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Headword | Definitions | Occurrences in the Aeneid |
onerō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to load; the thing or material with which, usually in abl. and rarely in acc., 1.706; stow, lade, store away, w. dat. of the thing receiving, 1.195; (fig.), burden, overwhelm, 4.549. (onus) |
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onerōsus, a, um | adj. (onus), burdensome, heavy, 5.352. |
2 |
Onītēs, ae, m. | a Rutulian, 12.514. |
1 |
onus, oneris, n. | a load, burden, 2.723. |
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onustus, a, um | adj. (onus), loaded, laden, 1.289. |
1 |
opācō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to shade, 6.195. (opācus) |
1 |
opācus, a, um | (adj.), shady, 6.283; obscure, dark, 3.619; subst., opāca, ōrum, n., partitive; opāca viārum, dark pathways, roads, 6.633. |
2 |
opācus, a, um | (adj.), shady, 6.283; obscure, dark, 3.619; subst., opāca, ōrum, n., partitive; opāca viārum, dark pathways, roads, 6.633. |
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opera, ae, f. | a working; work; pains, labor, duty, 7.332. (opus) |
1 |
operiō, uī, tus, 4, a. | to cover up; cover, 4.352; p., opertus, a, um, covered; subst., opertum, ī, n., a covered or secret place; partitive, operta tellūris, hidden, unseen regions of the earth, 6.140. (cf. aperiō) |
2 |
operor, ātus sum, 1, dep. n. | to work; be occupied with, engaged in (w. dat.), 3.136; of religious rites, to sacrifice. (opus) |
1 |
opertum, ī | a covered or secret place; partitive, operta tellūris, hidden, unseen regions of the earth, 6.140. (operiō) |
1 |
Opheltēs, ae, m. | the father of Euryalus, 9.201. |
1 |
opīmus, a, um | adj. (ops), rich, fertile, 1.621; sumptuous, 3.224; spolia opīma, the arms taken by a general from a general slain in battle, 6.855. |
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Ōpis, is, f. | one of Diana's nymphs, 11.532. |
3 |
opperior, perītus or pertus sum, 4, dep. a. and n. | to wait for, await, 1.454. |
2 |
oppetō, petīvī or petiī, petītus, 3, a. | to encounter; with or without mortem, to die, fall, perish, 1.96. (ob and petō) |
5 |
oppidum, ī, n. | a walled town; town. |
4 |
oppōnō, posuī, positus, 3, a. | to place or put before or against, 5.335; oppose, 7.300; present, expose, 2.127; p., oppositus, a, um, placed in the way, opposed, 12.292; opposing, 2.333. (ob and pōnō) |
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opportūnus, a, um | adj. (ob and portus, opposite to, or at the entrance of a harbor), convenient, fit, 8.235; proper. |
2 |
opprimō, pressī, pressus, 3, a. | to press against; press down, overpower, overwhelm, 1.129; come upon suddenly; surprise, 9.398. (ob and premō) |
2 |
oppūgnō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to fight against; attack, lay siege to, 5.439. (ob and pūgnō) |
1 |
ops, opis, f. | power, might, ability, 1.601; splendor, pomp, magnificence, 8.685; aid, assistance, 2.803; pl., opēs, um, means, resources, strength, riches, wealth, 1.14; supplies, assistance, 1.571; power, dominion, 2.4. (in the sing. only the gen., acc., and abl. are used) |
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optātus, a, um | desired, longed for, much desired, 1.172; (adv.), optātō, according to one's wish; in good time, 10.405. |
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optō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to choose, w. acc., 3.109; desire, wish, 1.76; w. inf., 6.501; p., optātus, a, um, desired, longed for, much desired, 1.172; adv., optātō, according to one's wish; in good time, 10.405. |
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opulentia, ae, f. | wealth, riches, 7.262. (opulēns, wealthy) |
1 |
opulentus, a, um | adj. (ops), abounding in means; wealthy, rich, 1.447; mighty, 8.475. |
2 |
opus, eris, n. | work, labor, 1.436; task, toil, 6.183; enterprise, 3.20; the thing produced by work; a work (of art), 1.455; of buildings, 5.119. |
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opus, indecl. n. | need, necessity, w. abl. of the thing needed, 6.261. |
2 |
ōra, ae, f. | a margin, border, 12.924; coast, shore, 3.396; region, 2.91; rim, extremity, 10.477; pl., outline, compass, 9.528. |
50 |
ōrāculum (ōrāclum), ī, n. | a divine utterance; oracle, response, 3.456; (meton.), the place of the response; oracular shrine, oracle, 3.143. (ōrō) |
5 |
ōrātor, ōris, m. | a speaker; envoy, ambassador, 7.153. (ōrō) |
4 |
orbis, is, m. | a circle, ring; orb, disk, 2.227; coil, fold, 2.204; the globe, world, earth, 1.331; circular movement, revolving course, revolution, 1.269; orbit, 3.512; a winding, turning round, 12.743; of the eyes, 12.670. |
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orbus, a, um | (adj.), deprived, bereaved, w. abl., 11.216. |
1 |
Orcus, ī, m. | Orcus, the lower world, Hades, 4.242; personif., the god of the lower world, Orcus, Dis, Pluto. |
