A boundary stele (ὄρος, ὄρους, τό) of rough-hewn marble marking the edge of the Athenian Agora. This boundary stone was originally laid east of the Tholos. As it is today, only a single line of the inscription remains; the rest has eroded away.



    Museum Guide (2014), pp. 66-67, fig. 39.

    Guide (2010), front cover, pp. 8, 55, fig. 26.

    Hesperia 75 (2006), pp. 86-87, n. 9, p. 100, n. 69, p. 103, n. 79, p. 105.

    Mauzy (2006), back cover.

    Hesperia Suppl. 31 (2003), pp. 289-290, figs. 5.7, 5.8.

    AgoraPicBk 23 (1994), p. 5, fig. 4.

    Shear (1994), p. 245, no. 82.

    Guide (1990), p. 58, pl. 26.

    Camp (1986), pp. 48, 51.

    Guide (1976), fig. 22.

    Travlos (1971), fig. 21.

    Hesperia 37 (1968), p. 63, fig. 9.

    Guide (1962), pp. 57-58, pl. IVa.

    AgoraPicBk 4 (1960), fig. 35.

    Hesperia Suppl. 4 (1940), p. 107, no. 91.

    Hesperia 8 (1939), p. 205, fig. 4.

    ILN (9 July 1938), p. 58, fig. 11.

    Agora III, no. 713, p. 218.

    Agora XIV, p. 117, pl. 64a.

    Agora XIX, no. H 25, p. 27, pl. 2.


    ca 500 BC
    Athens, Greece
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