Atque ea per campos aequo dum Marte geruntur,540

promissi dea facta potens, ubi sanguine bellum

imbuit et primae commisit funera pugnae,

deserit Hesperiam et caeli conuersa per auras

Iunonem uictrix adfatur uoce superba:

'en, perfecta tibi bello discordia tristi;545

dic in amicitiam coeant et foedera iungant.

quandoquidem Ausonio respersi sanguine Teucros,

hoc etiam his addam, tua si mihi certa uoluntas:

finitimas in bella feram rumoribus urbes,

accendamque animos insani Martis amore550

undique ut auxilio ueniant; spargam arma per agros.'

tum contra Iuno: 'terrorum et fraudis abunde est:

stant belli causae, pugnatur comminus armis,

quae fors prima dedit sanguis nouus imbuit arma.

talia coniugia et talis celebrent hymenaeos555

egregium Veneris genus et rex ipse Latinus.

te super aetherias errare licentius auras

haud pater ille uelit, summi regnator Olympi.

cede locis. ego, si qua super fortuna laborum est,

ipsa regam.' talis dederat Saturnia uoces;560

illa autem attollit stridentis anguibus alas

Cocytique petit sedem supera ardua linquens.

est locus Italiae medio sub montibus altis,

nobilis et fama multis memoratus in oris,

Amsancti ualles; densis hunc frondibus atrum565

urget utrimque latus nemoris, medioque fragosus

dat sonitum saxis et torto uertice torrens.

hic specus horrendum et saeui spiracula Ditis

monstrantur, ruptoque ingens Acheronte uorago

pestiferas aperit fauces, quis condita Erinys,570

inuisum numen, terras caelumque leuabat.


    Mārs (archaic form, Māvors), Mārtis: Mars, son of Jupiter and Juno; the patron of war and tutelar god of the Romans, 1.274, et al.; (meton.), martial spirit, courage, warlike fury, 6.165; battle, conflict, 2.335, et al.

    prōmissum, ī, n.: a promise, 2.160; a thing promised; prize, 5.386.

    imbuō, uī, ūtus, 3, a.: to wet, moisten; stain, 7.554.

    Hesperia, ae, f.: the western land; Italy, 1.569, et al.

    Iūnō, ōnis, f.: Juno, the Sabine and Roman name for the wife and sister of Jupiter, daughter of Saturn, 1.4, et al.; Iūnō īnferna, the Juno of the lower world, Proserpine, 6.138.

    victrīx, īcis, f.: a female conqueror; in triumph, 7.544; as adj., victorious, 3.54. (vincō)

    adfor, fātus sum, 1, dep. a.: to speak to; address, 1.663; beseech, supplicate, 2.700; bid adieu, farewell to, 2.644.

    ēn: (interj.), lo! behold! with nom., 1.461; in indignation, 4.597.

    perficiō, fēcī, fectus, 3, a.: to make completely; finish, complete, 6.745; perform, 3.178; p., perfectus, a, um, worked, wrought, executed, 5.267; fulfilled, 3.548. (per and faciō)

    discordia, ae, f.: difference in feeling, or mind; dissension, strife; personified, Discord or Eris, 6.280. (discors)

    coeō, coīvī or coiī, coitus, coīre, irreg. n. and a.: to go or come together, assemble, 7.582; come together in conflict, join battle; of the blood, stand still, congeal, curdle, 3.30; come to terms, form a compact, 7.317; coīre in ūnum, to come to one place, unite, concentrate, combine, 9.801, et al.

    foedus, eris, n.: a treaty, league, alliance, freq., truce, 5.496; side or party, 12.658; covenant, contract, 4.339; laws of hospitality, hospitality, 10.91; pledge, love, 4.520; law, term, condition, rule, 1.62. (rel. to fīdō, trust)

    quandōquidem: (conj.), since indeed; inasmuch as, because.

    Ausonius, a, um: adj. (Auson), Ausonian; Italian, 4.349; subst., Ausoniī, ōrum, m., the Ausonians; Italians, 11.253.

    respergō, spersī, spersus, 3, n. and a.: to sprinkle over; besprinkle, stain, 7.547. (re- and spargō)

    Teucrī, ōrum, m.: the Trojans, descendants of Teucer, 1.38, et al.; adj., Teucrian, Trojan, 9.779, et al. (Teucer)

    fīnitimus, a, um: adj. (fīnis), pertaining to boundaries; bordering upon, neighboring, 7.549; subst., fīnitimus, ī, m., a borderer; pl., fīnitimī, ōrum, neighboring tribes, people, 5.106.

    rūmor, ōris, m.: report, rumor, 4.203; a cheer, shout, 8.90.

    accendō, ī, cēnsus, 3, a.: to set fire to, light up, enkindle, 5.4; enrage, exasperate, incense, 1.29; incite, rouse, 4.232. (ad and candō, rel. to candeō)

