Headword Definition Part of Speech Semantic Group Frequency Rank
amīcitia -ae f. friendship Noun: 1st Declension Social Life 690
anima -ae f. breath, spirit Noun: 1st Declension Life and Being 493
aqua -ae f. water Noun: 1st Declension Earth and Water 272
āra -ae f. altar Noun: 1st Declension Religion 374
aura -ae f. breeze Noun: 1st Declension Air and Fire 420
causa -ae f. cause, reason; causā + preceding genitive, for the sake of Noun: 1st Declension Speech/Oratory 107
coma -ae f. hair, tresses Noun: 1st Declension The Body 405
cōpia -ae f. abundance; (pl.) troops Noun: 1st Declension War and Peace 331
culpa -ae f. guilt, fault, blame Noun: 1st Declension Justice 769
cūra -ae f. care, concern Noun: 1st Declension Love 186
disciplīna -ae f. training, instruction; learning, discipline Noun: 1st Declension Education/Knowledge 982
dīvitiae -ārum f. pl. riches, wealth Noun: 1st Declension Business/Money 712
epistula -ae f. letter Noun: 1st Declension Writing/Poetry 951
fābula -ae f. account, tale, story Noun: 1st Declension Writing/Poetry 966
fāma -ae f. rumor, fame Noun: 1st Declension Speech/Oratory 278
familia -ae f. household, family Noun: 1st Declension The Household 943
fēmina -ae f. woman Noun: 1st Declension People 501
fīlia -ae f.; fīlius -ī m. daughter; son Noun: 1st Declension The Household 909
flamma -ae f. flame, fire Noun: 1st Declension Air and Fire 298
fōrma -ae f. shape; beauty Noun: 1st Declension Other Senses 422
fortūna -ae f. fortune Noun: 1st Declension Religion 138
fuga -ae f. flight, route Noun: 1st Declension Travel 364
glōria -ae f. glory, fame Noun: 1st Declension Social Life 360
grātia -ae f. favor, influence, gratitude Noun: 1st Declension Social Life 380
hōra -ae f. hour Noun: 1st Declension Lengths of Time 664
iniūria -ae f.: injustice, wrong, affront Noun: 1st Declension Justice 381
īnsula -ae f.: island Noun: 1st Declension Geography 908
invidia -ae f. envy, jealousy, hatred Noun: 1st Declension Emotions 707
īra irae f. wrath, anger Noun: 1st Declension Emotions 187
lacrima -ae f. tear Noun: 1st Declension Emotions 354
lingua -ae f. tongue; language Noun: 1st Declension The Body 732
littera -ae f. letter, (pl.) literature Noun: 1st Declension Writing/Poetry 710
lūna -ae f. moon Noun: 1st Declension Air and Fire 902
māteria -ae f. material, subject matter; timber, lumber Noun: 1st Declension Speech/Oratory 857
memoria -ae f. recollection, memory Noun: 1st Declension Education/Knowledge 627
mēnsa -ae f. table Noun: 1st Declension The House 747
mora -ae f. delay, hindrance Noun: 1st Declension Time 399
nātūra -ae f. nature Noun: 1st Declension Life and Being 180
opera -ae f. labor, activity, work Noun: 1st Declension Business/Money 843
patria -ae f. fatherland, country Noun: 1st Declension Geography 342
pecūnia -ae f. money Noun: 1st Declension Business/Money 530
poena -ae f. penalty, punishment Noun: 1st Declension Justice 223
poēta -ae m. poet Noun: 1st Declension Writing/Poetry 913
porta -ae f. gate Noun: 1st Declension The City 759
praeda -ae f. booty, prey Noun: 1st Declension War and Peace 626
prōvincia -ae f. province; official duty Noun: 1st Declension The City 620
puella -ae f. girl; girl-friend Noun: 1st Declension People 233
pūgna -ae f. fist-fight; battle Noun: 1st Declension Violence 650
rīpa -ae f. bank of a river Noun: 1st Declension Earth and Water 662
sapientia -ae f. wisdom Noun: 1st Declension Education/Knowledge 797
scientia -ae f. knowledge Noun: 1st Declension Education/Knowledge 971
sententia -ae f. opinion, judgment Noun: 1st Declension Education/Knowledge 586
silva -ae f. forest, grove Noun: 1st Declension Animals/Plants 234
stella -ae f. star Noun: 1st Declension Air and Fire 934
tenebrae -brārum f. pl. darkness, the shadows Noun: 1st Declension Vision 775
terra -ae f. land Noun: 1st Declension Earth and Water 70
turba -ae f. crowd, uproar Noun: 1st Declension The City 323
via -ae f. way, street Noun: 1st Declension Travel 196
victōria -ae f. victory Noun: 1st Declension War and Peace 750
vīta -ae f. life Noun: 1st Declension Life and Being 87
umbra -ae f. shade, shadow Noun: 1st Declension Vision 257
unda -ae f. wave, flowing water, water Noun: 1st Declension Earth and Water 207