36.11 There are TWO CONSTRUCTIONS in Greek that indicate a COMPARISON in a sentence. Both are translated the same in English.
- Using the word ἤ to mean than
- Using the Genitive of Comparison
- Socrates is wiser than Polemarchus.
- ὁ Σωκράτης ἐστὶ σοφώτερος ἢ Πολέμαρχος.
- ὁ Σωκράτης ἐστὶ σοφώτερος Πολεμάρχου.
- Socrates speaks more wisely than Polemarchus.
- ὁ Σωκράτης λέγει σοφώτερον ἢ Πολέμαρχος.
- ὁ Σωκράτης λέγει σοφώτερον Πολεμάρχου.