Note: There is a printable version of these exercises under the "printables" heading to your right.

  1. Write out the alphabet, and the following Greek passage. Pay close attention to the form of the letters and to the placement of accents.

Ἡροδότου Θουρίου ἱστορίης ἀπόδεξις ἥδε, ὡς μήτε τὰ γενόμενα ἐξ ἀνθρώπων τῷ χρόνῳ ἐξίτηλα γένηται, μήτε ἔργα μεγάλα τε καὶ θωμαστά, τὰ μὲν Ἕλλησι, τὰ δὲ βαρβάροισι ἀποδεχθέντα, ἀκλέα γένηται, τά τε ἄλλα καὶ δι’ ἣν αἰτίην ἐπολέμησαν ἀλλήλοισι.


2. Review the combinations below, and write the diphthong or vowel, along with appropriate accent mark, that results.

  1. άὰ =
  2. ά + ὲ =
  3. υί =
  4. ο + έ =
  5. έὲ =
  6. οό =
  7. άὺ =
  8. ίὶ =
  9. α + έ =
  10. ά + ὸ =
  11. όὸ =
  12. έὶ =
  13. ύὺ =
  14. οί =
  15. ε + ά =
  16. όὺ =
  17. αά =
  18. έ + ὸ =
  19. α + ό =
  20. αύ =
  21. εέ =
  22. έ + ὰ =
  23. ιί =
  24. εί =
  25. υύ =
  26. ό + ὲ =
  27. ού =
  28. ο + ά =
  29. έὺ =
  30. όὶ =
  31. άὶ =
  32. αί =
  33. ε + ό =
  34. ό + ὰ =
  35. ύὶ =
  36. εύ = 


3. The following are ancient Greek words and their definitions. Say them out loud in Greek. How do you think the ancient definitions led to the modern ones?  

ἄγγελος messenger

ἀθλητής competitor for a prize

ἀμνηστία forgetting

ἀναρχία a place or time with no ruler

ἀποκάλυψις uncovering, revelation

ἄρωμα spice

ἁρμονία joint, agreement

ἄτομος uncut


βίος life

βοτάνη grass


γένεσις birth

γεωμετρία measuring the earth

γράμμα letter (of the alphabet)

γραφή writing, drawing

γυμνάσιον a place for exercising


δαίµων divinity, demon

διάβολος deceiver

δίπλωμα paper folded in half

δόγμα opinion, decree

δύω two

ἐγώ I

εἰρήνη peace

εὐαγγέλιον (reward for) good news


ζωή life


ἱπποπόταμος river horse

ἱστορία research


καρδία heart

κατάλογος enrollment register

κλῖμαξ ladder

κόσμος order

κρατήρ mixing bowl

κρίσις judgment

κύριος master, Lord

κύκλος circle


μαθηματικά mathematics

μανία madness

μαρτυρία testimony

μηχανικός engineer

μυστήριον secret


οἰκονομία household management

ὂ μικρόν small “o”


παλίνδρομος running backward

παραβολή comparison, parable

ποιητής maker, creater

πολιτικά politics

προφήτης interpreter


ῥαψῳδία recitation

ῥητορική the field of speechmaking

ῥινόκερως horn-nosed


σκελετόν dried out

σοφία wisdom

σπέρμα seed


ὑπόθεσις foundation, principle, plan


φιλοσοφία love of wisdom

φωσφόρος bringing light

φωνή voice


χαρακτήρ mark

χάρισμα grace, gift


ψυχή soul


ὦ μέγα big “o”


The following are lists of ancient Greek words and an additional word to be added to each of them. Combine them to form modern English words.  

+ λόγος word, understanding, account

ἀρχαῖος ancient

ἀστέροι stars

βίος life

εὖ well

ζῷον living thing

θεός god

μῦθος story

οἶκος home (hint: οι is later pronounced e)

τέχνη skill

χρόνος time


+ σαῦρος lizard

ἄλλος other

ἀπάτη deception

βροντή thunder

δεῖνος awesome

στέγος roof

τύραννος tyrant


+ γόνυ knee + γραμμή line

πέντε five

ἕξ six

ἑπτά seven

ὀκτώ eight

δέκα ten

δώδεκα twelve


+ ἰατρικά healing, medical

βαρύς weight

παιδίον little child

ποδές feet

ψυχή soul

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