Aeolus haec contrā: 'Tuus, ō rēgīna, quid optēs

explōrāre labor; mihi iussa capessere fās est.

Tū mihi quodcumque hoc rēgnī, tū scēptra Iovemque

conciliās, tū dās epulīs accumbere dīvum

nimbōrumque facis tempestātumque potentem.'80

Manuscripts: M | R

Immensely flattered, Aeolus agrees (Austin). 

76: haec contra: sc. loquitur (F-B). tuus explorare labor: sc. est. Note the shifting of all the responsibility for the act upon Juno herself (Walpole). quid optes: subj. of indirect question (Wetherell). Direct question = quid optas (Walpole) (AG 574).

77: explorare: in predicate apposition to labor (est) (Carter). mihi: dat. of reference (Wetherell). capessere: frequentative (Walpole) (AG 263, 2b). fas est: “it is a sacred duty” (Wetherell).

78–79: tu...tu...tu: notice the emphatic repetition of the personal pronoun (Carter).

78: tu mihi: in strong juxtaposition (F-B). quodcumque...hoc: understand est (F-B). regni: partitive genitive with hoc (F-B) (AG 346). sceptra Iovemque: “the might of Jupiter” (Walpole).

79: concilias: This verb which  = (1) “make favourable” or “friendly” and (2) “win” or “secure for,” goes strictly with Iovem and more loosely with quodcumque hoc regni and sceptra (Page). das accumbere: sc. mihi, “you grant to me (the privilege) to recline at.” The Greeks and Romans reclined at meals. epulis: dative with a compound verb (F-B) (AG 370a). Local abl. (C-R) (AG 429.4). divum: = divorum (Carter) (AG 49g note).

80: nimborum: gen. after potens (Robertson). facis potentem: sc. me, “you make me powerful over” (+ gen.).

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Suggested Citation

Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5.