Several scholars have contributed translations of the core Latin and ancient Greek vocabulary lists, and their efforts are helping Latin and Greek students around the world. If you would like to join them and contribute a new translation, please do! 

The original English lists are downloadable on the site. The translation should be submitted via email as a '.csv' (comma-separated values) file. Other formats, such as .xls are also possible, but .csv is preferred. The data should be in five columns (with headers) ordered as follows: [Headword, Definition, Part of Speech, Semantic Group, Frequency]. Everything, including these headers, should be appear in the language of the translation. The actual order of the words doesn't matter at all.

 An example from the Greek-Polish list would be



Część mowy

Grupa semantyczna


χρή, impf. χρῆν or ἐχρῆν, infin. χρῆναι

trzeba, należy, powinno się (+ inf. lub + acc. c. inf.)

Czasownik: bezosobowy

Etyka i moralność


The important point is to include translated metadata (like "Verb: 1st Conjugation") and translated headers (like "Definition"), because otherwise those values will be stuck appearing in English.

Thank you for your efforts, and please let us know via email if you have any questions.