Note: There is a printable version of this reading in the "printables" tab to the right.

For each of the following Greek sentences: 

1). Read it aloud. 

2). Parse each verb and noun (gender, number, and case). 

3). Translate each sentence into English.


1. God calls out to Adam in the Garden of Eden:

ποῦ εἶ;

Adam responds in part:

γυμνός εἰμι

LXX Gen. 3:9


2. King David, after putting down a rebellion by his son Absalom, who died in the fighting, is in mourning. Joab, nephew to David, chastises him, saying that such grief disrespects those who serve in David’s loyal army. It sends the message, Joab says, that…:

οὔκ εἰσιν οἱ ἄρχοντές σου οὐδὲ παῖδες

LXX 2 Kings 19:7


3. After suffering much at Satan’s hands, Job is visited by friends who seek to reassure him of God’s justice. At one point, Job throws one of his friends’ own questions back at him:

Ποῦ ἐστιν οἶκος ἄρχοντος;

LXX Job 21:28


4. The prophet Isaiah imagines an appeal in the face of God’s wrath:

Σὺ μόνος εἶ ἄρχων

LXX Is. 10:8


5. In the Maccabean revolt, Jews rebelled against persecution by King Antiochus IV. At one point, royal forces attack a group of rebels and challenge them to repent and surrender. The rebels refuse, saying in part:

ἀκρίτως ἀπόλλυτε ἡμᾶς.

LXX 1 Maccabees 2:37


6. And now a sentence from the New Testament. As Jesus teaches in Jerusalem, some wonder about his claims and how it is that he is allowed to preach openly at the temple:

ἀληθῶς ἔγνωσαν οἱ ἄρχοντες ὅτι οὗτός ἐστιν ὁ Χριστός;

          κατὰ Ἰωάννην 7:26


7. In addition to scripture, a wide range of related writings were popular with early Christians and these circulated in a range of languages, especially Greek. Among these writings were romantic stories about an early Christian named Clement. While there were multiple historically important men named Clement in the early Christian church, these stories focus on a Clement who travelled with the apostle Peter. The Clementine Homilies is a collection of such stories.

The Clementine Homilies includes an extended version of the conflict between the apostle Peter and Simon Magus (cf. Acts 8:9-24). Peter wins over one of Simon’s disciples, Zacchaeus, and makes him bishop of Caeserea. As part of the process of installing Zacchaeus, Peter prays to God:

σὺ γὰρ ἄρχων ἀρχόντων [εἶ]

Homily 3 72.3

    Chapter Nav.

    The sentences here come from ancient Greek writings related to the Bible, Jewish history, and early Christianity. The passages are unchanged, except where “…” indicates a short omission.

    Hebrew scripture was translated into koine Greek in the second century B.C., a collection called the Septuagint. The Septuagint derives its name from the Latin version septuaginta interpretum, "translation of the seventy interpreters," (Greek: ἡ μετάφρασις τῶν ἑβδομήκοντα, "translation of the seventy"). The Roman numeral LXX (seventy) is commonly used as an abbreviation.

    The following readings are quoted from the Septuagint.


    οὐδέ and not, nor 

    σου your



    οἶκος οἶκος, οἴκου, ὁ home. This is a noun from a declension that you have not yet learned. Its forms are different, but it functions exactly like the nouns you have learned. Here is the paradigm for βίος, βίου, ὁ, a noun from the same declension as οἶκος; use it to determine this noun's gender, number, and case in your translation.

    ποῦ where?



    μόνος (nom sg) ὁ only 

    σύ (nom sg) you



    ἀκρίτως illegally, unjustly 

    ἡμᾶς (acc pl) us



    ἀληθῶς truly

    ἔγνωσαν (3d pl) knew

    ὅτι that

    οὗτος, ὁ (nom. sg.) this (man)



    γάρ because 

    σύ (nom sg) you


    Previous Vocabulary

    ἀγών ἀγῶνος ὁ contest

    αἰών αἰῶνος ὁ age, eternity

    ἀνίστημι raise, appoint

    ἀποδίδωμι give back

    ἀπόλλυμι kill, destroy

    ἄρχων ἄρχοντος ὁ ruler

    ἀφίημι send forth; let go, allow

    δαίμων δαίμονος ὁ divinity

    δείκνυμι show

    δίδωμι give

    εἰμί be

    ἐπιτίθημι put on

    ζεύγνυμι yoke, join together

    ἡγεμών ἡγεμόνος ὁ guide, commander

    ἵημι throw

    ἵστημι stand

    καθίστημι set down, establish

    μή no, not (infinitive mood)

    μίγνυμι mix

    ὄμνυμι swear (an oath); swear to

    οὐ, οὐκ, οὐχ no, not (indicative mood)

    παῖς, παιδός ὁ child

    παραδίδωμι hand over, deliver

    πάρειμι be present

    παρίστημι present, offer, supply

    πούς, ποδός ὁ foot

    προστίθημι add to

    ῥήγνυμι break, shatter

    σκεδάννυμι scatter, disperse

    τίθημι put, place, make

    φημί say, assert

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