Aeneas, standing in the bow of the flagship of his fleet, comes across sea nymphs, the former Trojan ships.

    Aeneas, im Bug des Flaggschiffs einer Flotte stehend, begegnet auf dem Meer den Nymphen, den ehemaligen trojanishcen Schiffen. (Suerbaum)

    Engraving from a German children’s picture-book version of the Aeneid by G. J. Lang and G. C. Eimmart, “A tapestry of Roman virtues as seen in Vergil’s Aeneas and his brave deeds, rendered in sparkling engravings, as illustrations of the remarkable deeds of antiquity, for the common benefit of noble youth,” (Peplus virtutum Romanarum in Aenea Virgiliano eiusque rebus fortiter gestis, ad maiorem antiquitatis et rerum lucem, communi iuventutis sacratae bono, aere renitens) (Nuremburg: J.L. Buggel, 1688), pl. 42.



    During Aeneas' return trip from Pallanteum, the former fleet of Aeneas approaches him in the middle of the night as sea nymphs. Cymodocea, one of the nymphs, addresses Aeneas and tells him of the fighting that has broken out at Alba Longa. She is likely the nymph in the center of the engraving, with one arm outstretched, as described at lines 225 and 226. (Lucy McInerney)

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    Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
    Lib. X. Aen. v. 219. Atque illi medio in spatio, chorus ecce suarum./ Occuurrit comitum:/ usque 235.
    Bavarian State Library, Munich
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