11.12; protect, defend, shield, 2.430; shelter, 3.583; hide, conceal, 3.236; shut up, 2.126; overshadow, 8.95. |
39 |
tēla, ae, f. | a web; the long thread of a woven fabric; the warp; web, 4.264. (texō) |
5 |
Tēleboae, ārum (um), m. | a people of Acarnania, a part of whom migrated to the island of Capreae in the Bay of Naples, 7.735. |
1 |
tellūs, ūris, f. | the earth, 6.140; ground, soil, earth, 1.358; land, 1.171; a land (of an island), 1.34; a country, territory, state, kingdom, 11.245; personified, Tellūs, the goddess Tellus or Earth, 4.166. |
49 |
tellūs, ūris, f. | the earth, 6.140; ground, soil, earth, 1.358; land, 1.171; a land (of an island), 1.34; a country, territory, state, kingdom, 11.245; personified, Tellūs, the goddess Tellus or Earth, 4.166. |
2 |
Telōn, ōnis, m. | king of the Teleboans in the island of Capreae, 7.734. |
1 |
tēlum, ī, n. | a missile weapon, freq.; a bolt, 1.665; shaft, arrow, 1.191; spear, lance, javelin, 1.99; weapon, 2.447; point, 12.387; blow or caestus, 5.438. |
147 |
temerē | (adv.), by chance; promiscuously, 9.329; in vain, 9.375. |
2 |
temerō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to treat recklessly; outrage; desecrate, defile, profane, 6.840. |
1 |
temnō, 3, a. | to despise, disdain, scorn, defy, 1.665; p., temnendus, a, um, to be despised; insignificant, small, 10.737. |
5 |
tēmō, ōnis, m. | the tongue or pole of a plow or cart; wagon, chariot, 12.470. |
1 |
temperō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. and n. | to attemper; combine in due proportions; with acc., regulate, adjust; refresh; allay, moderate, calm, 1.146; restrain, 1.57; with abl. or dat., abstain from, 2.8. (tempus) |
3 |
tempestās, ātis, f. | a portion of time; a season; weather; flashing light; radiance, 9.20; a storm, tempest, 1.53; cloud, tempest of missiles, 12.284; storm of war, 7.223; calamity, 11.423; cloud, personif., Tempestātēs, um, demons of storms, storms, 5.772. (tempus) |
14 |
tempestās, ātis, f. | a portion of time; a season; weather; flashing light; radiance, 9.20; a storm, tempest, 1.53; cloud, tempest of missiles, 12.284; storm of war, 7.223; calamity, 11.423; cloud, personif., Tempestātēs, um, demons of storms, storms, 5.772. (tempus) |
1 |
templum, ī, n. | a portion of the heavens marked out or cut off for auguries; a place set apart as holy; holy ground; a shrine, fane, chapel, temple, 1.416, et al.(cf. τέμνω, cut off) |
34 |
tempus, oris, n. | 1. Time in general, a period, time, 1.278; interval or space of time, 4.433; crisis, circumstance, juncture, 7.37; season, fitting time, opportunity, proper moment, 4.294; ex longō (tempore), in or for a long time, 9.64. 2. The temple of the forehead, 9.418; commonly pl., 2.684; of animals, 12.173. |
39 |
tempus, oris, n. | 1. Time in general, a period, time, 1.278; interval or space of time, 4.433; crisis, circumstance, juncture, 7.37; season, fitting time, opportunity, proper moment, 4.294; ex longō (tempore), in or for a long time, 9.64. 2. The temple of the forehead, 9.418; commonly pl., 2.684; of animals, 12.173. |
31 |
tenāx, ācis | adj. (teneō), holding on or fast; tenacious; adhering to, persistent in, w. gen., 4.188. |
4 |
tendō, tetendī, tentus or tēnsus, 3, a. and n. | to stretch; stretch forth or out, 6.314; strain, lift, raise, 2.405; hold, reach out or up, 2.674; direct, 1.410; aim, 5.489; strain, bend, 7.164; shoot, 9.606; stretch, fill, 3.268; n., reach, extend, descend, 4.446; hold, direct one's course, go to, proceed, 5.286, et al.; advance, 12.917; 9.795; hasten, 2.321; make for, advance, 2.205; hold one’s flight, fly, 6.198; make one’s way to, visit (ad omitted), 6.696; maintain, keep one's course, 5.21; stretch the tents; encamp, 2.29; tend, lead, 6.541; struggle, endeavor, strive, 5.155; contend, 12.553; design, purpose, intend, 1.18; essay, try to answer, 9.377; quō tenditis, what is your purpose? 5.670. |
71 |
tenebrae, ārum, f. | darkness, 9.425; gloom, 6.238; 2.92; dark abode, 6.545. |
17 |
tenebrōsus, a, um | adj. (tenebrae), dark, dusky, murky, 5.839. |
2 |
Tenedos, ī, f. | an island in the Aegean about five miles from shore in sight of Troy, 2.21. |
3 |
teneō, uī, tentus, 2, a. and n. | to hold, in every sense, freq.; hold fast, grasp, 2.530; 12.754; cling to, 2.490; keep, hold, 1.482; inhabit, 1.12; gain, reach, 1.400; seize upon, 12.673; hold one's course through, traverse, 7.287; hold, direct one's way, 1.370; retain, 6.235; to have, inherit, 5.121; preserve, maintain, observe, 3.408; govern, rule, 1.236; detain, 1.670; withhold, forbid, 12.819; bind, control, 2.159; fill, possess, 1.132; keep in mind or memory; n., have possession, be master, 2.505; prīma tenēre, to take the lead, 10.157; sē tenēre, stand fast, 7.589. (rel. to tendō) |
