A large marble stele with a law against Tyranny, with a relief of Democracy crowning Demos. The law, also known as the Decree of Eucrates, forbids cooperation with those plotting a coup against the democracy, and calls for the acquittal of anyone accused of murdering the tyrant. 337 B.C.



    Museum Guide (2014), pp. 32, 151, fig. 91.

    Hesperia 82 (2013), pp. 440, 448, 449, n. 35.

    Camp and Mauzy (2009), p. 107, fig. 113.

    AgoraPicBk 27 (2006), p. 48, fig. 52.

    AgoraPicBk 4 (2004), p. 18, fig. 20, frontpage.

    Hesperia 72 (2003), p. 454, fig. 7, n. 18, p. 463, table 1.

    Baumer (1997), p. 78, no. 569.

    Hesperia 64 (1995), p. 121, n. 1.

    Lawton (1995), pl. 38.

    Tracy (1995), p. 8, no. 7.

    Guide (1990), p. 249, fig. 153

    AM-BH 13 (1989), no. A 97, pl. 30.

    AM 103 (1988), p. 140, no. 108.

    Camp (1986), p. 154.

    LIMC III (1986), p. 373, n. 7.

    AgoraPicBk 19 (1980), p. 21, fig. 42.

    Palagia (1980), pl. 43.

    Guide (1976), p. 188, fig. 98.

    AJA 71 (1967), no. 1, pl. 15, fig. 7.

    Guide (1962), pp. 123-124, pl. VIII.

    Mossè (1962), p. 282, no. 3.

    AgoraPicBk 4 (1960), fig. 29.

    Pouilloux (1960), pp. 121-124.

    AJP 79 (1958), pp. 71-73.

    Πολεμων ΣΤ'(1957), p. ΚΗ f’.

    Webster (1956b), p. 49, pl. 8.

    TAPA 86 (1955), pp. 103-128.

    Hesperia 22 (1953), pp. 51-53, pl. 20a.

    JHS 73 (1953), p. 111, pl. 1.

    Hesperia 21 (1952), p. 355, no. 5, pl. 90.

    Νεα Εστια (11 July 1952), τευχος 6.

    Προοδευτικη Αλλαγη (εφημεριδα, 5 April 1953).

    Agora III, no. 386, pp. 126-127.

    Agora XIV, no. 173, pp. 61, 102, pl. 53.

    Agora XXVIII, no. 28, p. 134.

    IG II-III3,1,2, 320.

    337 BC
    Athens, Greece
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