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Headword | Definitions | Occurrences in the Aeneid |
immō | yes indeed; nay rather, 1.753; but, 9.98. |
4 |
immōbilis, e | (adj.), unmoved, 7.623; immovable, 9.448. |
4 |
immolō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to sprinkle the sacred meal upon the victim; to immolate, sacrifice, 10.519; kill, 10.541. (in- and mola) |
3 |
immortālis, e | (adj.), undying, immortal, unperishable, 6.598. |
4 |
immōtus, a, um | (adj.), unmoved, motionless; immovable, 3.77; (fig.), firm, fixed, steadfast, unchangeable, 1.257. |
12 |
immūgiō, īvī or iī, ītus, 4, n. | to bellow within; roar, resound, 3.674. |
2 |
immulgeō, 2, a. | to milk into, 11.572. |
1 |
immundus, a, um | (adj.), unclean, uncleanly; filthy, foul, noisome, 3.228. |
3 |
immūnis, e | (adj.), free from service; w. gen., exempt, freed from, 12.559. |
1 |
impār, aris | (adj.), unequal, in unequal combat, 1.475; unequally matched. |
4 |
impāstus, a, um | (adj.), unfed; hungry, 9.339. |
3 |
impatiēns, entis | (adj.), impatient, w. genit., 11.639. |
1 |
impavidus, a, um | (adj.), not afraid; fearless, intrepid, 10.717. |
3 |
impediō, īvī or iī, ītus, 4, a. | to hinder, 9.385; hamper, 10.553; involve, intersect, 5.585; combine, 8.449. (1. in and pēs) |
8 |
impellō, pulī, pulsus, 3, a. | to push, thrust, drive to or upon; push onward, impel, 5.242; push, open, 7.621; smite, 1.82; ply, 4.594; put in motion, urge on, 8.3; shoot, 12.856; move, disturb, 3.449; (w. inf.), lead on, impel, induce, persuade, 2.55; force, compel, 1.11. |
19 |
impēnsa, ae, f. (sc. pecūnia) | outlay, cost, expense, 11.228. (impendō) |
1 |
impēnsē | (adv.), (comp.), impēnsius, with unusual or much outlay; carefully, earnestly, 12.20. (impēnsa) |
1 |
impēnsus, a, um | ample, considerate, great, 4.54. |
1 |
imperditus, a, um | (adj.), undestroyed, 10.430. |
1 |
imperfectus, a, um | (adj.), unfinished, 8.428. |
1 |
imperitō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. a. and n. | to command, govern, rule, 12.719. (imperō) |
1 |
imperium, iī, n. | a command, 1.230; absolute command, sway, control, authority, power, 1.54; dominion, 1.138; empire, kingdom, 2.191. (imperō) |
40 |
imperō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. and n. | to command, w. dat.; w. dat. and inf., 7.36. |
4 |
imperterritus, a, um | (adj.), undaunted, 10.770. |
1 |
impetus, ūs, m. | an attack; a strong impulsion; pressure, impulse, impetus, 5.219; vehemence, violence, 2.74. (impetō, attack) |
4 |
impexus, a, um | (adj.), uncombed, untrimmed; shaggy, 7.667. |
1 |
impiger, gra, grum | (adj.), not sluggish, not inactive; quick, not backward, 1.738. |
1 |
impingō, pēgī, pāctus, 3, a. | to fasten upon; drive, dash against, 5.805. (1. in and pangō) |
1 |
impius, a, um | undutiful in sacred relations; iniquitous, impious, 2.163; nefarious, detestable, perfidious, 4.496; with reference to civil war, 6.612; of actions, 4.596. |
10 |
implācābilis, e | (adj.), inexorable, inflexible, 12.3. |
2 |
implācātus, a, um | (adj.), unappeased; insatiable, 3.420. |
1 |
impleō, plēvī, plētus, 2, a. | to fill up; fill, 1.729; with sound, fill, 3.313; reach, 11.896; regale (w. gen.), 1.215; satisfy, 1.716; inspire, 3.434. |
24 |
implicō, āvī or uī, ātus or itus, 1, a., | to fold in; involve, entangle, entwine, 2.215; to wheel, 12.743; (w. dat.), bind to, 11.555; infuse, 1.660; insinuate, mingle, 7.355; sē implicāre, cling to, 2.724. |
13 |
implōrō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to entreat, implore, supplicate, 4.617. |
6 |
impōnō, posuī, positus (p. impostus, 9.716), 3, a. | to put or lay on, in, into, over, upon, 1.49; put, 2.619; place over the dead, erect, build, 6.233; lay down, prescribe, 6.852; (impers.), impositum est, it is incumbent, a necessity, 8.410. |
25 |
importūnus, a, um | (adj.), ill-timed, unseasonable; of birds of ill omen, ominous, inauspicious, 12.864; ill-advised, dangerous, hazardous, 11.305. |
