A fragment of Pantelic marble with fragments of a list of names, likely from a list of Archons who would have served Athens from the years 527/6 to 522/1 BC. The Archon was the chief magistrate of Athens, and during this period, each Archon served a term of one year. These officeholders are often called "Eponymous Archons" because the year of their archonship would often be named after them.



    Museum Guide (2014), p. 133.

    Camp (1986), p. 42.

    Guide (1976), p. 247, fig. 129.

    AgoraPicBk 10 (1966), fig. 5.

    Hesperia 32 (1963), pp. 187-205.

    Guide (1962), pp. 162-163.

    Phoenix 14 (1960), p. 27.

    Hesperia Suppl. 8 (1949), p. 100.

    Hesperia 8 (1939), p. 60, no. 21.

    Agora III, no. 368, p. 120.

    6th c. BC
    Athens, Greece
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