5.9 Like εἰμί, φημί say, assert, is another common verb that exhibits a few irregularities.
φη– is the stem for singular forms.
φα– is the stem for plural forms and the infinitive.
Note here that the long vowel of the stem in the singular forms has been shortened for the plural. This is also a characteristic of the verbs that we cover in the next lesson.
(cf. G 382)
Note that the accent pattern of φημί is the same as εἰμί, which indicates that φημί is – except for the 2nd person singular – also an ENCLITIC. The Present Indicative forms of these two verbs are the ONLY ENCLITIC VERBS in Greek.
- ὡς οἱ Ἕλληνές φασιν, … (= Ἕλληνέσφασιν)
- As the Greeks say…
- ὥσπερ φασίν …
- Just as they say…
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