GIS-created map showing important places and tribes in Caesar's Gallic War, by Daniel Plekhov

Historical maps relevant to the Gallic War by various hands

Maps of All Gaul

Maps for Book 1

Maps for Book 2

Maps for Book 3

Maps for Book 4

Maps for Book 5

Maps for Book 6

Maps for Book 7

All Gallic War Maps

Other items of interest

Julius Caesar's Art of War, maps to accompany BG Books 1-7, made using Google Earth by Antonio Salinas.

Introduction to the Gallic Wars, Caesar, and the organization of the Roman army by Arthur Tappan Walker


AP Latin

Roman Customs relevant to the Gallic ethnography in Book 6

Sihler's Lexicon E. G. Sihler, A Complete Lexicon of the Latinity of Caesar's Gallic War (Boston, Ginn and Co., 1891) in .pdf format.

Vita Caesaris Latina Brief biography of Julius Caesar in Latin, from Dinter's Teubner edition of Caesar's works, based on various ancient and modern sources.

Argumenta Outline of the Gallic War in Latin, from Dinter's Teubner edition of Caesar's works.

Caesar Links A small selection of links with good scholarly content

Latin Sight Reading Latin sight passages (with some glosses) of comparable difficulty to the Caesar selections.

List of Caesarian Idioms, from Harper and Tolman

Common Latin Idioms from D'Ooge, Easy Latin for Sight Reading

Caesar for Beginners The Helvetic War (1841). Breaks Caesar into very simple sentences, and one word or phrase or tense shift is added at a time, so the learner reads with a huge amount of repetition. Thanks to Evan Millner for the link. Listen to Evan read this aloud here.

Google Earth interactive map of all places and tribes mentioned in the selections (note that Google Earth map files [.kmz] require a free download of Google Earth to view). You can move around and drill down to see exact locations and terrain, and each place is annotated with Latin terms Caesar uses to describe it, and information about what it is. Just click on the place marks.