    īnsānus, a, um: (adj.), unsound; mad, insane, 6.135; inspired, 3.443.

    veniō, vēnī, ventus: to come, freq.; come forth; approach, 6.755; rise, appear, 1.353; dawn, 10.241; to present one's self or itself, 5.344; descend, spring from, 5.373; impers., ventum est, we, they came or have come, 4.151.

    spargō, sparsī, sparsus, 3, a.: to scatter, strew; cast in fragments, 3.605; disperse, 1.602; shower, hurl, 12.51; sprinkle, 4.512; besprinkle, bedew, stain, 8.645; infuse, 4.486; (fig.), spread abroad, disseminate, 2.98; bring over or upon, diffuse, 7.754.

    contrā: (prep. and adv.; prep. w. acc.), over against; opposite to, 1.13; against, 5.370; to, 9.280; on the contrary, 12.779; on the other hand, in reply, 1.76.

    terror, ōris, m.: fright, fear, dread, alarm, 7.552, et al. (terreō)

    fraus, fraudis, f.: fraud, deception, treachery, deceit, guile, 4.675; stratagem, ambuscade, 11.522; wickedness; fault, offense, 9.428; mischance, harm, 10.72; hurt, harm, 11.708; treacherous nature, uncertainty, 9.397.

    abunde: (adv.), with genit. (abundus), sufficiently, enough, 7.552.

    comminus: (adv.), hand to hand, 7.553, 733; immediately; near at hand. (com- and manus)

    coniugium, iī, n.: a joining together; marriage, wedlock, 4.172; (meton.), husband, wife, consort, 2.579; 3.296. (coniungō)

    Hymenaeus, ī, m.: Hymen, the god of marriage, 4.127; pl., Hymenaeī, ōrum, (meton.), marriage, 1.651.

    Venus, eris, f.: Venus, goddess of love and beauty, identified by the Romans with Aphrodite, daughter of Jupiter and Dione, 1.411, et al.; (meton.), love, lust, 6.26.

    Latīnus, ī, m.: Latinus, a king of Latium, whose capital was Laurentum, and whose daughter, Lavinia, became the wife of Aeneas, 6.891, et al. (Latium)

    aetherius, a, um: adj. (aethēr), pertaining to the upper air; ethereal, heavenly, 1.394, et al.; airy, 8.608.

    licenter: (adv.), without restraint, freely, 7.557. (licēns), (comp. licentius)

    rēgnātor, ōris, m.: one who reigns; sovereign, lord, 2.779, et al. (rēgnō)

    Olympus, ī, m.: Olympus, the name of several mountains in Greece and Asia Minor, the most famous of which was Mount Olympus in the northeastern part of Thessaly; the home of the superior gods; heaven, Olympus, 1.374; referring to the gods, 8.533.

    quis, qua or quae, quid or quod: (indef. pron., adj., and subst.), any, some, 2.94, et al.; some one, any one, any body, anything, something, 1.413, et al.; sī quis, nē quis, etc., if any, lest any, etc., freq.; (adv.), quid, as to anything, in anything, at all, freq.; sī quid, if at all, freq.

    super: (adv.), above, 4.684, et al.; above, from above, 10.384; moreover, 4.606; besides, 1.29; more than enough, 2.642; remaining, surviving, left (with ellipsis of esse), 3.489, et al.; still (or above), 4.684; of time, in, during, 9.61.

    Sāturnius, a, um: adj. (Sāturnus), belonging to Saturn; Saturnian; sprung from Saturn; Saturnian, 4.372; subst., Sāturnius, iī, m., the son of Saturn, 5.799; Sāturnia, ae, f., 1. Daughter of Saturn, Juno, 1.23; 2. The city of Saturnia, built by Saturn on the Capitoline hill, 8.358.

    attollō, 3, a.: to lift or raise up, throw, cast up, 3.574; rear, build, 2.185; (fig.), to rouse, excite, 2.381; with se, lift one’s self or itself, 4.690; come into view, appear, 3.205; (fig.), arise, be exalted, 4.49; (pass.), attollī, to rise, 5.127. (ad and tollō)

    strīdeō, 2, n., and strīdō, strīdī, 3: to produce a grating or shrill sound; to creak, 1.449; gurgle, 4.689; rustle, 1.397; whiz, roar, 1.102; hiss, 8.420; twang, 5.502.

    anguis, is, m. and f.: a snake of any kind, serpent, 2.379; hydra, 8.300.

    āla, ae, f.: a wing, 1.301; the feather of an arrow, 9.578; the wing of an army; cavalry, 11.730; troop, battalion, 11.604; horsemen, mounted huntsmen, 4.121.

    Cōcȳtus, ī, m.: the Cocytus, “the river of lamentation,” in the lower world, 6.132.

    arduum, uī, n.: a high place; height, 5.695; 7.562.

    linquō, līquī, 3, a.: to leave, 1.517, and freq.; desert, abandon, flee from, 3.213; pass by, 3.705; depart from, leave, 3.124; of death, yield up, 3.140; give up or over, desist from, 3.160.