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ōrdior, ōrsus sum, 4, dep. a. and n. | to weave, spin; to begin; begin to speak; begin, 1.325. |
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ōrdō, inis, m. | an arranging; line, 1.395; train; order, rank of oars, 5.271; order, 5.349; train, procession, 6.754; series, succession, course of events, 3.376; estimate, class, position, 2.102; abl., ōrdine, in due course, properly, 3.548; in historical order, in detail, 3.179; ex ōrdine, in succession, 5.773. (rel. to ōrdior) |
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Orēas, adis, f. | an Oread, a mountain nymph, 1.500. |
1 |
Orestēs, ae or is, m. | son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, pursued by the Furies for the murder of his mother until he was acquitted by the Areopagus under the direction of Athena, 4.471. |
2 |
orgia, ōrum, n. | the rites of Bacchus, 4.303. |
3 |
orichalcum, ī, n. | mountain copper; brass, 12.87. |
1 |
Ōricius, a, um | adj. (Ōricus), of Oricus or Oricum, a seaport of Epirus; Orician, 10.136. |
1 |
Oriēns, entis, m. | the rising; morning, morn, 5.42; the east, 1.289; the rising sun, 5.739. |
4 |
orīgō, inis, f. | a source, origin, beginning, 1.372; descent, lineage, birth, 1.286; source, root, founder, 12.166. (orior) |
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Ōrīōn, ōnis, m. | a fabulous giant, celebrated as a hunter; the constellation Orion, 1.535, et al. |
5 |
orior, ortus sum, 4 (pres. oritur, 3 conj.) | to rise, spring up; appear, occur, 2.680; arise, 2.411; be born of, spring, descend, 1.626; p., oriēns, rising, 7.138; p., ortus, a, um, sprung, risen, 7.149. |
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Ōrīthyīa (quadrisyll.), ae, f. | daughter of Erectheus, king of Athens, and wife of Boreas. |
1 |
ōrnātus, ūs, m. | an equipping, fitting out; adornment, attire, 1.650. (ōrnō) |
2 |
ōrnō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to adorn, equip, 10.638. |
3 |
ornus, ī, f. | a mountain-ash, 2.626, et al. |
5 |
Ornӯtus, ī, m. | an Etruscan slain by Camilla, 11.677. |
1 |
ōrō, āvī, ātus, 1, n. and a. | to use the mouth in utterance; to speak, 7.446; w. acc., argue, plead, 6.849; beg, pray, implore, entreat, beseech, 1.525; ask, pray, beg for, 4.451; w. two acc., 11.111; w. subj., 6.76; w. inf., 6.313. (1. ōs) |
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Orōdēs, is, m. | an Etruscan slain by Mezentius, 10.732. |
2 |
Orontēs, is, ī, or ae | a leader of the Lycians and companion of Aeneas, 6.334. |
3 |
Orpheus (dissyll.), eī, m. | an ancient bard and prophet of Thrace, son of Onagrus and Calliope, and husband of Eurydice, 6.119, et al. |
1 |
ōrsa, ōrum, n. | words, speech, 7.435; beginnings, undertakings, purposes, designs, 10.632. (ōrdior) |
1 |
Orsēs, ae, m. | a Trojan, 10.748. |
1 |
Orsilochus, ī, m. | a Trojan, 11.636. |
3 |
Ortīnus, a, um | adj. (Orta), of Orta, a Tuscan city; Ortine, 7.716. |
1 |
ortus, ūs, m. | a rising, 4.118. (orior) |
2 |
Ortygia, ae, f. | quail-island. 1. Ortygia, an ancient name of Delos, 3.124. 2. Ortygia, an island forming part of the city of Syracuse, 3.694. |
4 |
Ortygius, iī, m. | a Rutulian killed by Caeneus, 9.573. |
1 |
ōs, ōris, n. | the mouth, 1.559; visage, face, countenance, 12.101; language, speech, words, 2.423; an entrance, door, 6.53; opening, 2.482; ōs summum, the lips, 1.737; pl., ōra, features, face, visage, form, countenance, 4.499; images, 4.62; ante ōra, before one's face, 12.82. |
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os, ossis, n. | a bone, 2.121. |
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Oscī, ōrum, m. | the Oscans, an ancient people of Campania, 7.730. |
1 |
ōsculum, ī, n. | the lip, 1.256; kiss, 1.687. (1. ōs) |
4 |
Osīnius, iī, m. | king of Clusium, 10.655. |
1 |
Osīris, is or idis, m. | a Latin, 12.458. |
1 |
ostendō, tendī, tēnsus or tentus, 3, a. | to hold out towards; point out, show, 6.368; offer, promise, 1.206; sē ostendere, appear, 6.188. |
12 |
ostentō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. a. | to hold out to view; display, disclose, 3.703; point out, show, 6.678; make a show of, display, 5.521. (ostendō) |
10 |
ōstium, iī, n. | a mouth; entrance, gate, door, 6.81; pl., ōstia, ōrum, harbor, port, 5.281; mouth of a river, 1.14. (1. ōs) |
9 |
ostrum, ī, n. | the purple fluid of the murex; purple dye, purple, 5.111; purple cloth, covering or drapery, 1.700; purple decoration, 10.722; purple trappings, housings, 7.277. |
12 |
Ōthryadēs, ae, m. | Othryades, son of Othrys; Panthus, 2.319. |
2 |
Ōthrys, yos, m. | a mountain in Thessaly, 7.675. |
1 |
ōtium, iī, n. | leisure, idleness, peace, quiet, retirement, inaction, 4.271. |
2 |
ovīle, is, n. | a sheepcote, sheepfold. (ovis) |
2 |
ovis, is, f. | a sheep, 3.660. |
2 |
ovō, ātus, 1, n. | to shout, rejoice, 3.544; triumph, 6.589; p., ovāns, antis, exulting, joyous, shouting, triumphant, 4.543; of things, 10.409. |
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