6.5 The verb throw has the stem -. The rough breathing suggests that the stem was originally ση-, which, when REDUPLICATED, would produce the form σιση– (S 778). When these σ‘s drop out, and the initial ι aspirated, the result is as follows:

  • – → ἱη–  

 The long stem vowel shortens in the plural forms in the same manner as τίθημι.

  • ἱη– for the present tense singular forms
  • ἱε– for the present tense plural forms and infinitive

(S 777, G 374)

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Note that ἵημι conjugates much like τίθημι does. The exception is the 3rd Person Plural, where a peculiar sound change resulted in the ε dropping, and a circumflex over the alpha. Why does this happen for ἵημι and not τίθημι? Great question. 

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