    Ītalia, ae (Ī by poetic (epic) license), f.: Italy, 1.2, et al.

    medium, iī, n.: medium, iī, n., the middle, midst, 2.218; the intervening space, 6.131; ad medium, in the middle of the body, 12.273; in medium, into the midst, in public; before them, 5.401; for the common weal, 11.335.

    memorō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to call to memory; mention, rehearse, relate, 1.8; say, speak, 3.182; name, 1.327; mention proudly, boast of, 5.392. (memor)

    ōra, ae, f.: a margin, border, 12.924; coast, shore, 3.396; region, 2.91; rim, extremity, 10.477; pl., outline, compass, 9.528.

    Ampsanctus, ī, m.: Lake Amsanctus, in the country of the Hirpini, from its noxious exhalations supposed to be one of the entrances to Hades, 7.65.

    vallēs, is, f.: a valley, dell, dale, ravine, vale, 1.186, et al.

    dēnsus, a, um: (adj.), thick, dense, crowded, compact, in close array, serried, 2.383; frequent, 5.459.

    frōns, frondis, f.: a leaf, 3.449; leafage, foliage; leafy spray, branch, twig, bough, 2.249; a leafy crown, a garland, wreath, 4.148.

    āter, tra, trum: (adj.), black; dark, gloomy, 1.60, et al.; smoky, lurid, 7.456; 4.384; clotted, dark, 3.622; soiled, blackened, 2.272; (fig.), sad, fatal, 6.429; venomous, deadly; of the odor of smoke, 12.591.

    urgeō, ursī, 2, a. and n.: to drive, impel, press forward, 1.111; ply, hasten, 9.489; press, oppress, crush, bear down, 3.579; press around, inclose, surround, hem in, 11.524; weigh upon, oppress, close, 10.745; overpower, 2.653; attack, 10.375; punish, torture, 6.561.

    utrimque: (adv.), on or from either side; on both sides; on every side, 7.566. (uterque)

    fragōsus, a, um: adj. (fragor), crashing, clashing, roaring, noisy, 7.566.

    sonitus, ūs, m.: a sounding; noise, 2.732, et al.; roaring, 2.209; thunder, 6.586. (sonō)

    torqueō, torsī, tortus, 2, a.: to wind, turn, twist, 4.575; roll along, 6.551; whirl, hurl, 3.208; shoot, 5.497; cast, dash, 1.108; direct, 4.220; turn away, 6.547; turn, cause to revolve, 4.269; control, 12.180; p., tortus, a, um, whirled, whirling, impetuous, 7.567.

    vertex, icis, m.: a whirl; whirlpool, 7.567; vortex, 1.117; whirling column of flame, 12.673; the top, crown of the head, the head, 1.403; summit, top, 1.163; mountain summit, height, 3.679; ā vertice, from on high, from above, 1.114. (vertō)

    torreō, uī, tostus, 2, a. and n.: to burn, scorch, roast, parch, 1.179; rush, roll, 6.550; of a river bank, 9.105; p., torrēns, entis, subst., a torrent, 7.567.

    specus, ūs, m., f., and n.: a cave, cavern; cavity, deep wound, 9.700.

    horrendus, a, um: to be shuddered at; dreadful, fearful, 2.222; awe-inspiring, venerable, 6.10; strange, wonderful, 8.565; fierce, warlike, 11.507. (horreō)

    spīrāculum, ī, n.: a breathing-place; (fig.), of Hades, breathing vent, mouth, 7.568. (spīrō)

    Dīs, ītis, m.: Pluto, the ruler of Hades, 4.702, et al.

    mōnstrō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to show, point out, indicate, 1.444; inform, tell, 1.321; direct, incite, 9.44; ordain, appoint, prescribe, 4.636. (mōnstrum)

    Acherōn, ontis, m.: the Acheron, a river of Hades, 6.295; (met.), the lower world, 5.99.

    vorāgō, inis, f.: a chasm, abyss, gulf, whirlpool, 6.296; torrent, 9.105. (vorō)

    pestifer, era, erum: adj. (pestis and ferō), pest-bringing; pestilential, 7.570.

    faucēs, ium, f.: the jaws, throat, 2.358; (fig.), mouth, entrance, jaws, 6.241; defiles, 11.516.

    Erīnys, yos, f.: a fury, 2.337; pest, scourge, curse, 2.573.

    invīsus, a, um: hated, hateful, odious, 1.387; (act.), inimical, an enemy, hostile, 11.364.

    levō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to render light; lighten; lift, aid, 1.145; raise, 4.690; (fig.), ease, relieve of (w. abl.); support, rest, 10.834; reënforce, help, 2.452; mitigate, 3.36; allay, 7.495; cure, 7.755; relieve, 7.571. (2. levis)

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    Suggested Citation

    Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5.