17.6 The FUTURE TENSE of most έω verbs is formed regularly, with one slight change. When the tense marker σ is added to a verb stem ending in ε, the ε lengthens to η. Most (not all!) έω verbs form their future active by adding –σω to the lengthened vowel, resulting in the ending –ήσω. The future tense then conjugates regularly, using –ω personal and infinitive endings.

Note the PRINCIPAL PARTS of the following έω verbs.

  • ἀδικέω ἀδικήσω, commit injustice
  • αἱρέω αἱρήσω, grab
  • ἀναιρέω ἀναιρήσω, raise up
  • ἀφαιρέω ἀφαιρήσω, take from, take away
  • αἰτέω αἰτήσω, beg, ask
  • βοηθέω βοηθήσω, help
  • δέω, δεήσω, lack, miss, be in need of (+ gen.)
    • Note that the –ε of δέω remains when forming its future tense!
  • δοκέω, δόξω, think, suppose; seem
    • Note the future tense for this verb!
  • ζητέω ζητήσω, seek
  • κατηγορέω κατηγορήσω, accuse
  • κατοικέω κατοικήσω, inhabit, settle
  • κινέω κινήσω, move
  • κρατέω κρατήσω, rule over
  • λαλέω λαλήσω, talk, babble
  • μισέω μισήσω, hate
  • οἰκέω οἰκήσω, dwell
  • οἰκοδομέω οἰκοδομήσω, build
  • ὁμολογέω ὁμολογήσω, agree
  • πλέω, sail
    • The future tense of πλέω is introduced in a later lesson.
  • ποιέω ποιήσω, do, make
  • πολεμέω πολεμήσω, make war
  • φοβέω φοβήσω, frighten
  • φρονέω φρονήσω, think

17.7 The following verbs are not έω verbs, but their future tense also ends in –ήσω.

  • ἐθέλω, ἐθελήσω (or θέλω, θελήσω), want
  • μέλλω, μελλήσω, intend, be about to, be going to
  • εὑρίσκω, εὑρήσω, find
  • μιμνήσκω, μνήσω, remind
  • χαίρω, χαιρήσω, be happy, say hello 
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