Fragment of a funerary lekythos. Names are inscribed above the heads of the three figures: Τιμοκράτης, Κλεόμαχος, Τιμοκράτης. Key Terms and Concepts MIDDLE VS. ACTIVE VOICE MIDDLE VS. PASSIVE VOICE GENITIVE OF AGENT ATHEMATIC MIDDLE VOICE PERSONAL ENDINGS THEMATIC MIDDLE VOICE PERSONAL ENDINGS CONJUGATING THE PRESENT, INDICATIVE, MIDDLE CONJUGATING THE FUTURE, INDICATIVE, MIDDLE CONJUGATING THE PRESENT, INDICATIVE, MIDDLE: CONTRACT VERBS Chapter Navigation Key Terms and Concepts Middle Voice Introduction Active vs. Middle Voice Passive vs. Middle Voice Middle Voice Personal Endings Present Indicative Middle Future Indicative Middle Middle Contract Verbs Exercises 21 Greek Boy 21.1 Book Nav Readings 20.1: LXX Psalm 1 The Middle Voice: Introduction