133 |
tener, era, erum | (adj.), tender, 2.406; young, 11.578; light, delicate, 3.449; thin, 9.699. |
6 |
tenor, ōris, m. | a holding on; a continuous course; course. (teneō) |
1 |
temptāmentum, ī, n. | a trial; essay; experiment; approach, 8.144. (temptō) |
1 |
temptō, āvī, ātus, 1, freq. a. | to hold much; handle, feel; make trial in any way; examine, investigate, search out, test, sound, explore, 2.38; seek for, attempt to find, seek, 3.146; seek to win the mind, approach, conciliate, gain, 4.113; attempt, try, essay, 2.334; assail, attack, 11.350; stir up, provoke, 10.87. (teneō) |
27 |
tentōrium, iī, n. | a tent, 1.469. (tendō) |
1 |
tenuis, e | adj. (cf. tendō), stretched out; slender, thin, 4.278; light, 3.448; little, 10.511; airy, ethereal, 6.292; delicate, fine, 4.264; scanty, yielding a scanty livelihood, 8.409; reduced, perishing, sinking, 5.690; simple, trivial, humble. |
19 |
tenus | (prep. w. gen. or abl., placed after its case), as far as; up to, 2.553; down to, to, 3.427; to, 1.737; hāc tenus, separated by tmesis, thus far, 5.603. |
5 |
tepefaciō, fēcī, factus, 3, a. | to make tepid or warm; (pass.), to reek, 9.333. |
2 |
tepeō, 2, n. | to be moderately warm; to reek, 8.196. |
2 |
tepēscō, uī, 3, inc. n. | to grow warm, 9.701. (tepeō) |
1 |
tepidus, a, um | adj. (tepeō), lukewarm, tepid; warm, 3.66; smoking, reeking, 9.455. |
6 |
ter | (num. adv.), thrice, three times, 1.94, et al. (trēs) |
38 |
terebinthus, ī, f. | the turpentine tree; a kind of ebony, 10.136. |
1 |
terebrō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to bore through; pierce, penetrate, 2.38; take out by boring, bore out, 3.635. (terebra, an instrument for boring) |
2 |
teres, etis | adj. (terō), rubbed or rounded off smooth; tapering, 7.665; polished, 5.313; well twisted, strong, 11.579. |
6 |
Tēreus, eī or eos, m. | a Trojan, 11.675. |
1 |
tergeminus, a, um | (adj.), of threefold birth; threefold, having three bodies, 8.202; of three forms or names; triple, 4.511. |
2 |
tergeō, tersī, tersus, 2, a., and tergō, 3, a. | to wipe; clean, polish, 7.626. |
1 |
tergum, ī, and tergus, oris (1.211; 9.764), n. | the back of men or animals, 1.296, et al.; the stern of a ship, 5.168; skin, hide, 1.211; gauntlet, hide, 5.403; form, frame, body, 2.231; carcass, body, 1.635; length, long body, 2.208; a layer, plate, 10.482; pl., terga, ōrum, members, frame, 6.422; gauntlets, 5.419; ā tergō, behind, 1.186; in tergum, to the rear, 11.653; vertere or dare terga, to run away, retreat, 6.491; 9.794. |
51 |
tergum, ī, and tergus, oris (1.211; 9.764), n. | the back of men or animals, 1.296, et al.; the stern of a ship, 5.168; skin, hide, 1.211; gauntlet, hide, 5.403; form, frame, body, 2.231; carcass, body, 1.635; length, long body, 2.208; a layer, plate, 10.482; pl., terga, ōrum, members, frame, 6.422; gauntlets, 5.419; ā tergō, behind, 1.186; in tergum, to the rear, 11.653; vertere or dare terga, to run away, retreat, 6.491; 9.794. |
1 |
terminō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to put bounds to; limit, 1.287. (terminus) |
1 |
terminus, ī, m. | a boundary line; limit, end, destiny, 4.614. |
1 |
ternī, ae, a. | distrib. num. adj. (trēs), three each, 5.247; as a cardinal, three, 1.266; once in the sing., ternō ōrdine, in triple rank, in three tiers, 5.120. |
6 |
terō, trīvī, trītus, 3, a. | to rub; wear, clash, strike, 5.324; of time, spend, pass, 9.609; waste, 4.271. |
4 |
terra, ae, f. | the earth; a land, country, 3.13; land as opposed to sea or water, 1.598, et al.; to air, sky, 4.184, et al.; ground, 1.395; an estate, a farm, 6.811; pl., terrae, ārum, lands, for the sing., 6.18; the world, all lands, 4.607; orbis terrārum, the world, the whole earth, 1.233; sub terrās, to the lower world, 4.654; terram petere, to fall upon the ground prostrate in awe and fear, 3.93; in death, 10.489. |
163 |
terra, ae, f. | the earth; a land, country, 3.13; land as opposed to sea or water, 1.598, et al.; to air, sky, 4.184, et al.; ground, 1.395; an estate, a farm, 6.811; pl., terrae, ārum, lands, for the sing., 6.18; the world, all lands, 4.607; orbis terrārum, the world, the whole earth, 1.233; sub terrās, to the lower world, 4.654; terram petere, to fall upon the ground prostrate in awe and fear, 3.93; in death, 10.489. |
3 |
terrēnus, a, um | adj. (terra), made of earth; earthen, of earth, 11.850; earthly, earth-born, 6.732. |
2 |
terreō, uī, itus, 2, a. | to frighten, alarm, appall, terrify, freq.; threaten, seek to terrify, 10.879. |
24 |
terribilis, e | adj. (terreō), frightful, appalling, terrible, fearful, 6.299, et al. |
9 |