Fr. 103

       Ἥρως ὦ κατὰ πρύμναν, ἐπεὶ τόδε κύρβις ἀείδει

    Fr. 103 Harder (= 103 Pf., = 206 Mass.) P.Mil.Vogl. I 18 col. V 3
       sq. [image], 
    Trismegistos 59371

    The subject of this aition is a monument that stood in the harbor at Phaleron, called the “hero of the stern.” Callimachus connects it with Androgeos, the son of Minos, who was killed by the Athenians; A. Hollis (1992, p. 7) argues that the statue was erected in expiation for the death of Androgeοs. The news of Androgeos’ death is the proximate cause for Minos sacrificing to the Graces of Paros without flutes or garlands, subject of the first aition in Aetia 1.



    Hollis, Adrian. 1992. "Attica in Hellenistic Poetry." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 93:1-15.

    Fr. 103

    ἥρως ἥρωος, ὁ: hero

    πρύμνα -ης, ἡ: the stern of a ship

    κύρβις κύρβεως, ἡ: a pillar or tablet with inscriptions; (usually in pl. κύρβεις, -εων, αἱ) triangular tablets on which laws were inscribed in early Athens 

    Fr. 103a Harder (= Diegesis V 3-8; 1.103 Pf.) P.Mil.Vogl. I 18 col. V 3-8 [image], Trismegistos 59371

           Ἥρως ὦ κατὰ πρύμναν, ἐπεὶ τόδε κύρβις

                   ἀείδει Φησὶν ὅτι ὁ καλούμενος "κα-

                   τὰ πρύμναν ἥρως" Ἀνδρόγεώς ἐστιν· . . .

                   πάλαι γὰρ ἐνταῦθα τὸν Φαληρικὸν

    5            ὅρμον εἶναι, οὗ τὰς ναῦς ὁρμίζεσθαι

                   πρὶν γενέσθαι τὸν Πειραιᾶ.


    "O hero at the stern, since the tablet sings this"

         He says that the so-called

         "Hero at the Stern" is Androgeos. . .

         For long ago, the Phalerian harbor

         was there, where ships would anchor5

         before Piraeus was built.

    Fr. 103

    O hero at the stern, since the tablet sings this

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    Suggested Citation

    Susan Stephens, Callimachus: Aetia. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-947822-07-8.