Quae cīvitātēs commodius suam rem pūblicam administrāre exīstimantur habent lēgibus sānctum, sī quis quid dē rē pūblicā ā fīnitimīs rūmōre aut fāmā accēperit, utī ad magistrātum dēferat nēve cum quō aliō commūnicet: quod saepe hominēs temerāriōs atque imperītōs falsīs rūmōribus terrērī et ad facinus impellī et dē summīs rēbus cōnsilium capere cōgnitum est. Magistrātūs quae vīsa sunt occultant, quaeque esse ex ūsū iūdicāvērunt multitūdinī prōdunt. Dē rē pūblicā nisi per concilium loquī nōn concēditur.

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    legibus sanctum: 'established by law', agreeing with the clause si…communicet (obj. of habent) (Allen & Judson).

    quo: indef., 'any one' (nequis) (Allen & Judson) (A&G 310).

    neve: 'and that not', the regular connective for a negative purpose clause (Allen & Greenough) (A&G 531).

    neve…communicet: 'and not impart it to any one else'. Since neve contains the particle ne, quo (from quis) is the proper indefinite (Hodges) (A&G 310.a).

    quae visa sunt: what they think fit to conceal (understand occultanda) (Allen & Greenough)

    ex usu: 'of advantage' (Hodges) (A&G 221.11.c).

    com-mŏdus, a, um: suitable, due, proper

    admĭnistro, -āre: execute, perform, carry out, govern, manage

    fīnĭtĭmus, -a, -um: bordering upon, adjoining, neighboring

    rūmor, -ōris m.: report, rumor

    măgistrātus, ūs m.: magister, civil office

    ve adv.: and not, nor, lest

    commūnĭco, -āre: divide something with one, impart, share, communicate 

    tĕmĕrārĭus, -a, -um: reckless

    impĕrītus, -a, -um: inexperienced

    impello, -ĕre, -pŭli, -pulsum: incite, urge on, influence

    occulto, -āre: conceal

    concĭlĭum, ii, n.: gathering, assembly

    con-cēdo, -ere, -cessi, -cessum: grant, concede, allow, resign, yield

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    Christopher Francese, Caesar: Selections from the Gallic War. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2011, revised and enlarged 2018. ISBN: 978-1-947822-02-3. https://dcc.dickinson.edu/caesar/book-6/chapter-6-20