Papyri, Scholia, and Authors

A.D. Adv.    Apollonius Dyscolus, On Adverbs
A.D. Pron.    Apollonius Dyscolus, On Pronouns
A.D. Synt.    Apollonius Dyscolus, On Syntax
ad Cat. on Catullus
Adler Ada Sara Adler (ed.) Suda, vols. 1-5  (Leipzig: Teubner, 1928-1938
Ael. VH   Aelian, Various Histories
Agathias AP Agathias, poem in the Palatine Anthology
AP Palatine Anthology
Apollon. Lex. Apollonius the Sophist, A Homeric Lexicon
Ath. Athenaeus, The Learned Banqueters
Choerob. in Theod. Choeroboscus, Dictated by the the Rules of Theodosius 
Clem. Alex. Protr. Clement of Alexandria, Exhortation to the Greeks
Comm. in Antimach.                                     Commentary on Antimachus
Cyrill. Alex. Cyril of Alexandria
ed.Rom. S.Ant. Roman Scholia to Sophocles' Antigone, John Lascaris (ed.)
EGF Epicorum Graecorum Fragmenta
EM. Etymologicum Magnum
EtGen. [AB; A; B] Etymologicum Genuinum, [in the codex Vaticanus graecus 1818 (= A) and codex Laurentianus Sancti Marci 304 (= B)]
EtGen. AB α Scholia α to the Etymologicum Genuinum, in the codex Vaticanus graecus 1818 (= A) and codex Laurentianus Sancti Marci 304 (= B)
EtGen AB β Scholia β to the Etymologicum Genuinum,  in the codex Vaticanus graecus 1818 (= A) and codex Laurentianus Sancti Marci 304 (= B)
EtGud. Etymologicum Gudianum 
Eus. P.E. Eusebius, Preparation for the Gospel
Eust. ad Il. Eustathius, On the Iliad
FGrHist. Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, pt. I-III Felix Jacoby, ed., pt. IV Stefan Schorn, ed., pt. V Hans-Joachim Gehrke, ed.  (Leiden: Brill, 1925- )
Fronto Epist. ad M. Caes. Marcus Cornelius Fronto, Letters to Marcus Caesar
Harder Annette Harder (ed.). Callimachus: Aetia (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012)
Hdn. Π.μον.λεξ. Aelius Herodianus, On Peculiar Style
Heph. Hephaestion
Hsch.  Hesychius
Hyg. Astr. Gaius Julius Hyginus, Astronomica
Lex.Ambr. L  Scholia L to the Lexicon Ambrosianum
Lyd.Mens. John the Lydian, On the Months

Giulio Massimilla, Callimaco: Aitia, libri primo e secondo (Pisa: Giardini editori, 1996); Callimaco: Aitia, libri terzo e quarto (Pisa/Roma:  Fabrizio Serra editore, 2010) 


Augustus Meineke, The Ethnika of Stephen of Byzantium (Berlin: Reimeri, 1849)

Meletius, De.Nat.Hom.

Meletius the Monk, On the Nature of Man

PSI  Papiri della Società Italiana
P.Ant.  Antinoöpolis Papyri
P. Berol.  Berlin Papyri
P.Lille  Greek papyri, Papyrological Institute of the University of Lille
P.Mich. Papyri of the University of Michigan
P.Mil.Vogl. Papyri of the University of Milan, A. Vogliano (ed.)
P.Oxy.  Oxyrhynchus Papyri 
P. Ryl. Rylands Papyri
Pf.   Rudolf Pfeiffer. Callimmachus I: Fragmenta (Oxford: Clarendon, 1949)
Plu. De exil. Plutarch On Exile
Plu. Quaest. conv. Plutarch Convivial Questions
Poll. Pollux
Porphyr. Porphyry
SH Hugh Lloyd-Jones et al., Supplementum Hellenisticum (New York: de Gruyter, 1983-2005)
Serv. Verg. Marcus Servius Honoratus, Commentary on the Aeneid of Vergil
Stob. Stobaeus
St. Byz. Stephanus of Byzantium 
Str. Strabo, Geography
Sud. σ Scholia σ to the Suda
Valckenaer "Incerti scriptores de soloecismo et barbarismo" in L.C. Valckenaer, Ammonius De adfininium vocabulorum differentia. (Lugduni Batavorum, 1739)
Σ AR  Scholia to Apollonius of Rhodes' Argonautica
Σ Arat. Scholia on Aratus, Phaenomena
Σ [Ε Γ, etc.] Ar. Ach.  Scholia [Ε Γ, etc.] to AristophanesAcharnians
Σ D.P. Scholia on Dionysius Periegetes
Σ D.T.  Scholia on Dionysius Thrax
Σ [M, etc.] E.Hec Scholia [M, etc] on Euripides' Hecuba
Σ Flor.  Florentine Scholia on Callimachus
Σ Hes.Th.  Scholia to Hesiod's Theogeny
Σ [A, etc.] Il. Scholia [A, etc.] on the Iliad
Σ [G1, etc.] Nic. Al.  Scholia [G1, etc.] to Nicander of Colophon's Alexipharmaca
Σ [C, etc.] Ov. Ib.  Scholia [C , etc.] on Ovid's Ibis
Σ [B etc.] Pi.N. Scholia [B, etc.] on Pindar's Nemaean Odes
Σ [A, etc.] Pi.O. Scholia [A, etc.] on Pindar's Olympian Odes
Σ [D, etc] Pi.P Scholia [D, etc.] on Pindar's Pythian Odes
Σ [L, etc.] S.Aj. Scholia [L, etc.] to Sophocles' Ajax
Σ [L, etc.] S.Ant. Scholia [L, etc.] to Sophocles' Antigone
Σ [L, etc.] S.OC Scholia [L, etc.] to Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus
Σ Theoc. Scholia on Theocritus
Σ [s ss4 Tz., etc.] Lyc. Scholia [s (in ms. Marcianus 476) s(in ms. Neapolitanus II D 4) s(ms. consulted by John Tzetzes', now lost)  Tz. (John Tzetzes' commentary), etc.] on the Cassandra of Lycophron



Ael. Aeolic 
Att. Attic 
Dor.  Doric 
Ep. Epic (Homeric)
Ion. Ionic
Lyr. Lyric


Other Abbreviations

col. column
dep.  deponent
dim. diminuitive
ed. editor
fin.  end
fr. fragment
Hom. Homeric
indecl. indeclinable
init.   beginning
irr.   irregular
metaph. metaphorical
mid. middle
ms. manuscript
pass.  passive
pers.  person
poet. poetic
sq(q).  the following [line(s) or page(s)]
s.v.  under the word
sup. superlative