L. Cornēliō Lentulō Fulviō Flaccō cōnsulibus, quibus Hierō Rōmam vēnerat, etiam contrā Ligurēs intrā Ītaliam bellum gestum est et dē hīs triumphātum. Carthāginiēnsēs tamen bellum reparāre temptābant, Sardiniēnsēs, quī ex condiciōne pācis Rōmānīs pārēre dēbēbant, ad rebellandum impellentēs. Vēnit tamen Rōmam lēgātiō Carthāginiēnsium et pācem impetrāvit.
Defeat of the Lugurians (237 CE); Roman seizure of Sardinia and Corsica (239 BCE)
L. Cornēliō Lentulō Fulviō Flaccō cōnsulibus: ablative absolute with form of esse assumed (AG 419.a). L. Cornelius Lentulus Caudinus and Q. Fulvius Flaccus were consuls in 237 BCE.
Quibus: supply annīs (Hazzard). Antecedent is consulibus
Hierō Rōmam vēnerat: for Hiero II of Syracuse's visit to Rome, see Brev. 3.1.
contrā Ligurēs: [the Ligures] inhabited the upper part of the Po valley. In early times they served as mercenaries in the armies of Carthage. They were not subdued finally by the Romans until after a long and fierce struggle. Genua was their chief city (Hazzard).
dē hīs: "over them," the regular expression used for a triumph celebrated for a victory over an enemy (Hazzard)
Sardiniēnsēs: When a revolt occurred in Sardinia, Rome took advantage of the exhausted condition of Carthage, and demanded the surrender of the island and an additional indemnity of 1200 talents. Corsica was obtained in a similar manner. This was the beginning of the Roman provincial system. Each province was governed by a praetor and paid taxes to the Roman people (Hazzard).
ex condiciōne pācis: i.e., one of the conditions of the outcome of the First Punic War
Rōmānīs pārēre: pāreo takes a dative object.
ad rebellandum: gerundive denoting purpose (AG 500.4)
impellentēs: nominative agreeing with Carthāginiēnsēs and governing Sardiniēnsēs (Hazzard)