2 |
imprecor, ātus sum, 1, dep. a. | to call down good or, more usually, evil by prayer; to invoke evil upon, imprecate, invoke, 4.629. |
1 |
imprīmīs | (adv.), especially, chiefly, 1.303. |
1 |
imprimō, pressī, pressus, 3, a. | to press into, on, or upon, 4.659; impress, mark; engrave, chase, 5.536. (1. in and premō) |
5 |
improbus, a, um | (adj.), not good; bad; malicious, wicked; cruel, 2.80; savage, 10.727; furiously impelled, destructive, 12.687; unappeasable, ravenous, rapacious, 12.250; importunate, raging, 2.356; of military devices, with warlike craft, 11.512; with murderous intent, 11.767; subst., m., shameless, impudent boaster, braggart, 5.397; wretch, 4.386. |
12 |
improperātus, a, um | (adj.), unhastened; delayed, delaying, 9.798. |
1 |
imprōvidus, a, um | (adj.), not looking before; improvident; unsuspecting, blinded; unprepared, 2.200. |
1 |
imprōvīsō | (adv.), unexpectedly, 8.524. |
2 |
imprōvīsus, a, um | (adj.), unforeseen; unlooked for, unexpected, 1.595. |
5 |
imprūdēns, entis | (adj.), not seeing or knowing beforehand; unconscious, 9.386; unwarned. |
1 |
impūbēs, is or eris | (adj.), not full grown; beardless, 9.751; youthful, 5.546. |
3 |
impulsus, ūs, m. | an impelling; impulse, shock, 8.239. (impellō) |
1 |
impūne | (adv.), without punishment or retribution; with impunity, 3.628; without harm, 12.559. (impūnis, unpunished) |
8 |
īnferus, a, um | (adj.), below, lower; comp., īnferior, ius, lower; less distinguished, inferior, 6.170; superl., īnfimus or īmus, a, um, lowest, deepest, 2.419; inmost, 2.120; below, 4.387; lowest part, bottom of, 3.39; ex īmō, from the foundation, 2.625; īma, ōrum, n., depths. |
4 |
in | (prep. w. acc. or abl.); w. acc., into, unto, to, toward, 1.587, et al.; against, 9.424, et al.; on, upon, 5.426, et al.; in expressions of time, unto, to, for; according to, by; denoting purpose, 12.854, et al.; as, for, 11.771; in adversum, contrary, against, opposite, 8.237; in melius, for the better, 1.281; in numerum, in time or order, 8.453; in ūnum, together; in abruptum, headlong, 3.422; w. abl. of situation, in, on, over, upon, freq.; in the midst of, within, among, 1.109, et al.; for, as, 5.537; on account of, at, 10.446; in respect to, 2.541; after its noun, 6.58. |
769 |
inaccessus, a, um | (adj.), difficult of approach, perilous to be approached; dangerous, 7.11; impervious, 8.195. |
1 |
inaccessus, a, um | (adj.), difficult of approach, perilous to be approached; dangerous, 7.11; impervious, 8.195. |
1 |
Īnachius, a, um | adj. (Īnachus), of Inachus, Inachian; Argive, Greek, 11.286. |
2 |
Īnachus, ī, m. | the first king of Argos, father of Io and Phoroneus, 7.372. |
2 |
inamābilis, e | (adj.), unlovely; odious, abhorred, accursed, 6.438. |
1 |
ināne, is, n. | void space, a void, 12.354. |
2 |
inānis, e | (adj.), empty, void, 3.304; light; vain, idle, fruitless, 4.210; valueless, trivial; little, brief, 4.433; lifeless, unreal, 1.464; shadowy, 6.269; unsubstantial, shadowy, airy, phantom, 6.651; subst., ināne, is, n., void space, a void, 12.354. |
24 |
inārdēscō, ārsī, 3, inc. n. | to take fire; become glowing, glow; be gilded, 8.623. |
1 |
Īnarimē, ēs, f. | an island at the entrance of the Bay of Naples, called also Aenaria and Pithecusa, now Ischia, 9.716. |
1 |
inausus, a, um | (adj.), undared, unattempted, 7.308. |
2 |
incānus, a, um | (adj.), covered over with gray; hoary, 6.809. |
1 |
incassum | (adv.), in vain, 3.345. |
3 |
incautus, a, um | (adj.), unguarded, heedless, 10.386; unsuspecting, 1.350. |
6 |
incēdō, cessī, cessus, 3, a. and n. | to step onward; walk, especially with pomp or dignity; advance, 1.497; move (for am), 1.46, et al.; march, proceed, 9.308. |
10 |
incendium, iī, n. | a burning, conflagration; flame, fire, 2.706; desolation, 1.566; fiery material, firebrand, 9.71. (incendō) |
9 |
incendō, cendī, cēnsus, 3, a. | to set fire to, burn, 2.353; kindle, 3.279; illuminate, 5.88; (fig.), of the mind, fire, inflame, 1.660; arouse, rouse to action, 5.719; excite, irritate, enrage, madden, provoke, 4.360; disturb, rend, fill, 10.895. |
