Interim in Macedoniā quīdam Pseudophilippus arma mōvit et Rōmānum praetōrem P. Iuventium contrā sē missum ad interneciōnem vīcit. Post eum Q. Caecilius Metellus dux ā Rōmānīs contrā Pseudophilippum missus est et XXV mīlibus eius occīsīs Macedoniam recēpit. Ipsum etiam Pseudophilippum in potestātem suam redēgit.

The Defeat of Andriscus (Pseudo-Philippus) (148 BCE)

Livy, Epitome 49–50; Diodorus Siculus 31.40 and 32.15.

Pseudophilippus: Andriscus, a fuller from Crete serving in the Syrian army, pretended to be Philip, the dead son of Perseus. Imprisoned by the Romans he either escaped or was freed and went to Thrace, where he won over the local dynasty and with their help invaded Macedonia. In 148 BCE he defeated and killed P. Iuventius Thalna, but Q. Caecilius Metullus arrived with a larger army and after an initial setback defeated Andriscus near Pydna. Andriscus was surrendered to the Romans by a Thracian chief, graced Metullus' triumph and was executed (Bird).

praetōrem: The praetor was one of the chief magistrates at Rome, next to the consuls. The number varied at different times. After Sulla's time there were eight. The duties of the praetor were to administer justice, and in the absence of the consuls to act in their place. Praetors were also sent to govern provinces subject to Rome (Hazzard).

ad interneciōnem: "to the point of destruction" (Hazzard)

XXV mīlibus eius occīsīs: ablative absolute using a perfect passive participle (AG 419); eius refers to Pseudophilippus.

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