29 |
inceptum, ī, n. | a beginning; deliberation, 11.469; undertaking, design, purpose, 1.37; measure, movement, 12.566. (incipiō) |
9 |
incertus, a, um | (adj.), uncertain, 2.740; wavering; fickle, 2.39; doubtful, 3.7; undistinguished, base, 11.341. |
2 |
incertus, a, um | (adj.), uncertain, 2.740; wavering; fickle, 2.39; doubtful, 3.7; undistinguished, base, 11.341. |
14 |
incessō, cessīvī, 3, intens. a. | to attack, assail, beleaguer, 12.596. (incēdō) |
1 |
incessus, ūs, m. | a walking or advancing; a manner of walking; walk, gait, 1.405. (incēdō) |
2 |
incestō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to defile, pollute, 6.150. (incestus, unclean) |
2 |
incohō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to lay the foundation; begin, essay; to consecrate, 6.252. |
1 |
incidō, cidī, cāsus, 3, n. | to fall into; descend or fall, 2.305; encounter, meet, 11.699; inspire, 9.721. (1. in and cadō) |
6 |
incīdō, cīdī, cīsus, 3, a. | to cut into; cut upon; cut, 3.667. (1. in and caedō) |
2 |
incingō, cīnxī, cīnctus, 3, a. | to gird on, gird about, gird, array, clothe, 7.396. |
1 |
incipiō, cēpī, ceptus, 3, a. | to undertake; begin, 1.721; begin to speak, 2.348; cherish, 12.832. |
24 |
incitus, a, um | (adj.), rapid, swift, 12.534. |
2 |
inclēmentia, ae, f. | unkindness; inclemency, cruelly, severity, 2.602. (inclēmēns, unkind) |
1 |
inclīnō, āvī, ātus, 1, n. | to bend; p., inclīnātus, a, um, bent; bending; declining, tottering, sinking, 12.59. |
1 |
inclūdō, clūsī, clūsus, 3, a. | to shut in, inclose, 6.680; secrete, 2.19; for interclūdō, stop, choke, 7.534; to mount, set, inlay, adorn, 12.211. (1. in and claudō) |
20 |
inclutus, a, um | (adj.), famous, glorious, renowned, 2.82. (rel. to clueō, to be heard of; κλύω, hear; κλυτός, renowned) |
6 |
incognitus, a, um | (adj.), unknown, unnoticed, unperceived, 12.859; not understood, 1.515. |
3 |
incolō, uī, 3, a. and n. | to dwell; inhabit, 6.675. |
2 |
incolumis, e | (adj.), uninjured; unharmed, safe, 2.88. |
9 |
incomitātus, a, um | (adj.), unattended; alone, 2.456. |
2 |
incommodum, ī, n. | detriment, misfortune, woe, 8.74. (incommodus, inconvenient) |
1 |
inconcessus, a, um | (adj.), not allowed; unlawful, 1.651. |
1 |
incōnsultus, a, um | (adj.), uninstructed, unadvised, without advice, 3.452. |
1 |
incrēbrēscō, crēbruī, 3, inc. n. | to become frequent; increase more and more; be spread abroad, 8.14. |
1 |
incrēdibilis, e | (adj.), not to be believed; incredible, strange, 3.294. |
1 |
increpitō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. n. and a. | to make a great noise; to call or cry out to; chide, blame, reproach, 3.454; dare, challenge, 1.738; taunt, 10.900. (increpō) |
4 |
increpō, uī, itus, rarely āvī, ātus, 1, n. and a. | to make a noise or din; resound, 8.527; clash, 12.332; snap, 12.755; (fig.), chide, blame, reprimand, 6.387; taunt, 9.560; (w. cognate acc.), utter, 9.504. |
9 |
incrēscō, crēvī, crētus, 3, n. | to grow in; grow up, 3.46; increase, w. dat., 9.688. |
2 |
incubō, uī, itus, 1, n. | to lie, recline upon, w. abl. or dat., 4.83; rest upon, 1.89. |
3 |
incultus, a, um | (adj.), uncared for, neglected, unshorn, 6.300; wild; subst., inculta, ōrum, n. pl., waste, desert regions, 1.308. |
2 |
incumbō, cubuī, cubitus, 3, n. | to lay one's self upon; lean or recline upon; (w. dat.), lie on or stretch over, 2.205; fall upon, 1.84; bend to, ply, 5.15; hasten, urge, press on, 2.653; overhang, 2.514; press or bend toward, 5.325; (w. ad and acc.), lean, hang, incline, 8.236; absolute, bend to, urge on the work, 4.397. |
20 |
incurrō, currī or cucurrī, cursus, 3, n. | to run into or against; rush upon, charge, 2.409; 11.759. |
5 |
incurvō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. | to bend in; bend, 5.500. |
1 |
incūs, ūdis, f. | an anvil, 7.629. (incūdō, to beat) |
3 |